
Chapter 411 Sliding Tire

Recently, the weather has turned cold, and the waves by the sea are blowing, and there is always an inexplicable sadness.

After Xie Jingchuan got off the bus, he went to the villa and just stepped into the door, only to find that the reason was dark.

Xie Jingchuan used to train night vision in the military department, although in such an opaque environment, he could catch Sherry lying on the dining table at a glance.

Without a sound, Xie Jingchuan approached her and surrounded her body.

Sherry stiffened and looked up slowly. She was still awake.

"Why don't you turn on the lights?" Xie Jingchuan's voice is not loud, but in such a quiet environment, Sherry can hear it clearly.

"My mother went out, I was a little tired, so I had a rest here." Sherry said, she kept her head down, and Xie Jingchuan couldn't see her expression.

Qin Xinwan felt that tonight was their two-person world, and he also found a reason to go out.

So Sherry waited here and waited until he fell asleep.