
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Please just smile..

"That was a strange interaction" I said to myself, flipping the card I was given over. Seeing a number with a corny ass picture of almight with his thumbs up and a number beside it.

Laughing I stood up, jumping down off the roof, controlling myself to land on the ground and moving towards a motel. No before moving into the ally way near where lulu lived, reaching behind metal box of sorts and reaching to grab 3 bags from inside.

Pulling my phone out, I looked to see 60 missed calls and 25 missed text. Not wanting to put myself through that I put the phone away.

"Excuse me?" A girls voice I knew said from behind me.

"Yeah what is it lulu?" I said, turning around.

"Ahhh!, it's you..uhhh what are you doing here?" Lulu said, her long red hair, pale skin, a long white hoodie, even though small she was busty,long black Stocking and sandals.

"Oh sorry, you see I'm between homes, kinda left these bags here when I went to deal with something..by the way that outfit it's a lot but cute" I said, turning around to look in one of my bags.

"Ahh..wh-wha-what? Did you say?" Lulu said, blushing and grabbing the bottom of her hoodie and moving back and forth.

"I said your cute, what I give credit where it's due" I said finally finding the case of money at the bottom of a bag.

"Uhh!" Lulu said as steam off her face, turning around when I looked back.

"You alright?" I said, seeing her shake I knew what was up.

"Uhhh nothing, if,if,if your look..ing for a place to say tonight you can sleep over" lulu said, her face completely red and in a low voice.

"Huh?!" I said playing the fool.

"I said..you can stay over.." lulu said again still quiet.

"One more time?" I said standing.

"I said you can stay over my place!!" Lulu yelled, then covered her mouth.

"Isn't that a bit much? Do you have frank there?" I said, looking at her back.

"H-hhhe doesn't live there, he comes to work there..that's all" lulu said, looking back at me.

"I mean I would appreciate it, if I really could.." I said scratching the back of my head.

"It's no problem, uhhh I mean it's the least I can do..you did pay a lot earlier" lulu said, twisting back and forth.

"Thank you lulu, honestly" I said.

"Your we-wel-welcome, come on.." lulu said.

"Are you going to take that trash back to your house?" I said with a chuckle.

"Ahh nonono, I was just about to do that..ok lets go!" Lulu said, running over to the trash can, opening it and slamming it inside. Walking back over like nothing happened.

"After you, you really forgot about the trash bag didn't you?" I said with a laugh.

"Ahhh! Shut up I did not, just come on you idiot" lulu said walking next to me and pushing me a little.

"Ahhh, alright alright, don't hurt me like that trash bag" I said acting like I was in pain.

"That's what I thought..idiot" lulu said covering her mouth as she laughed.

Walking down the low light ally, we talked a little reaching her house, going inside as she kicked off her shoes. I looked at the room I was in before it look completely different.

"How did you..?" I tried to say.

"How..ohhh the room..Frank made it so if the cops come it's relatively safe" lulu said spinning over to a wall and pulling a book the floor opened as a table desk and chair came up, the couch went into the wall as maps and monitors came out. The last a chair and a coffee table for meetings came up. I looked and saw something purple walking over I picked them up, opening them only to have a wide eyed lulu rush me and stanch them.

"Ahh?" I said backing away.

"You saw them didn't you?!" Lulu said turning around holding them.

"Saw what?" I said honestly not knowing.

"I know you did" lulu said, looking back at me.

"Lulu honestly I don't know what.." I tried to say getting yelled at.

"My panties you saw them!" Lulu said, with big eyes.

"Ummm no I really didn't, thanks to you I now know" I said with a deadpan expression.

"Really?!" Lulu said.

"Yes really" I said pulling off my hood.

"Ahhh! Uhh here..the couch is there, umm sleep well!" Lulu said turning red, hitting the book and running in the room.

"This girl" I said, placing my things down as the couch came up, I opened a window to leg let moonlight and night air come in, sitting down on the couch thinking.

I sat there for a while going through my phone, reading the angry and yet sad messages from himiko. Finally after a hour I put my phone down, going over to my bag to grab shorts, putting them on and then pulling off my shirt. Under the moon like scars from times long passed covered my back arms and chest. Some deep, some small but most faded, looking at my hands the few scars from my brother and mother remained.

I was so into my world I never saw lulu, she looked through the door and for some reason. I put my hand up to my face to feel water, not even knowing I had started crying. Looking towards the moon, lulu clearly saw, confused by why I never heard lulu coming. It wasn't until I felt arms wrap around my midsection and a forehead on my back did I come to.

"Lulu" I said.

"If you want to cry it's ok.." lulu said, holding me tighter.

"It's funny..I don't even know why I'm crying.." I said, looking down at her hands.

"I know the feeling...even if we forget the heart doesn't" lulu said, I felt tears hit my back.

"What's wrong lulu.." i said.

"I know it must be lonely..having no one.." lulu said, her voice smooth.

"Lulu it's.." I tried to say.

"I know you must keep that feeling somewhere..if you put your body through this much..I can only imagine what you've put your heart through" lulu said still crying.

"Why..why are you.." I said, feeling her grip more.

"When I was little..my family was killed..the police didn't come or the hero's..I was left alone..I was on the streets alone..I had no where to go..no one to help me, one day after stealing enough money to eat I got a stuffed animal..she became my best and only friend..one day I was out playing and a low class villain attacked..seeing him kill two people I ran, only for him to chance me..he knocked me around and took her from me, telling me he was going to kill me, that friends and family are just a dream. I know it sounds silly but I yelled at him to give her back that she was my family..when I finally thought it would go my end, I gave up" lulu said turning me around.

"A boy came to my rescue..no much bigger then me he fought and got hurt..but he still fought with everything, when I told him to run he told me to shut up that he would save me. After they fought the boy pushed him to the ground, the boy got on his chest and head butted him" lulu said reaching her hands up my face and lifted up my bangs. Showing a long old scar, she smiled while more tears fell.

"The boy walked over and grabbed the doll, walking back over to me with blood on his face, he squatted down while I cried, placing his hand on my head" lulu said as she placed my hand on her head.

"Can you guess what he said to me?" Lulu said crying.

(Song - make me move)

"You don't need to cry..I got her back for you..she's your family right? So please...just smile for me" the both of said at the same time as I pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Louise" I said, feeling her tears.

"I missed you ogre!" Lulu said, holding me tight.