1 Genesis

The first man, rather, the first entity on the plane, for obvious reasons, would have the most direct influence on the outcome of everything that happened on the plane. He didn't merely get birthed from somewhere, he was chosen. Chosen for a purpose: to keep the plane in order, and the human figure was the most effective form. Although humans wouldn't ever exist in this existence, the plane knows all, so there's no need to doubt. This first man was able to command the structure of the infinite surface of the plane, and bend it to his will, Making weapons, other buildings, or even bodily enhancements. The substance the plane is made out of is probably indestructible, but there wouldn't be any way to tell, because who needs natural disasters anyway? There's no need for them to exist. The fate of everything to come after him all rested on his shoulders. No big deal. "People to come after him have to have a leader, right?" Peculiar messages kept repeating in his head, messages of being a king, and asserting yourself, building an empire; that type of stuff. These concepts aren't formed upon the constructs of society as people think, they are basic aspects of the human nature, and how living things coexist. People need a leader, and the first man was going to fufill his purpose, flawlessly.

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