
The questions

Tác giả: GodOfWar123
Realistic Fiction
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What is The questions

Đọc tiểu thuyết The questions của tác giả GodOfWar123 được xuất bản trên WebNovel."What is normal" Dio wondered.Is it going with the flow or is it what your surrounding made you perceived.The was a time Dio just went with the flow as everyone else, but everything changed. He Starte...

Tóm tắt

"What is normal" Dio wondered. Is it going with the flow or is it what your surrounding made you perceived. The was a time Dio just went with the flow as everyone else, but everything changed. He Started look at life from a different perspective. Looking for meaning in everything in it. The constant question kept on coming. Life now felt so clear, with every question answered another arise. Until he got more than he bargained for. I wonder how it will all proceed I wonder when everything will align. Follow Dio's life and discover more about how he tackles life him with constant questions in his mind.

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