'Kill me when the time comes' A man said to me while trembling in my arms . He was my owner . Of a poison maiden raised for seduction and assassination. He was my destiny.
'Let the Auction begin'
I want to die.
The auction was taking place in a large banquet hall in the presence of many aristocrats. Brightly lit with many oil lamps, this is the place where me would be decided. A life of assassination and prostitution under these aristocrats.
It has been six years since I arrived in this world. One fine day I was transported into a strange world with unknown people. I was fifteen at that time and was scared out of my wits. The people looked at me with suspicion and disgust, there was no way to communicate with them. Although I begged and cried, I shouted and made a scene, they were unfazed by it. The people in order to get rid of me, sold me to the Vish Kanyas or the poison maidens.
'No. 15 …No.18 SOLD!' a voice was heard. I was harsh and husky voice of a man with very dark complexion. His white teeth were crooked and his limbs were thin in comparison to his pot belly. He walked with a limp without the use of a cane. I looked at Kautilya, the crooked man. His head was cleanly shaven with a small tuft of hair growing at the center. He was our owner, the man who first started making the Vish Kanyas.
Kautilya was a shaman who propagated that women born in certain Nakshatra or zodiacs were fated to be widowed at a young age or bring misfortunes. People who knew about kautilya's accurate predictions sold their daughters to that lecherous man. What he said was a bluff to find women and what he needed was easily provided to him. He raised assassins, who were snake charmers and living poisons. The women whose even one kiss can lead to death, their system running wild with arsenic and belladonnas.
'No.1 …No.2 SOLD' Kautilya was nothing but a pimp selling his girls to rich aristocrats for wretched pieces of gold. Adjacent to Kautilya Nayasa sat accompanying a rich noble. She was our teacher who made us who we are.
'No…4 SOLD!'
There were twenty of us from ages eighteen to twenty-one. All of us wore the same clothes, white blouse with a long white skirt. Our belly was exposed and only a thin piece of cloth in the name of modesty draped over us. Our lips were red with carmine and a thin lining of Kohl were applied on our eyes. We wore silver anklets and long earing in shape of peacocks, a majestic bird as our only jewelry. All of us bowed our heads down, not looking at the aristocrats.
'No.5 SOLD'
My number was six. It was unlikely that I will be sold. I was not very beautiful; the people of this world were exotic and sensuous looking with full lips and bijou eyes. Their skin was smooth and they were tall. Although their hearts were ugly, they were skilled and more intelligent than an average person in my world When I first came to this world I was treated as a biodegradable waste. I was not skilled in dancing, singing or seduction. They ignored my suffering and hammered every bit of knowledge that I needed for being a proper Vish Kanya. These people were relentless and ruthless.
'No.3 SOLD'
Alas! When will this suffering end? I was tired and wanted to go home. After six years of suffering in this world I had no will to live. I used to think that if I die, I might be able to go back home. I tried many times by hanging myself or overdosing on poison, however as days turned to years, I can only think about it as a fleeting dream. Accept my fate and be ready to be a slave.
'No.6… Sixteen thousand golds' a voice was heard. It was sharp and soothing at the same time. A voice that shows their superiority. It was a voice that commanded presence.
For a moment the hall was silent. Kautilya who could never stop speaking, now stood dumbfounded.
Nobody expected me to be bought at such a high price
'NO.6 .1…. 2..3…and SOLD'
My fate was decided now. I was shackled to my buyer. However, there was no free will to begin with. Rather than being the defected Kanya who cannot be bought and was sold into prostitution I was a little relieved that I will not live such a dejected and shameful life.
Nayasa arrived at the platform. She was in her thirties however she still looked youthful and elegant with a unique sensuousness. Wearing a purple blouse and matching skirt. She was laden with gold from head to toe.
'Come with me. The buyer wants to take you now.'
I nodded at her. Whether It was now or after the party it did not matter. I will be going with that man anyway
My life has ended and started at the same time.