Hinata Shoyo had to move to Tokyo due to his mother work and Hinata had no choice but to go Teiko Junior high there he meets Atsushi and becomes good friends with him. Atsushi convinced him to join the basketball club and after joining Hinata become known as the Raven Prince. Warning Yaoi with some mental abuse don't read if this triggers you.
*I do not own Kuroko no Basuke or Haikyu the rights goes to Tadatoshi Fujimaki and Haruichi Furudate this story will contain yaoi scenes as well as show hints of abuse so if you don't like it then please skip over it or not read the story*
Shoyo was super excited he is starting a new school in Tokyo since his mother has gotten a new job over there, as Shoyo walked towards to school he saw someone eating snacks and walking Shoyo being the small nice boy he was run up to him and tagged on the taller teen shirt. The taller teen stopped and turned around and saw a small boy with orange hair and before Shoyo could say anything he was picked up by the taller teen and put onto his shoulder. Shoyo quickly shouted, " oi put me down!" Shoyo started hitting the teen as they walked then he heard the teen say " my name is Atsushi Murasakibara what's your name?" Shoyo stopped hitting him and laid his head down and whispers " my name is Shoyo Hinata" Shoyo looked up and saw his new school Teiko Junior High he heard from a lot of people that their basketball club was very powerful and that people can join more than one sports club.
As they walked through the gate Shoyo noticed people looking at them and he started to feel embarrassed and whispers softly to his new friend " Murasakibara can you put me down please?" Murasakibara who was happily eating away the snacks looked stopped and answered back " no I will take you to wherever you need to go little bunny" Shoyo was about to argue with the male teen but then decided to just let it go, as they got inside the school building Atsushi outs him down so he gets his slippers as he watched the young ball of happiness he smiled softly before he asked him " little bunny what class are you in?" Shoyo looked and pulled out his schedule before answering back am in class 1-5 Murasakibara just smiled softly and said: " good where in the same class then". Shoyo smiles happily as they walked together towards there classroom.
As they reach the classroom Shoyo started to feel nervous and he felt like he was going to be sick Atsushi noticed his friend's condition and gently put his hand on his head and leans down to whisper " Shoyo it's okay am here" Shoyo relaxed as he walked inside and saw all eyes on him, he started to panic again but felt a hand rest on his shoulder and he calmed down . The teacher coughed and said " students this is our new transfer student why don't you introduce yourself and Murasakibara please go and sit down" Murasakibara walked off to his sit and Shoyo smiled nervously " my name is Shoyo Hinata and enjoy Volleyball and basketball a lot" he then bowed and smiled when he heard people clap and some even saying welcome. The teacher claps his hands and said: " ok students that's enough Hinata why don't you go and sit next to Murasakibara since you two seem to have gotten along".
Shoyo nodded his head and made his way towards Murasakibara and sits down as class started Shoyo tried his best to focus but was struggling a bit since he was never good at studying as the class went on he found himself looking at the clock and hoping that break time will start soon. It's like the gods have heard his prayers because as soon as he wishes for break time to start he heard the bells ring and he quickly said thank you to whoever heard him. As he took out his sit he took a peek at Murasakibara who he noticed was looking right back him Hinata quickly blushed and then went back to pay attention to the teacher, Murasakibara chuckled softly and he started to wonder why this short boy who reminded him of a bunny gives him a funny feeling a feeling he wasn't quite sure about. As class come to the end and it was time to get something to eat Murasakibara took it upon himself to ask Shoyo for lunch which to his surprise the young boy jump at.
Murasakibara then smiled and picked him up and Shoyo quickly let out a squeak and looked at him before saying " are you really picking me up again Murasakibara" Murasakibara just smiled and walked off as Shoyo looked around he saw people whispering and Hinata was close to telling off Murasakibara until he heard someone shout Murasakibara's name. Hinata looked down from his new friend's shoulder only to find a teen with red hair looking at them something about him made Hinata nervous but also excited, the red-haired teen then asked: " Murasakibara who's that on your shoulders?" Murasakibara was about to answer when Hinata shouted " my name is Hinata Shoyo if and am in the same class as Murasakibara" The red-haired teen smiled and said " well then Hinata my name is Seijuro Akashi and am the captain for the Generation of Miracles" Hinata eyes widen and then whispers softly " am so sorry for being rude I have heard that the generation of miracles where powerful if I had known you where the captain I would have been more respectful " Seijuro alongside Murasakibara eyes widen in shock and then a smile formed on both faces as Seijuro said " Hinata why don't you join us and become part of the generation of miracles"
Hinata looked at them and said, " are you sure am not as …" before Hinata could finish what he said Murasakibara answered " you are strong and powerful Hinata I can tell that you are fast and have a good jump you well make a good small forward" Hinata smiled softly and whispers " am ready to do this with you" the two boys smiled and then they heard the bell ring. As Murasakibara walked back to class with Hinata still on his shoulder he hard Seijuro shout " see you after class" Hinata smiled and his eyes sparkled with excitement and Murasakibara just laughed becoming excited and knowing that the team would change for the better now that he convinced Hinata to join.