
Chapter 13: Gym Session!

Changing name of [Stone Eyes] to [Eyes of Petrification]

Changing description of it from [Can only be used on someone same strength or weaker] to [Can be used on anybody as long as they're not strong enough to resist/break out of it], since imo that makes it better for balanced purposes.

Also, this fic is top 3 on 3 of the fanfic rankings, so thank you for all the support!

(Eyes suggestions, their conditions to unlock them and possible conditions to upgrade them if they're upgradeable eyes Here) - Please actually put conditions and whatnot, as that's the important thing for this fic.


It was now Sunday, the day after Ren had exchanged numbers with the third years, and the only free day he gets in the week since schools in Japan goes on from Monday to Saturday.

Currently, Ren was taking a light jog to the gym, where he was going to meet Nejire and Mirio as they were the only ones free today.

Whilst on his jog, Ren saw a familiar girl with periwinkle hair waiting to cross the street in casual clothing a minute or so away from the gym.

"Yo, Nejire!" Ren called out from behind which caused her to turn around as a smile appeared on her face and she waved towards him

"Ren!" She called back. 

"No Mirio yet?" Ren asked as he stood beside Nejire. The green light flashed which allowed them to cross the street.

She shook her head, "Mirio's running late, he said that we can start before him" She said, "Oh, we're here already!" She was surprised at how fast they had arrived, "Were we speed-walking or something?" She tilted her head.

"Not that I know of" Ren shrugged as they entered the gym through the automatic doors and had to wait in a small queue of people waiting for 2 tubes.

As he got to the front, Ren entered his gym pin which caused the door to the tube open as he stepped inside it before it closed behind him. A second later, the door in front of him opened as he entered the actual gym now.

He turned around to see Nejire in the tube before she got out a second later, "Let's go!" She said enthusiastically.

"You should get changed first" Ren suggested, causing Nejire to look down at her clothes before she looked back up.

"Ah, right!" She hit her palm in realisation, "I'll get changed then" She walked past him until she stopped and turned around, "Where're you gonna be?" She asked him.

"Leg machines" He pointed to the leg machines on the floor they were on currently.

"Okay! I'll be quick!" Her aura changed to a serious one, similar to Uraraka when she gets competitive. 

She then ran up the stairs which led to the changing rooms and toilets. Ren couldn't do anything except watch her run up the stairs before disappearing into the girls changing room as he walked over to the leg machines.

He decided to start with leg press, where he did a 50kg warm up set of 10 reps. After breezing through the set, he stood back up and proceeded to stretch his legs.

After stretching, he sat back down and put the weight all the way up to 300kg where he did 10 reps. He then did a drop set down to 250kg and with no rest did another 10 reps, after doing that he dropped down to 200kg and did as many reps he physically could until he was exhausted.

(A/N: I didn't know a good weight to do considering this is a fictional world and pure physical strength, so I just went with this)

"Haa... haa..." He stood up from the machine and stretched just a little bit, 'No pain, no gain baby!' He motivated himself as he drank all the water in his bottle.

He walked over to the closest water fountain and began filling his empty bottle up with water.

"Ren!" Ren heard Nejire's voice, but was just a little bit away from filling his bottle up so he did that first before turning around to be stunned.

He looked at Nejire to see her wearing a black sports bra and dark blue tight leggings, really showing off her nice body which had little-to-no fat in the right areas, and a lot in the right-right areas.

"You look nice" He complimented, earning a cute giggle from her.

"Thanks, you look buff!" She said as she flexed her non-existent bicep muscles and puffed her chest out after emphasising the 'buff' part, "Hooff!" She let out a heavy exhale as she forgot to breathe for a few seconds.

"Thank you thank you, what do you wanna do then?" He asked, to which she pointed over at the squatting area with no hesitation, "Squats it is then"

They walked over to the squatting machine where Nejire put 40kg on either side of a 20kg bar, making it 100kg, "Starting with a nice warm up!" She walked up to the bar and put it on her shoulder blades, "Humph!" She did 10 squats easily and put it back, "Your turn!" She cheered.

Ren did 15 reps of the 100kg whilst Nejire stretched on the side whilst watching him.

"Jesus..." Ren muttered as he put the bar back, his legs wobbling just a little bit, "Working the same muscle group back to back is a pain" 

"Heheh, come on, we're not even at the hard weights yet!" Nejire said enthusiastically as she took the 40kgs off and put them back before walking to a different weight, "Ren! Can you help put this weight on?!" She called.

"Sure, hold up" Ren walked over to where Nejire stood and pointed and was expecting to see something like 80kg, but was baffled to see her pointing at the 300kg weight, "..." He looked at her with his mouth gaped.

"What? Can you not lift it?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"That's not the point! Are you tryna kill me?! 600kg squats as the first set?! What kinda monster are you!?" He said loudly, picking up the 300kg weights and putting it on either side.

"First of all, you shouldn't be calling cute girls like me a 'monster'" She said with a pout, "Second of all, you forgot to add another 40 on each side" She smiled, causing Ren's face to scrunch.

He did so, letting Nejire get in position with the 700kg bar once he put it on.

"Need a spotter?" He asked just for clarification.

"I shouldn't, but just to make sure please do" She replied. Ren walked up to her and stood an arm's length away from her, "That's good!" She said.

She took the 700kg bar and began squatting with relative ease for 10 reps, "Hoo! That last one was a little tough!" She said as she wiped a singular sweat drop, "Your turn?"

"Fine... but I'm taking the 40s off" Ren said as he was to the side of the bar, about to take off the 40 on one side, "I am not doing 700kg squats after the leg press stuff" He stated as he took off the 40s and stood in front of the 600kg bar.

"Do you need me to spot you?" Nejire offered as she stood in front of Ren.

'No, I need you to stop standing in front of me when I'm wearing grey shorts!' He cursed internally "Are you able to lift 600kg?" He asked with a straight face.

"No..." She mumbled in a low tone as she looked down.

"Exactly. Plus, my quirk is my spotter" He added.

"Hmph, have it your way then" She pouted, not wanting to give Ren the satisfaction of her agreeing with his comment as she walked to the side to prevent Ren from any distractions.

As he went down for the first rep, he released a little grunt as he had a little trouble going back up slowly, "HAA!" He exhaled when he stood back up before inhaling and going back down.

He had done 3 full reps, on the fourth one he was unable to go back up so he used Jagan Eye's telekinesis to lift the weight up off his shoulder as he stood up and put it back on the stand.

Fortunately, there were no mirrors or cameras in front of him to see his blue eyes change to shiny, violet eyes - which he already knew so he used it safely.

He switched back to Six Eyes before attempting to walk, but his legs wobbled a little too much on his first step which caused his body to drop forward a little.

"Woah!" Nejire gasped as she caught him in time, "You okay?" She asked as put his hand on her shoulders to hold himself up.

"Yup... all good!" He forced a smile as he gave a thumbs-up 'The boats... think. About. The boats!'

After a few seconds of resting on Nejire, Ren felt his legs recover enough to be able to walk without her assistance, "Thanks for the catch" He thanked.

"No problem, it's what I do as a hero!" She saluted in a joking manner before laughing at her own childish action. Ren couldn't help but laugh as well as he felt their friendship grow the more they hang out.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I had to help my mom with dishes!" The two turned around to see Mirio in his gym clothes, a white tank top and blue joggers - Whether he did it on purpose or not, it resembled the colours of his hero costume - waving at them, "Oh, you guys are doing legs! Can I join?"

"Hey Mirio, of course you can!" Nejire greeted.

"Sup, Mirio" Ren and Mirio dapped each other up, "Arms and chest later still, yeah?" Ren asked as they made plans to do arms and chest prior to today.

"Of course! Everyday is arm day!" Mirio answered, earning a "Sweet" from Ren.




"Bye bye, Mirio!" Nejire waved as she stood beside Ren in her casual attire with her gym clothes in her bag. Her hair was a little wet after using the gym showers.

"See you guys on another wonderful day!" Mirio waved happily to the two as he went the opposite way unfortunately, leaving him to walk by himself. Fortunately though, he didn't live too far so it was a quick walk of about 10 minutes or so.

"See ya, Mirio!" Ren shouted as Mirio walked away, before turning to Nejire, "What way do you go, then?" He asked

"That way!" She pointed in the direction that he had to go in coincidentally.

"I gotta go that way aswell, should we walk together then?" He offered.

"Of course!" She replied happily as the two began to walk home.

After about 15 minutes of walking, the two ended up on Nejire's road as she departed from Ren, "This is my road. See you later, Ren! Get home safe!" She waved as she went home.

Realising this road was about 5-10 minutes of walking from his flat, Ren decided to carry on walking rather than jogging or sprinting... not like he had much of a choice anyway

He had done leg day and cardio today, so his legs were pretty much finished.

'I'm gonna regret this tomorrow morning' He sighed.


A/N: Tell me how you felt about this SoL chapter and how I could improve it in anyway as this isn't what I'm used to writing.

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