
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Awakening..

[A year later]

I laid on the ground my face dirty, blood on my arms and a look in my eyes. I put my hand up to the sky and squeeze my fist.

"Finally!" I yell in the air as smirk and thinking back.

[flash back - 5 hours ago]

"Well back to the grind" I say getting up moving to a branch where I start to do pull ups, thinking to myself about what has happened.

"I'm 8 now and still nothing. I can lift 550lbs so obviously something is happening with in my body yet I must strain to do it, so my quirk hasn't really awakened" I said, pulling up like it was nothing.

"500, what else is to be done?" I said dropping down from the branch and walking over to get water.

"There's no time to keep thinking I'll fail...what is needed I'll figure it out" I said, getting ready for a run as I put the now kind of tattered pelt on but I still loved it.

Moving through the forest on the side of the mountain I look at the sun shining threw the trees as shadows danced on the ground. Walking and jogging here and there I made it to the point where the highway was but I didn't go be on this point. Turning around I stopped as I saw two trucks and a black Luxurious car coming down the road, watching as the 18 wheeler, took the mountain turn to fast smacking a the suv like truck in to the black car. The car tried to break as he ran into the railing, breaking it a little, watching as the 18 wheeler tried to slow down only to smack the suv more in the black car as the rail gave out, on the other side nothing but a straight drop.

"It's not our problem, see they got it let's just go" I said as I watched the people in the suv and 18 wheeler get out and go near the car.

"Ahhhhh!" A women's voice screamed as trying to get out of the car made it tilt more.

"Just go it's not your problem" I said, turning away.

"Aunty?!" A girls voice yelled.

"Please..take our niece?!" The women yelled trying to grab her niece to give to them, but the car shifted more and slide.

"Please take her!" The women yelled still wanted to save her niece.

"We are going to be ok, alright honey, you'll go first and the hero's will come get aunty and uncle" the women said lying.

"Ahhh!" The girl yelled as the car finally let go, only to stop when they didnt fall.

"Get out now! Ahhh!" I said holding onto the broken rail as the car still sliding down.

The people tried to get out but the shift made me lose grip as they fell a little more.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as the people watch this young boy try and save these people. Getting a better grip on the car.

'We need to call someone...where are the hero's?!'

''my phones dead...I don't know!"

Voices said as the world felt like it slowed and the voices blurred. My muscles screamed knowing the weight was to much as vein actually blew, blood coming out.

'Why am I here?' I asked myself in this slow world looking at the people above me.

'Where are the hero's?' I said in my mind as I felt my grip failing.

'Why didn't I just walk away?' I thought.

'It wasn't my problem so why' I said looking down at the family.

"It's ok baby..we will be alright see the hero's are here" the women said holding the girl close crying as she saw me struggle.

The world felt so slow and my body wished to give up, I looked at the girl who looked to be the same age as me with tears running down her face.

'Ahh that's right' I thought.

'That's why I'm here' I thought as my heart pounded.

'that's why I'm here!' I though as my heart beat grew louder.

'Because even if it cost me my life! I had to do something! To save these people!' I said as my heart raced the world came back to speed as the muscles fibers in my arms came out wrapping them.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" I Said as the same happen to my legs.

"Move!" I yelled as I swung the car up and it landed back on the road.

Breathing heavy, looking down at my arms I was tried, the awakening had taking a lot out of my mind as I climbed up and saw the people going to see if the people were ok, walking so they couldn't see me I went to the area that lead to my home.

"Who are you!" I heard a little girls voice from behind me.

I turned my head back a little as I looked back at the girl.

"Why?" I said.

"You saved me,aunty and uncle..I just want to say thank you!" The little girl said, watching me walk into the forest.

"I haven't told my name to someone in a long time, I'm ogre and your welcome" I said going into the forest.

"Ogre..thank you ogre.." the girl said.

"My names..momo.." the girl said only to see my back had disappeared. While she smiled and held her hand to her heart.

"Ogre.." she said walking back to the car with a smile.

(If your asking why momo didnt use her quirk well she's 8 and was in a life of death situation with her quirkless aunt and uncle she wasn't exactly in the right state of Mind)