
Marineford War I

first (Kuzan POV)

Elite soldiers have been summoned from all over the world. I got notified that something happened. Portgas D. Ace has been captured and is due for execution. When I heard this, I couldn't help but think that it just somehow fits into the current time. It is a chaotic and dangerous time for the world. 

The World Government is going to be challenged and I am all for it. I already planned for this day and using my growing contact list, I have gathered as much intelligence as I could. The day will come when I will storm Mary Geoise and others will follow ... haha, I'm just kidding. That's too much work. 

But I will walk to Mary Geoise and it won't be that long now. There are some hidden powers in the World Government, but there is no one in this world, who can be dangerous to me anymore. And with my limitless stamina, there is no chance for them anyway. I tussle against the biggest Sea Kings in this world frequently, there is nothing that anyone can throw at me that would make me worry ... although I have some concerns about Vegapunk. 

He is a scientist at heart and I thought about whether I should kill him. His thirst for knowledge is too strong and it will doom this world and its inhabitants at this rate. I'll see what he'll do. If he doesn't follow my orders about Kuma, then he will die and all of his work as well. I will make sure that it hurts him. I have no sympathy for mad scientists. At least, he's not a bad person at heart. So there's still hope. 


Akainu, Kizaru and I walk on stage. There have been three chairs prepared for us, the Admirals of the Marines. We are looking down on everyone ... typical for the higher-ups. Such arrogance. Almost 100'000 Marines are currently here at Marineford, preparing for the inevitable arrival of the strongest man on Earth, Edward Newgate AKA Whitemoustache. 

The (now) crescent-shaped bay area and the whole island are surrounded by fifty Navy Warships. Numerous cannons have been set at the bay area. In front of all the marshalled forces that can be seen from the sea ... stand the five ruffians who hold the key to the war, the Seve- sorry the Six Warlords ... or so they say. 

Bartholomew Kuma, Geko Moria, Dracule Mihawk, Boa Hancock and ... yeah that's it. Jinbe didn't show and Blackbeard is also not here. I can safely say, that I don't like Blackbeard. He reminds me of a cancer. There is this theory about why whales don't die of cancer and one of them says that due to their large organs, the high replication rate of the cancer cells, can cause mutations and a new type of cancer can be created. This new cancer would then fight for nutrients against the already existing cancer and this way they would sort of keep each other in check. 

That is only a very brief explanation, but it shows what I mean. Blackbeard reminds me of such a second cancer. He tells you taht he means well and he even brings you a pirate as proof of the matter, but you know that he's still a cancer and that he will f*ck you over and stab you in the back. I wanted to kill Blackbeard when I was told that Portgas D. Ace had been captured by him. Not because I care about Ace, even though he is Garps' grandson, he is not my child. No, I wanted to kill Blackbeard, because he wasn't yet a Warlodr and I would get into slightly fewer problems if I killed him then. But the piss ant had already left the island at that point.


All three of us Admirals walk onto the platform. Why Whitemoustache didn't attack sooner like ... I don't know, yesterday, is beyond me. I would have gone to Impel Down the first chance I got if I was in his shoes. But whatever. 

When we sit down on the chairs that have been prepared, there is loud cheering. I don't know why that is, but if they like it, who am I to judge? Every force of 'Justice' imaginable is now waiting for for the Whitemoustache pirates, to stop them from rescuing Ace. Truly a spectacle. 

Finally, I feel them bringing out Ace. He is walking to the platform, like the Pirate King 22 years ago. Quite a funny twist of fate. This world has a flair for the dramatics. Then, Sengoku comes up as well. 

"Step aside for a minute."

"Yes, sir!"

"Give me a Transponder Snail.", Sengoku says.

"Yes, sir."

Sengoku then walks to the edge and begins to speak through the transponder. I think I know what's coming now. Sengoku is truly a smart and scheming man. 

[I have something to tell all of you.], he addresses all the Marines and the people who were watching worldwide. 

[Portgas D. Ace. It's about the great significance of his death today. Ace ... say the name of your father!"], Sengoku says. Oh, this is getting interesting. 

"My Faher ... is Whitebeard!!"

"No.", Sengoku answers. 

"It's true! The only Father I have is Whitebeard! Nobody else!", Ace screams. 

[That should have been it ... but your mother gave her life for your birth using sheer willpower to perform a trick ...! She deceived us. No ... she deceived the entire world! In South Blue, there's an island by the name of Baterila. Your mother's name was Portgas D. Rogue. We never even imagined what she was capable of. 

Out of love for her child, she carried him in her womb for twenty months!! And when she finally gave birth, her strength gave out, and she died right there. One year and three months had passed since the father died ... a child was born with the blood of the world's greatest villain running through his veins. That child is you. 

There's no way you don't know ...!! Your Father ...

Was the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger!!]

Oh boy. What happened to this world man? A mother has to carry her infant for twenty months and die right after. That she even managed to do that, is already a miracle. I can't help but think that this would also happen to Robin if it was made public, who she really is. 

And now, they want to kill a boy, because of his Father's life. I'll see what I can do. But there is no way that I'll openly help you, boy. Robin and the others are still not strong enough. I saw them cower when Borsaino arrived in Sabaody. The world needs to see things for themselves and fight for their own freedom. If I just go ahead and do it on my own, this peace wouldn't last and I would only be seen as a tyrant. 

I have been collecting evidence for years now and if my suspicion is right and Kuma is also right, then there is a reason this current time seems so chaotic. There is great change upon us and I will be part of it. My first attack is already planned. I will first attain the position of Fleet Admiral and then slowly have the Marines separate from the World Government. It is time that the Marines go back to keeping peace and not being dogs to the pieces of shitty astronauts. 


[Was it two years ago now ...? You took your mother's name as the Captain of the Spade Pirates, you ascended through the pirate world with your superior strength and we finally noticed that Roger's blood had survived. But Whitebeard realized it at the same time we did. And in order to raise you to be the next Pirate King, he took his former rival's son onto his own ship!], Sengoku continues. I can tell that he's making shit up right now. There is no way that Whitemoustache would do something like that. He doesn't care about stuff like that. 

"NO! I joined his crew to make Whitebeard the next Pirate King.", Ace says.

"You're the only one that thinks that. We couldn't take any rash actions against you because you're protected by Whitebeard!! if we left you alone, slowly but surely, you would start to gain the qualities to stand at the summit of the pirate world! That's why there is so much meaning in cutting you down today!! Even if it means total war with Whitebeard!!!", Sengoku declares. 

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku! We have a report! The gates of justice have begun to open without anybody's orders!! We can't contact the control room!", a Marine reports. So it is beginning. Very well. I might as well get the most out of this. I might not be your usual Marine and would rather leave those 'Pirates' alone, who don't do anything bad or hurt no one, but my view on things has started to change slightly over the years. 

If you choose the life of the pirate, you have to be ready for death on any day. And if you don't want to harm anyone, then call yourself an explorer and not a Pirate. Even if Whitemoustache is known to only want a family, I won't pull my punches with the old man. And if the Six Warlords start to act out of line, I'll deal with them right here. I am sick of their system for real man. 


"Here they come!! All men, to your battle stations!!"

"They appeared out of nowhere! Where did they come from?!", Sengokku asks himself. 


"It's a huge fleet of pirate ships!!"

"Where's Whitebeard!? Find him!"

There are many pirate ships approaching us from the front. But Whitemoustache's ship isn't here right now. So I do wonder where .... oh there he is. 10 seconds before anyone else notices, I know where he will appear from. And then the other notice as well.

"There's a shadow in the bay!"

"Could it be?"

"I see all of their ships ... had the coating applied to let them travel on the ocean floor!"

And then like a real whale, the Mody Dick comes from the water and splashes water everywhere. It does look impressive, I have to admit. 


"It's the Moby Dick!!!"

"Three ships from the Whitebeard Pirates are there too!"

"They've entered the bay."

"The 14 squad leaders are all there."

I can sense the power of one person coming up on deck slowly. The old man has still got it. But judging from his strength, he is so much weaker than he was two decades ago. To think that he was this sick ... and he's still walking around. What a monster indeed. I am almost impressed myself. 

"Gurararara ... How many years has it been, Sengoku?", Whitemoustache says as he appears on deck with his trusted Murakumogiri at his side. 

"My beloved son had better be unharmed ...!! GURARARARA. You wait right there ... Ace."

"Old Man!!", Ace screams and makes Whitemoustache laugh. I also can't help but smile a bit. To think that there is a human alive who can walk around like that. He uses that giant weapon as a walking stick ...

But my senses interrupt my musing and I see the future. Quite alarming. Whitebeard crosses his arms, looks right at us and then, punches the air to his right and left. Massive cracks appear in the air and I can feel the vibrations travelling across space and reaching the sea. 

Slowly but surely the sea begins to grow unruly and before long, two massive tsunamis approach Marineford from the right and the left. I am unsure what the reason for this move was. Even if I don't do anything here, his own crew would suffer as well, no?

"Here it comes. The Seaquake that he caused just now ... is coming back as a full-fledged tsunami! Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate, the user of the Gura Gura no Mi, the Quake fruit."

"We may have the greater force, but we must not take this opponent lightly! It may well be us who will meet our end here today ... for that man ... 

Has the power to destroy the world!!", Sengoku screams. 

I mean ... I also have that power and you don't see me running around causing tsunamis. It's not that amazing if you think about it. I could problabl-

"Aokiji!! What are you waiting for?!", I hear Sengoku's voice. 

"Oh right. Give me a second.", I say.

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