
The path to divinity

When you enjoy a lot of fantasy stories, you don't necessarily believe in magic or supernatural powers. But what if you randomly discover that you have a ability that seems unnatural, even if its miniscule like lifting a pen with your mind? That revelation can lead to an entire paradigm shift. Maybe there is a reason why so many religions sprout up during human history. A small revelation can lead you to a path to divinity.

Pantsuman · Kỳ huyễn
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Weird powers?

There are many people with different opinions when it comes to the topic of gods and the divine. Humanity believed in gods for many millennia. How and why do these beliefs take root in the minds of humans without exception and regardless of distance or time and age?

Are humans inherently religious? Or maybe there might be more to it, and humanity has something in common across the entire globe, that makes people start believing in such things.

Chad is a person who is definitely not religious. If he were, he would have long thought god has abandoned him. He wasn't much of a "Chad" as his name would suggest. His build is frail and small, he has mediocre grades in school and he is from a poor family.

Life in Germany is not the worst, considering that even poor families get support from the government in terms of money, so no one has to starve, but the social aspect is an entirely different story.

His family can only rent an apartment approved by the government, and it just so happens that it is in a very poor part of the town Aachen he lives in. It's the only part in town that offers cheap enough apartments that can fit him, his little sister and parents.

He still has to share his room with his little sister, who is 12 years old. Chad himself is 16. Usually children around that age get their own rooms, since puberty is the time where teenagers need their own private space, but the fact that their parents are unemployed makes this difficult.

Annika doesn't particularly mind. Even though her brother can be aloof and distant sometimes, whenever she is around him, he tries his best to be nice and comforting to her. In her eyes it's a nice thing to share a room with him.

As a 16 year old boy, Chad obviously doesn't share the same feeling.

"Stop clinging to me! I have to get up and prepare for school." His little sister, like in most nights, got into his bed cause she had nightmares again.

"*murmur* bwut am tiiiiiiired"

"I don't care if you are tired. Cmon, I will make you some cheese sandwiches."

"*grumble* alriiiiiight. Put some ham into mine."

"*sigh* I know, I know. You just prepare for school in the meantime ok?"

I really like my little sister. She can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she seems so helpless at times that I just can't let her down. She has to learn how to take care of herself at some point.

Eh let's not worry about that for now and prepare for school.

As my sister walks over to the closet, I notice her wearing one of my sweaters. Why does she always have to steal my sweaters instead of wearing pyjamas? Eh whatever. It can't be helped.

Like every morning I get up and prepare food for me and my sister. My body feels heavy and I have heavy anxiety. There is a reason for the heavy anxiety. I get bullied in school regularly. I tried doing many things to change it, but at the end of the day, I don't have any friends and I'm also not very liked by the teachers. That's because I couldn't be asked to talk with anybody. I don't see the point in it. I don't like anyone in school, and the idea of sucking up to the teachers for better grades or getting a bit more protection from bullies is also not very enticing.

As for why I am the one making food: My parents are still sleeping.

They always sleep until noon. I hate my parents, especially my father. He used to beat me up quite a lot when I was younger. Nowadays I learned what to say and do so it doesn't happen.

When you get beaten up for years, you get very attentive towards every little detail that could lead to yourself getting a whooping.

I wish I could just punch back. Sadly when I tried once, he easily overwhelmed me and gave me a beating so bad that my stomach, arms and back hurt so bad I couldn't even go to school for a few days.

When I eventually got to school, people were laughing at me for walking in a funny way. "Haha! Look at discount Chad. He is even smaller now that he is hunching."

Shut the fuck up you degenerates. I don't even wanna be here in the first place. Also what am I supposed to do about being small? It's not like I can magically make myself grow a few centimeters.

My mother is just ignoring everything, pretending nothing happened. At least she doesn't beat me up I guess, but she is also not really trying to help.

After eating breakfast and travelling to school, I try to avoid the bullies by expertly taking pathways that lead me to the classroom without encountering them. Being bullied for years makes you very attentive to your surroundings. For the most part I know where the bullies walk and at what time. They all have their usual routines.

The amount of bullies isn't super high. Most students mind their own business, though they also don't want to get involved with me.I'm totally fine with that if you ask me. Dealing with people is mostly a pain in the ass and I just wanna get home and play some games. I really like rhythm games and there is a game called Osu that I play everyday.

As I'm sitting at my school desk, the teacher enters the room. One of the bullies, Tim, sits right next to me. He is easily 20cm taller than me and pretty buff. It's not hard to be taller than me, since I am only 160cm tall. He is only wearing a skintight T-shirt, baggy pants and some gold/silver chains. He probably took quite a bit of inspiration from the german rap szene.

His family came from turkey. Not that it matters, since most students here have foreign backgrounds. The school I attend is a school mostly for students who are not the smartest. And it just so happens that the not so smart people are usually also more likely to bully people. I should have studied more so I could get into a better school, but after all the beatings from my father, my only escape was playing games instead of studying. Also as a kid I didn't have the foresight that school would end up this way.

Elementary school was quite different. I had some friends there and we mostly played games during break or just fooled around.

*smack* I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek. Tim slapped me for no reason.

*giggle* *giggle* go some of my classmates.

"Look how flustered Chad is. He didn't see this one coming! LUL"

A boy, who is kinda friends with Tim, says. Also who says "lul" out loud? Cringe.

Yeah no shit I didn't see that one coming. Who the fuck would randomly smack someone in class for no reason, except 1 braincell vertebrae like this idiot.

Tim is just looking at me with a smug expression on his face. He knows I wouldn't dare say anything and he enjoys the moment of easily being able to dominate someone.

The teacher is very good at ignoring all the sounds coming from the classroom.

Class is always really loud in this kind of school. Sudden loud claps don't even startle the teacher in the slightest, who is writing some calculations on the chalkboard.

All I can do right now is look down and give no reaction. If I give some kind of reaction, Tim will only continue and derive even more pleasure from bullying me.

As I am cursing this idiot in my head, I feel a little bit dizzy.

Maybe that slap shook my brain a bit? At the same time I feel quite a bit more aware of my surroundings. As I said before, I'm always really aware of what is going on around me. I had to, otherwise beatings from my father, or bullies, were on the order. Looking at my desk, which is the only place I can look at right now without provoking Tim even further, I notice my pencil.

Weird. For some reason I am way more aware of its shape. It's almost like I can see the pencil from all angles, even though I am just looking at the top of it.

I never had this kind of feeling. Slowly tuning out all the chatter in the classroom, the mocking laughter about me looking "sad and depressed", which is not even the case, I further entertain myself with this weird feeling and the pencil in front of me.

Why do I get the feeling that I can move the pencil? Should I try? Is telekinesis even a thing? I wouldn't know, but I have nothing better to do at the moment anyways, might as well give it a try.

Surprisingly, the pencil moved a little bit to the left when I tried imagining it moving that way. Almost like moving my own limbs. When you move a limb, you don't have to make your veins pop to do so. You just do it.

Same with the pencil. My eyes widen so much, they feel quite dry now. Since I'm hunched over and only looking at my desk right now, I doubt anyone noticed.

How far does this ability extend? I didn't even know telekinesis was real. Are all these shitty youtube videos real too? Let's move it again.

Lo and behold, it moved again. This time to the right.

I'm feeling super excited right now. My heart is beating like crazy. My life has been so shitty up till now. Discovering something that many people believe to be bullshit and a myth is making my head spin.

How does this power work? I really wanna know how I can make use of this.

Let's try moving something bigger. The eraser. It's quite a bit more heavy. Let's try lifting it.

Why do I feel tired all of a sudden? It doesn't look like I can lift the eraser with my mind. The feeling of seeing the eraser from all angles is the same as with the pencil. Is that the limit of this power? Please don't let this be the limit … That's barely enough for some lame party trick.

Let's go back to the pencil. I do the same thing like last time, just that this time I will try to lift the pointy part of the pen a little bit.

Sure enough, it starts raising itself up. It's roughly at a 30° angle now.

My tiredness increased all of a sudden.

I feel ….

like .....

taking a nap …..


When I woke up again, class was close to being finished. I feel better after this little power nap. As I look to my left with my peripheral vision, (I don't dare turning my head to Tim, otherwise it might provoke him) I don't see him. He must have been sent outside again for interrupting the lesson.

After finishing writing down the stuff on the chalkboard, I take my break on the schoolyard.

How far can I push this newly found ability?

This might just be what I needed to turn my life around.

To be continued...

I'm new to writing novels. If you have any suggestions or things I could add, please say so. Otherwise I apologize for my bad english grammar and lack of vocabulary. I mostly enjoy reading and thought I might wanna give writing a try. This story has been cooking up in my head while I was bored at work and I have enough material to write hundreds of chapters.

If you wanna talk to me directly, visit me on https://www.twitch.tv/pantsuman

or my discord


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