
The possesive king

Alicia elrod was a princess of meateso her father never cared about her mother died when she was just a baby because of an heart attack the king married his mistress who gave birth to twins for him ever since queen alora came to the castle her and her daughter sophia made her life a living hell but her brother loved her so much and she loved him but a day came her father told her she was going to have a coming off party but she never expected her father to marry her off to someone she doesn't know the fact that he was Rowan Gatlin the heartless man,Rumors says that he is heart is made of stone that he doesnt feel any emotion what will happen to alicia will she get killed by this man or her life will be ruined?

fari12law · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

chapter 1

Today is the the day i have dreaded the most, my coming off age. I told my dad there is no need for this but my dad whose also the king refused he called me to is throne a week ago and said with a disgusted voice to me since u are coming of age am throwing u a ball party i felt like he felt forced to say it,my dad never cared about me.Ever since my mum died he got married to another queen who doesnt even give a fuck about me my mum died because of her when my mum found out that a mistress was pregnant for twins to the king a male and female the heir of the throne she laid curses on me and had a heart attack though i was to small to understand but my dad reminded me that she died because of me, ever since my mum died i always wished that i was a boy because if i was a boy my mum wouldn't have died and my dad would have loved me. Since the day Queen Alora became the queen of the castle she made my life a living hell she made me suffer one time i broke a plate while we were eating Queen alora told me to go to my room and they should only feed me once a day for a whole month my father did not care if i died or not because he had the heir to his throne and he also loved shopia my step sister she was like the same replica of my step mum always putting me into trouble but charles my step brother always fought for me and loved me even though their mum told them i was wicked and that i killed my own mother.So when my dad said he was throwing me a ball party i was so shocked because I remembered the incident that happened when i was twelve i took the courage to tell my parent when we were having dinner at the huge dining room which could fill 60 people that i wanted a ball party like Sophia and charles but my dad told them to lock me up and the king beat me to teach me never to be disrespectful i could see still does scars my dad inflicted on me it never left so i had a gut feeling he was up to no good