
Chapter 1: The World of Immortality

I am by birth a memory device. Born within one of the most distinguished families in existence, I am no more than a puppet to them. My parents had been for many years counselors and wealthy businessmen. And within this ageless, timeless, decrepit world I live in… They only grew more powerful throughout the countless years of their disgusting immortal lives they brought me upon… Yes, I hate my parents… I hate this day-to-day life I'm forced to live in.

Chapter 1: The World of Immortality

Journal Entry 1.0

I live in a world where our age means nothing, time means nothing… A world where we humans are immortal and incapable of aging and dying. My birth is something that is an oddity, see… We, humans, can't even be considered humans anymore due to how far our technology progressed. Our brains can upload the personality and strengths of great beings that come across the world, we hold no nearly no individuality because of this. Though, it's something only the wealthy can do. The people birthed organically and matured at a normal rate would always be bound within their star's systems. However, that is beside the point.

My name is Eteth, I have over 1000 living family members. I know, immortality is a damn bitch. Especially for family gatherings, 1000 people is something that's way too much.

When I was born I had the memories of a neutralized hero of a country I'm the only individual who was able to carry his legacy due to how little he supported the brain uploads or whatever. With this, I have his distinctive features, pure white hair, fair skin, and height. I have his memories drilled into my mind, but nothing about the conflict in the past. I was born a perfect human, with the memories, body, and talents of a hero. However, I doubt I can ever achieve what he ever achieved. He defeated and led battles while being on the front lines. And I'm too scared to even talk to my parents at times…

Only one of his brain uploads existed and was sold at an auction. After that, he was captured by a clan named "Yetzvaherah" or the "Counter to the Blackened Vision." Tortured to a comatose state, and then incinerated beyond recovery. And because humans are incapable of dying, this hero was still floating around in the depths of space. However, that was a story a hundred years ago… Kinda fishy.

Going back to my birth, my parents outbid every other higher-ranking family in an auction. Spending several hundred trillion in funds to solidify my existence, my mom wasn't even pregnant with me during the auction! Such blasphemy, as if my existence was solely to carry a legacy of a neutralized hero, which it was. Even if he may be the greatest in history.

After they won the brain download, they of course quickly decided to have a child and birth my existence here.

And with the circumstances of my birth, I have a pretty bad reputation in the space colony I live in.

Honestly, I have so much more to write about my life here stuck in a space colony doing boring military work. These logs will never end…

End Log

"I hate writing stuff like this…" I groaned under my breath. "I wish everything was more interesting,"

I grumbled, living inside of a 200,000 Mile long space colony was something I disliked. Even if it was such an absurd size. Leaning back into my chair, I kicked my legs onto my desk violently. Shaking everything that was onto it, rattling the room. The metal tablet that I was just writing on blinked on.

"Say, Eteth… Your words to your parents are not the utmost suitable for you. Your mother and father will be deeply hurt about the journal you wrote."

The Artificial Intelligence complained about the vulgar entry I wrote about my family.

"And I am especially hurt about you treating me as if I am garbage! I am supposed to be your assistant throughout your immortal life. Are you even listening?"

So annoying, I don't need something new to bug me. This thing's name is Cel, Cel is the artificial intelligence that supports me through my day-to-day life. But they're mostly more like smarter alarm clocks compared to an assistant. The hunk of junk scolded me from a distance, angrily lecturing me about basic human norms and rules that I have to follow especially because I came from a particularly wealthy family.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I GOT IT," I responded loudly, making Cel stop speaking abruptly.

Good, it shut up. I didn't need another parent, especially since it was a piece of metal giving me a headache. I let out an exhale from my mouth as I stared upwards at the ceiling light. The light was dim due to the time reaching 9:00 Pm. Within 3 hours we are required to "Sleep" even if we hold tireless bodies.

The reason we require sleep now is to increase our sanity levels. Honestly, with this advancement of technology, nothing wasn't impossible. We were able to overcome our biological weaknesses like sleep, fatigue, hunger, and thirst. The weakness of the limited resources on a planet we originated from.

I thought to myself, losing myself in the depths of my mind. Though, when I was stuck in these thoughts I heard a ding. And then a flying kick smashed into the side of my head, I was completely caught off guard by this sort of action. I wasn't even able to form a word.

I hit the floor before I could even notice. I felt my head have a great taste of the carpet.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I fell out of my chair and then onto the ground, my hands instinctively pressed against the side of my neck. Was this idiot trying to kill me even if it was impossible? But damn, that hurt like hell. My eyes opened slowly as I raised my head. When my eyes met the perpetrator, I suddenly felt a feeling of repulsion… Vaelel Acta, my roommate, and HUMAN assistant. Though sure as hell she wasn't being an assistant right now.

Vaelel looks like a young woman in her mid 20's, her hair color starts being gray from the tip and jet black from the top of her head. She seems to be an energetic young woman, even if she's pretty short. However, don't let her looks deceive you. She's one of the oldest humans to ever exist, and worse she has a personality of a rock. Stubborn, conscientious, and firm. An absolute nightmare to deal with. She's been my Assistant from the start of my birth and is a better parent compared to my biological ones. But, that's beside the point. The words that come from her mouth are painful, especially to the people who she looks over.

"Eteth, Cel informed me that you wrote something vulgar against your parents again?"

Vaelel responded to me in disappointment, due to her being a devoted assistant to my family, she wouldn't take any insult to my parents lightly especially from me. She decided to take it upon herself and teach me from the ground up. Saying "I'll make Eteth the greatest gentleman to ever grace the colonies."

Greatest Gentleman my ass, I'm born as a memory device and forced to follow the "Great Hero's" legacy. God damn it, I was even more pissed about Cel. Cel was such an annoying bastard even if they were a hunk of metal. Should I scrap them and turn them into money? I've heard high-end Artificial Intelligence sells for a good price. Standing upright, I cracked my neck back into place. I then cracked a smile across my face, as I looked down upon Vaelel. Her annoyed look reflected pretty well.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll apologize…"

I responded in half defeat, arguing with her was like arguing with a brick wall. Her unfound stubbornness was even hard for me to deal with even though she's been with me since my birth. Vaelel gave me an annoyed scowl, drilling her index finger into the metal plate that held my name and identification number.

"You're supposed to act more like the hero Odrlin."

She responded in annoyance at my carefree attitude, Odrlin was the hero I was talking about. It's whatever, even if I have his memories I'm still Eteth. I don't know why she was talking about the Hero, but I can guess fairly well that some of her concerns arise from me being so expensive.

"Are you even listening to me? You're even worse than your father."

My eyelids twitched from her comment, I waved my right hand across her face. Waving her off from me, she did not need to mention my father.

"I already said I'm sorry, I'm going to sleep."

Vaelel tried responding in retaliation. However, nothing came out of her mouth. She just let out an exasperated exhale, as she then disappeared. I then dragged my sorry ass onto the bed, laying down on the bed. How was that an act? I could win an acting medal! She left before she could have lectured me even more. I exhaled from my nose and responded in a singular word.


"I heard that"

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