
Breakfast Break Down

We get crepes again and walk across the street to the park. He takes the blanket out of his backpack and puts it down on the grass. I put the crepes and cokes down on the blanket.

He smiles at me.

"Hehe, why you smiling at me like that?" I ask.

"You just look beautiful today." He replies.

"Uh-Oh." I stutter. He's sweet.

"I mean not that you aren't always beautiful! Just like right now it stands out." He says nervously.

I giggle.

"Relax Dylan." I say. We eat our food and talk about the stupid times like the time I said the clouds were moving so fast or the time he threw sand in some kids eyes while me and him were at the beach.

"Hey didn't you do the Acting program right there." He points at the building right next to this park.

"Oh, Yeah!" I say. I remember that day me and him danced. I remember every second of it.

"You were there with him huh."

"W-what.." I say.

"That's why this park is important to you. You two did that program together." He says.

I look down. "Yeah...and we danced under the stars that night....he left me with a memory of a night I will never forget...." I say.

"Under the stars....You really were special to him....No guy would do any of this if he didn't care...." He says. And he's right...Liam wouldn't have done any of this the dance, the kiss, the pendant, the messages, and the book if he really didn't care. He's looking for me because I love him and I've had this pendant for three days now and haven't done anything.....it's time to do something.

"We can't just sit around!" I jump up.

"What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow. I'm leaving."

"Wait What?!"

"I have to find him! He's out there looking for me! I can't just sit around and not look for him!"

"We can't just leave tomorrow Ella." Dylan says.

"No, we can't I need to talk to him first, but we are leaving....soon." I say.

"What about our parents?!" Dylan says.

"We can figure it out later!" I say.

"Ella!" He snaps. "Are you serious?! You just want to throw you're life away for this guy that you barely know! You are crazy to just throw away your future! To throw away your family! To find some guy-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE!" I yell. I start to cry. "You don't know what it's like to love someone.....and lose them.....you look for them forever to keep a promise.....but you can't....and it hurts you....it eats you alive.....because he was the love of your life.....he is the one...." I cry harder.

"Ella I'm sorry...." He says. He doesn't understand....no one does....

"No! Leave me alone!" I snap. I turn into a dog.

"Ella!" he yells as I run away. I run faster. Ella will not look back...I think....I won't look back....I refuse to look back....but i can't help it...I take one glance back as he fades away into the distance...

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