
Prologue: The past

30 Year's ago, Midnight 

A 13 to 14 year old Hua Shen was walking back up the mountain where he lived after sneaking out of his home because he had always yearned to watch the festivity with the other humans. He finally had gotten a chance this year so he immediately took it, since he knew that there would definitely not be another time after this. He understood that he would get berated for this harshly but he had brought back souvenirs for everyone. He really hoped that these souvenirs would calm his mother down a bit. He knew that his mother loved collecting human nik nacs but she was simply too prideful to admit it. He was humming to himself as he was walking up the mountain trail, He looked behind and waved goodbye to the glowing human town, It looked beautiful from where he was standing. 

Hua Shen was dazed for a while as he gazed at the human town that was glowing with lanterns and human laughter. It made Hua Shen feel a bit lonely. His mother was usually busy with work and helping others that needed her attention more then him. Don't get him wrong, He was happy that his mother had something that she liked doing but it still made him feel a bit distanced from her at times. He had his friends but it didn't feel the same with them. After a thunderous boom came from one of the fireworks went off, It snapped Hua Shen out of his daze and he shook his head to get rid of his sad thoughts. 

He continued on happily as he walked up the mountain trail.

As he was coming closer to the entrance of his small village that was usually hidden by an invisible barrier, He noticed that the barrier had fallen and everything was visible to anyone. He started to get a bit panicked as he hurried through the gate and down the forest path. As he got closer to where all the houses and Siheyuans's were, He smelled something that made his blood run cold. 


Hua Shen felt like everything was going in slow motion just then, He dropped everything in his hands and didn't care of they broke as he started running as fast as he could towards his residence. He didn't see a single soul the entire way but as he got closer to his residence where he and his mother lived, The stench of blood began to permeate. 

By the time he got to the gate of his residence, He was a mess. His face was as pale as a ghost's and his breathing was laborious. He had his hands on knees and was panting hardly. He could barely get any air into his lungs, he was wheezing and honestly felt like he might die. He had never run so fast in his entire life before. Soon he finally felt like he was able to breath a bit and lifted his head up. 

As the scene entered his eyes, His body jolted and froze in place. He felt like throwing up the moment he saw his mother, Aunt and additional family and friends laying lifeless on the bloody ground. There were piles of dead bodies scattered around the courtyard. 

Hua Shen felt like he was frozen, He saw his mother, His aunt, and numerous additional family members and friends laying lifeless on the bloody dirt. 

He fell down to his knees as his tears began welling up in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes as hard as he could, Hoping that this was just a dream or a hallucination but no matter how hard or how many times he rubbed his eyes, Nothing changed. It was the same scene, Blood dying everything and everyone. 

He suddenly stood up, Looking around the courtyard. He ran to the piles of bodies and started to look for anyone that was still alive or breathing. After he checked all the piles, He ran to the inner courtyard to check if anyone was still alive. 

As he got to the inner courtyard of his residence, He saw numerous amounts of dead bodies surrounding . . . . . A black figure. Hua Shen saw a full black sword in the hands of the black figure. 

The Hēi mó!! 

Hua Shen felt his blood boil, That sword was very precious to his family and especially his mother. He didn't know Why exactly but he knew that his mother loved and cherished that sword with her whole being. 

He raised his eyes to observe the person, The black figure had broad shoulders and and masculine facial features. So they were probably a male. They were tall, Probably about 6'0 or 6'1. They had long raven hair that went down past their butt and had a few silver strands scattered through their hair. 

They were donning Pitch black robes, With golden thread making a lotus pattern across the robes. They were wearing a black mask with golden thread forming another lotus pattern. The mask they were wearing hid their mouth and nose, All Hua Shen could see was their eyes. Eyes that he will never be able to forget, No matter how many times he tries. 

Hua Shen would never be able to forget those eyes of the person who had slaughtered his family. He would never be able to forget how they stared at him that day. 

He forced himself to etch the pigment of those pure blood-red eyes into his soul and body. He couldn't ever forget them, Because he didn't want to and because the sight of them would never leave his memories. 

He could recall detecting amusement and satisfaction in those horrible, Mocking eyes of theirs. It made Hua Shen absolutely furious, even just recalling it made Hua Shen want to punch the closest person to him, Yet he was absolutely powerless to do anything. It was like he had all the strength and will power in the world yet He was paralyzed and had no way of moving. 

All he could do was stand there in silence, watching as the individual who massacred his entire village and eradicated his home walk away like they hadn't done anything wrong. 

They, However, didn't leave without telling Hua Shen something that made him feel like he whole world, Or what was left of it, crumbled with those words. Once he was alone, He collapsed to his knees and raised his shakey hands to cover his face as he started screaming and sobbing. 

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