
The Owl House Watches The Owl House

Not the author, The residents of the Owl House along with Luz’s mother Carmila and Hexside are brought together by a being known as an Author’s Avatar to watch the Owl House. Post Covention.

Ninja_Knight_808 · Ti vi
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Chapter 35: Extra Special Intermission

The chairs disappeared and now the food tables replaced them along with the buffet as the audience began getting their trays to help themselves to the food options, though the humans now stayed clear of the eggs at the Boiling Isles offerings since they now knew that griffin eggs were among them. Luz, Camila, Amity, Eda, Gus. Willow Lilith and Hooty got their options as they went to their table but soon enough there was Edric and Emira.

"Okay most of you need to clear off this table now." Edric told all but Luz and Amity looking quite serious as most were now confused but Amity was now glaring at her siblings since both had the same serious expression.

"Edric, Emira; just what are you two doing? I think that we have been through enough with this Season already so we need a break, why do you think spoiling it is a good idea?" Amity asked (more like demanded) having little patience for their antics but then the twins grinned.

"You should be thanking us Mi.... Amity; technically speaking this is your first date with your human girlfriend so we think that you should have some privacy." Emira explained as the twins laughed at the embarrassment of the young couple, Emira making a quick word stop after seeing the face of Camila that was making it clear that she would not tolerate them using the nickname on their sister anymore now that she knew it was used by their emotionally abusive mother.

The twins then joined them at the table as they tucked in, "So about King.... Will that still be his name or should we start calling him Mr Wiggles?" Gus asked with a little tease at the end of sentence making them chuckle but then they saw King come over using his back to push Jean-Luc to the table as he then sat in his seat with his tray. They the occupants of the table looked disgusted and so did Perry, Mr Park, Gilbert, Viney, Barcus, Jerbo, Skara and the bat student as they came closer to sit at the table with them.

"King is fine everyone, plus yeah it's all funny now that we know that I was never the king of anything." King sighed as he started tucking into the cupcake."Remember Eda, no more secrets." King reminded Eda and she nodded.

"Well King if we are not to be keeping secrets or lying anymore, can we please talk about how out of the world adorable you were as a baby? Building your own monuments after Eda took you home?" Luz asked making a cutey face and noises, the other occupants of the table joining in to King's irritation as he then made his little squeal of rage.

"To think that all this time you were only 8 years old....." laughed Willow but then a realisation hit upon her, "We were giving you hell over the writing competition episode and while you totally deserved being called out, we were more harsh on you than we would have been if we knew what how old you really were." Willow pointed out and they blinked realising what she had brought up and gave their apologies.

Amity sighed as she spoke up with her arms folded "you were being a terrible friend to Luz in that episode and though I think I would have now handled it differently, I don't regret calling you out for being a Slayground bully while abusing your friend's condition in the process but...... You were just an immature kid all along so I think we should give you a little more leeway now."

King sighed as he had his head down saying "thanks but I don't really blame you, that really wasn't my finest moment.... Sorry again Luz...." King was interrupted by Luz pulling him into a hug with a huge smile on her face as the occupants awed at the scene and this time King didn't protest and just returned the hug.

Then there was a cough after Luz let him go as they saw that Bump had taken the time to come up to them, "I am glad that the situation with the Parent Creature Association will have taken place but to you three students even if one isn't technically or officially my student yet..." Bump said and then their eyes widened as unexpectedly Bump had taken Luz, Gus and Willow into a hug. "Life really is more fun with you in school and I hope that after we leave I won't have to expel you three for real! You are never leaving my school; I will fix your grades to make you be held back if I have to!!!!" Bump cried his behaviour not being unlike how King was acting to the idea of Luz going back to the human world in the first episode of this new season.

While surprised the three students then hugged back and soon Bump let go and tried to make himself look serious as he saw that the occupants were now trying to hold back their laughter though Eda and the detention students were grinning and Lilith was now just stumped. He then left to back to the table as Amity sighed as they looked at her concerned.

"Being reminded of that episode made me think of the years that I spent being a bully to my former best friend to stop my parents from ruining her academic future but now I see that it would have gone to waste thanks to my carelessness, I wasn't able to speak up as my mother flaunted her authority around for her own petty agenda...." Amity said as Willow and Gus looked sad and this time Amity was being hugged by both Luz and Camila.

"Don't worry Amity; everything worked out and now I know, plus you got to stand up to your mother and proved that you we can count on you when we need you. I don't regret anything." Willow told her with an assured smile shared by her parents (who had shifted away the blame that they had put on Amity for so many years to the parents) and Perry.

"I think Luz's mom has stolen Amity from our mom and I really don't care Ed." Emira whispered to Edric and he nodded in response.

"I am so glad that we have all been brought here as one big happy found family of friends!!!" Hooty shouted gleefully ready to pull them into a hug but Lilith stopped him.

Soon they were finished with their food as Cornholio faced his audience, "Now that it's settled we can get ready for the other episodes of the season and I must warn you that you are in for so much pain, grief and just general wondering why is the show making you go through this... I am off course talking about: waiting for Luz and Amity to become canon." Cornholio greeted them as there were chuckles much to the expense of the red faced teens. "Now then...." Cornholio said readying his fingers but then there was some sort of portal appearing. "Uh... What now...." Cornholio complained with the audience's eyes widening as something was happening unknown to even their all powerful host with the last time it happening was another Author coming....

Then came in was a young man with brown hair, black glasses, a black t-shirt with a Cobra Kai logo, navy blue sweat pants, black converse shoes and a black CASIO calculator watch on his left arm. "You must be Cornholio and I must say it's a huge pleasure to see the big cast of the Owl House myself." The stranger greeted them as Cornholio raised an eyebrow at him as he had his arms folded. "Sorry let me introduce myself: Joey Tomas which you can call me since there isn't a Joey here or you might know me better as JTom09." He greeted as Cornholio sighed.

"Yes you, the one doing a reaction of the Loud House. Nice to meet you too but what would be nice as well was if someone decided to call first before interrupting me! At least unlike with Alyssa, you didn't cause me to ruin a surprise before it was ready." Cornholio replied as Joey shrugged.

"Is he an Author as well?" Skara asked as Cornholio sighed.

"Not exactly an interdimensional entity using a physical form like me but close enough to the Author entities that Alyssa and I belong to. Basically he is from a version of what some would call 'the real world' using magic and taking advantage of the space between dimensions to bring in characters from a Nickelodeon show called the Loud House." Cornholio explained as Joey greeted them with a wave and they waved back politely. "You may have heard me reference this show earlier today. Remember me playing the Nickelodeon All- Star Brawl game at the start talking of making characters called Lincoln fight his sister Lucy? Plus me making a joke that in a crossover Gus with his hatred of puns wouldn't get along with Luan? Well those characters are from the show; basically the main character Lincoln is the middle child with ten sisters as he tries to survive the chaos." Cornholio explained as they took this in.

"A family of 11 in a house? Are they rabbits or something?" Camila asked in disbelief as Joey and Cornholio shared a laugh.

"Funny you should mention that as that was the original idea for the show along with more sisters and they even made it into an episode called White Hare for the 3rd season." Joey explained.

"A personal favourite of mine actually and can I ask if there is any chance that you can do it early like you did the Yes-Man episode?" Cornholio asked him and sighed as Joey then shook his head. "Off course you did it to ease the tension amongst the characters and you want the characters to face and learn from their past mistakes. Unlike me who fully admits that I am doing this for my own amusement just like other Authors in this scenario." Cornholio sighed as Joey came to Luz's table.

"Luz, Eda, King, Willow, Gus and Amity: nice to meet you all as my favourite characters from the show." Joey greeted them as the named occupants looked flattered but Eda and King grinned smugly. "Plus I see that due to how Cornholio approached this, he made my 2nd fave LGBT ship canon before the show did." Joey commented and Cornholio came over grinning.

"Yes, I managed to put them through a season's worth of character development within 24 hours, argue all you want about how it's less natural but I call it efficient! I would call it an accomplishment just like you did with getting your own TV Tropes page." Cornholio told him and Joey shook his head.

"No need to try and turn this into a competition as you manage to get onto the Owl House's fanfic recommendation page...." Joey replied and then Luz stood up suddenly.

"Hold on a second; not only am I the protagonist of a Disney cartoon as well as a witch and not only does the show have online tie-in material but it has...... FANFICTION?" Luz practically squealed taking aback the other occupants and those in the audience as Luz started giving so many questions.

"I forgot that you don't bring up fanfics like I do." Joey commented as Cornholio shrugged. "Well my guests during their interval time like to discuss the lessons that they have learned. So what have you learned?" Joey asked as Eda grinned.

"Luz learned from me not to befriend a man in sandals, and always measure twice, cut once." Eda brought up as there were just stares as Eda glared muttering something under her breath.

"Well I learned that it's okay not to be a normal, weirdos have to stick together and to keep my fantasies under control. I am still learning to separate reality from fiction in my adventures. Plus to study and master the basics as Eda and I have both learned." Luz brought up as there were smiles at this.

"So much that I have learned about what not to do about family and about trusting the right person but in the 2nd episode Eda gave valuable advice about how if you just wait for someone or something to make you special then you will just keep waiting." Lilith commented as Eda looked flattered at what her sister said as they shared a smile.

"What episodes do you two like the most?" Gus asked towards Cornholio and Joey.

"The Grom episode, the library episode from the first season and the writing contest episode." Cornholio brought up and they understood those choices except for perhaps the last one.

"For me it would be Once Upon a Swap, Understanding Willow, Enchanting Grom Fright, Escaping Expulsion, Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty's Door, Eclipse Lake, Young Blood, Old Souls and Eda's Requiem. Some of which you have yet to get to." Joey replied and he had a thought. "Feels cool seeing you all here especially since my least fave characters Belos, Kikimora and Odalia aren't here." Joey commented and they could understand how he felt and especially with his choices.

"Along with Odalia, my least fave is Boscha who is here but I know how to keep her in line." Cornholio said as there were angry muttering from Boscha.

"I am your least favourite? What a shocker, you would never have been able to tell from how I have been treated since I arrived here! I regret ever agreeing to stay!!!!!!" Boscha shouted angrily as there were laughter at that.

"Wait, your Loud House show? How exactly does a house like that stay in one piece with so many children? Can you imagine us having to deal with a brawl in that family because for us I think there's no such luck." King brought up and they thought that it was a good point but then were confused as Cornholio and Joey grimaced.

"Not only was that unnatural to force that in but not really the choice of words to use to Loud House fans." Cornholio told them to their confusion but they decided to let it slide.

"Before I leave, during intermissions in my own little escapades we have song sequences performed so why not here?" suggested Joey as Cornholio grinned along with the others.

"I know how about I bring in the cast of the classic brilliant British comedy series the Young Ones and have them sing their Comic Relief special Living Doll along with the total and utter king of rock and roll: Cliff Richard!" Cornholio beamed but then sighed at the silence that followed with Joey muttering about what fit that Luna and her friends would have upon hearing that. "Okay something more appropriate.... I can have Luz and Amity perform Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors or songs from the musical the Prom, I could have them and Willow along with the three human girls from Amphibia perform the Six song from the musical of the same name, I could have Odalia, Belos and Kikimora appear and force them to perform the Banana Boat song like in Beetlejuice.... Wait, I got it!!!" Cornholio said after giving it a thought and snapped his fingers restoring it back to the theatre with everyone in their seats.

There was then Lilith appearing on stage to her confusion along with Hooty to their confusion, "Hey everyone remember when I brought up how Hooty fronts the interdimensional music group Hooty and the Parliament Owls Angelic?" Cornholio asked as they vaguely remembered the weird little moment as Hooty was excited to have a microphone but then there was a spotlight shown at the side of there being three black colored owls.

Then music played and clips of the show appeared on the screen as Hooty in a different voice along with his bandmates began singing a parody of Our House by Madness to the shock of the audience as this was unreal even compared to normal Hooty antics.

Joey looked towards Cornholio who whispered "I know AO3 is more relaxed than Fanfiction but I am not risking any copyright police coming after me by using the actual lyrics...."

Soon it was done and Hooty and his bandmates bowed to the weirded out clapping of the audience as Lilith returned to her seat and Hooty's bandmates disappeared. "I am certain that someone spiked my apple blood...." Eda muttered as Joey then waved goodbye to the audience as he opened up a portal and left.

"Wait.... I forgot to ask him what he thought of my fanfic idea: a Loud House Parody of the King of Comedy! It could have been so perfect with Luan playing the role of Rupert Pupkin and Joannie Sassafras as Jerry Langford! Luan's name in the Full Deck is even Joker which is the name of the DC villain origin movie which took a lot of inspiration from that movie! The Queen of Comedy is a fanfic idea that someone should try!!!" Cornholio muttered to himself but then coughed. "I hope you all enjoyed that most interesting visit but now let's go to our next episode and I promise in comparison to the others in this season so far it's quite a breather..." Cornholio told them to much sighs of relief.