
The parallel of worlds : Wan

His name is Wan, and he is 17 years old. To be perfectly honest, he has been an assassin since he was 5 years old. He knows it's hard to believe, but it's true. He was - more precisely and literally - "the best assassin in the world." It makes sense because everyone he was supposed to kill ended up dead, whether they were some of the richest men in the world, crime lords, leaders of the underworld, corrupt or honest politicians, heads of organizations, cult leaders, or just ordinary people. Once he accepted a contract and decided to kill his target, he did so. However, he had limits: he wouldn't target children, single parents, or those who were depressed or suicidal. He said, "I have been an assassin since I was 5 years old," but he misspoke; he was an assassin from age 5, but for the past two and a half years, he has no longer been an assassin.

MMTL_Miu · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


My name is Wan, I'm 17 years old. To be completely honest, I've been an assassin since I was 5. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I am, quite literally, "the best assassin in the world," and it shows since everyone I was supposed to kill is dead. Whether they were among the richest men in the world, crime lords, underground leaders, corrupt or honest politicians, organization heads, cult leaders, or just ordinary people—once I accepted the job and decided my target had to die, I killed them. Of course, I had limits; I wouldn't target children, single parents, or the depressed and suicidal. I said "I've been an assassin since I was 5," but I misspoke—I was an assassin until two and a half years ago. Now, I'm no longer an assassin and I'm in my second year of high school. I currently live in South Korea, my country of origin, where I was born and where my parents are from.

Now, my physical description: I have hair that's almost medium length but let's just say it barely touches my neck, covers my ears, completely covers my eyes, and almost reaches my nose. My hair is black with white roots, and it has been this way since I was born, so I'm not old! I'm 1.77 meters tall; I have white irises, which is quite unusual and strange to see, but no one sees my eyes since my hair is in the way. Without bragging, I would say I'm quite handsome, a 10/10, but no one can notice since my hair hides most of my face.

One day, on my way to school, I saw a gigantic semicircle in the sky. There was also a screen with strange symbols that I instantly recognized because they were from the work I've been reading for the past two years!

Wan: (looks at the sky without saying anything) .... (continues walking) Hallucination, I didn't see anything, I'm ignoring it °... I'm not here..., no one sees me°

that's quite short I know, but it's just to explain the context

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