
The Outcast ( DxD Fanfic )

A Past shrouded in silence. A single, exquisite momento - a reminder etched in bone of the atrocities found in humans

Kinshu_War · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

The Outcast.

The sky was shrouded in gloomy clouds as it cast rain to the desolate forest. A child watched her fallen mother's corpse burn in the raging fire that seemed to fight with the waters above. Pure disbelief was the only thing that seemed to appear on his face. He couldn't understand . One moment they were huddled together as he relished her comfort and the next...

A man approached as he laid a comforting hand on his shoulder . This was Juzo Hyoudou. He didn't say anything to the child as it would only worsen the situation.

*** 10 YEARS LATER ****

" Why should I go to that damned school old man ? Just because that perverted grandson of yours is going ? " A youth in his mid teens shouted back at an old man. He had an athletic physique with black hair and violet eyes. He was unique as he was in popular culture what is called a blasian.

Apart from that he was nothing noteworthy he was ordinary in appearance and was of average height. He was Isamu Elba.

They were currently sitting in the dining table. Isamu wore the standard Kuoh high school uniform . His gaze was impatient and annoyed which was a struck contrast to Juzo which was mocking and humorous .

The old man did not hesitate to answer him.

" Yes !! And he is not a pervert just a man of culture " Juzo said making Isamu roll his eyes.

" Sure thing old man " Isamu said sarcastically.

The old man gave out a sigh understanding the boy well.

" I understand what you are going through but you can not just remain a .... "

" Argh fine old man . I'll go just don't give me another lecture. I have already experienced the bird and the bees with you and I am sure as hell ain't listening to another one of your lectures " Isamu said .

He took the bag next to him and wore his sunglasses before walking out however he momentarily paused . He looked back at Juzo.

" Take care old man " 

Juzo made a disgusted expression .

" Gay "

Isamu fumed .

" Fuck you " He showed Juzo the middle finger before banging the door close.

Juzo saw that he was gone and slightly smiled.

' You too Isamu '

Kuoh High was only a 15 minute walk from his home so within no time he was staring at the gates. 

Isamu slightly gawked at the skirts the girls wore. They barely covered anything and a slight breeze would be enough to show your underwear to the world.

" No wonder Issei is a pervert. " Isamu murmured under his breath. He however would not let that influence him ... maybe.

As Isamu arrived at the gates , he saw her. A spectacled young lady with a slim figure , black short hair and violet eyes. She had an air of strictness about her. Quite a beauty if Isamu were to judge.

The moment she saw Isamu she was slightly surprised making Isamu frown internally . His first thought wa she was like one of those people that had ostracized him making him feel like an outcast.

She approached Isamu .

" Isamu Elba right ? I am Souna Shitori the student council president here. I am here to show you the school so that you may get acquainted with it. "

Isamu nodded . His face turned nonchalant. 

Souna slightly frowned at this. She couldn't believe that someone of his race was getting admitted to this school. If it wasn't for that damned treaty he would already be dead.

Souna guided Isamu around the school as she told him about the school rules . Isamu pretended to listen but in all honesty he did not give a damn.

After showing the whole school , she guided him to the classroom but before he entered she extended her arms at him . Isamu looked at her weirdly 

" Sun glasses aren't allowed in this school " She said

" I am photogenic good bye " He said then ignored Souna's entire existence . He walked into the classroom making Sona slightly enraged.

As she walked back to the office , she was met with a red haired girl with a slim figure massive boobs. 

" Hi Sona. Have you noticed that there is a fallen angel in our school or is it just me. " Rias questioned.

" Yes I noticed . I have already taken him to class . "

Rias eyes widened .

" A fallen angel in our territory ? And you haven't acted. " Rias was surprised to say the least.

" Well I cannot do anything . He seems unaware of his situation and we cannot do anything to some unaware half fallen angel " Sona reasoned. 

" Well I hope you are right. "

" Anyway I should get going . I have piles of work to catch up on . " Sona said. She walked away leaving Rias contemplating on something

' What a rare thing , a fallen angel not knowing of his origins. Does he perhaps have dementia ?' Rias tried to understand what was going on .

*** With Isama ****

Isama scanned the class and internally groaned as he saw a familiar person. 

' Why did I have to be in the same class with this pervert ? ' He thought.

He however gave out a small smile .

" Hello everyone , I am Isamu Elba and I'll be in your care " 

He saw a girl giggle creepily to herself with a heavy blush . She was a cute girl with glasses but her actions made her seem like a pervert. 

The perverted trio excluding Issei were complaining why it wasn't a cute girl instead. The teacher directed Isamu to his seat and it wasn't particularly great for him. He was sitting next to the perverted trio and he knew well Issei would try his very best to make his life a living hell. 

The two saw each other in a very bad light. Issei saw Isamu as an ungrateful person who only knew how to milk his father's and grandfather's hardwork and that did not sit well with Isamu.

Isamu glanced at what was being taught and couldn't help but get bored.

' What a pain , I already learnt everything here when I was being homeschooled. ' Isamu thought. 

His only option to escape the boredom was to sleep. Occasionally he would be woken up by a disgruntled teacher who would ask him a few questions. He would respond to all of them correctly then go to sleep. He failed to notice the intense stare of a certain blond devil behind him.

Classes ended with Isamu still asleep . He was woken up by someone pushing his desk.

He looked up to see Issei. He seemed angry .

" Why the hell are you here ? " 

His tone was harsh. Isamu didn't say anything and ignored him . 

" You think you're cool huh . Who do you think is pay your school fees right now ? " Issei asked angrily.

Isamu stood up and walked away from Issei's scowl. He wasn't in the mood to deal with him. 

Issei's anger grew and he suddenly picked a book and threw it to Isamu.

First Yuuma had tried to kill him and now this ? He was beyond livid.

His might have been recently converted but he was a devil none the less and devils were stronger than humans. 

The book hit Isamu with a bang making him fly to the board and hit his head. His body fell down showing a trace of blood in the blackboard. 

Everyone was shocked. The responsible students went to check on Isamu's condition.

Issei stared blankly in his hands quite surprised with what he did. His friends stepped back slightly in fear

Of all the most shocked people was Kiba , the blonde devil. The amount of fallen angel energy Isamu released was a lot . So he couldn't understand how a simple attack was enough to reduce him to this.