
Chapter 1

I'm Betty, and this is my story. When I was 2 years old my uncle Cliff and my father had a fight we didn't talk to them for almost a year. My parents ended up forgiving him and the family was healed. One day My uncle Cliff, My aunt Liz, and my cousin Jay came over. Me and Jay were both 3 at the time and it was close to summer. Me, Jay, my older sisters Hannah, and Sue were roughhousing with my Uncle Cliff. My Mother and Father were telling us to stop because someone was gonna get hurt. I ended up climbing on top of my Uncle cliffs shoulders and my Cousin Jay also wanted to come up so I moved up a little bit so he could also come up. I ended up moving to far up and fell over my uncles shoulders. My uncle Cliff grabbed my arm as a reflex and I did 3 backflips in the air while my arm was being held. Then I bashed my head off the floor. I ended up having to go to the hospital and my oldest sister Hannah came with me while my dad and Sue stayed back. There was a really long line in the hospital. I remember seeing this one girl holing her nose I think she broke it. An old lady saw my arm and saw how much I was in pain and gave us her spot in line so it went quicker. In a few minutes I had doctor's checking out my arm apparently it was in a "S" shape. The doctors wanted to bring me into surgery because how much I was in pain but at the same time I was 3 years old so they also didn't want too. In a few minutes Sue and my dad cam running into my room and I could tell they were both scared. I didn't like seeing that on there faces. I remember my dad telling me, "everything will be ok You're just going to go to sleep and when u wake up I'll be right here so try and start falling asleep." While I was asleep My Uncle Cliff and Aunt Liz came and I picked Hannah and Sue up from the hospital. I woke up and it was around 8:00PM. Gladly I didn't have surgery but I was very close to having surgery. I ended up having to have one of those white casts that u can write on but what they call it is a soft cast. Around 8:30PM I was out of the hospital and my parents took me to McDonald's we were the only people there it was amazing! I order a happy meal with 4 piece chicken nuggets, french fries, and a Nest tea. After we finished eating we went to go get Hannah and Sue. 1 month has past and I get to switch my cast to a hard cast. I was there getting a blade to go threw my soft cast and it tickled so much! It had to be one of the best feelings ever! I wanted a pink hard cast but the doctor said they were all out of pink casts so I ended up getting a purple cast that didn't match with ANYTHING! after a few weeks I was cast free.