
Chapter 1 - The Meeting

The clouds were dawning over Tokyo as Hikaru Ono got up from bed as her rotary phone in her living room was ringing. She walked over to the other room in a tired fashion as if she was an old woman who hasn't slept in days. Her house was always clean never a dirty spot in site.

Hikaru picked up the phone and heard the deep voice of Yoshiu Washuu the chairman of the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul).

"Ms. Ono please report to the Conference Room as soon as possible. We have selected you and 4 others for a special project." Yoshiu demanded her.

Yoshiu hung up before Hikaru could even say a word. As she put the phone down she was left wondering what could be so important that she was called up to the Conference Room. She only just became a Special Class Investigator recently. She didn't exactly know what the job entailed because it was new. Whatever it was it must've been really important.

Hikaru went to her dresser and on top was a picture of her with her older brother. They were playing basketball together. They were very close to each other but everytime she looked at the photo of her brother it was a reminder of why she joined the CCG. Her brother's life was taken by a Ghoul. The ghoul was then killed by using a flamethrower. Flamethrowers however are hard to get and Ghouls can dodge them easily though unless you catch them off guard.

As she went through her dresser she looked for something formal to put on. In the CCG every investigator wore formal clothing no matter what investigator class you were. Working as an investigator most of the job was to research and oversee wards and fill out paperwork. Most of it was paperwork though. Every once in a while you would be assigned to go into alleys to take out low tier ghouls. The tiers for ghouls go from C to SSS. Investigators try to stay away from S Class ghouls and up due to how weak the CCG arsenal is.

Once Hinata got everything together she walked out the door into the bewildering streets of Tokyo where no matter where you go you never know if you walk by a Ghoul or not. Ghouls look exactly like humans but biologically they are different. This is because Ghouls have a predatory organ which is know as the kagune and they're eyes can go black with a red iris but, they can change it into human eyes. They use these as weapons against humans. The recent breakthrough of Q bullets are bullets made up of quinque steel and these special type of bullets have a kagune coating which is melted onto the bullet that is made of quinque steel.

If it wasn't for these q bullets humans would've probably been endangered by now. These are more effective than the flamethrower however the fire rate on these guns using them are not that great. In the CCG ever since they made this breakthrough and made a proper gun to hold these bullets they began training classes to help people aim better.

On the way there Hinata passed by a Alleyway where she spotted a ghoul holding a child to the ground. As soon as the ghoul saw Hinata he used his Koukaku Kagune to stab the child in the heart. The ghoul was using it's Koukaku Kagune. This type of Kagune comes out from the shoulder blade and it was shaped like a sword.

The ghoul was breathing heavily on the child's body as it started eating the child's body right away. Ghouls survived off of human flesh. Ghouls cannot eat human food so they resort to killing humans and eating them. The ghoul was eating away at the child's body without any remorse.

Immediately Hinata took out her pistol with the Q bullets loaded in the clip. As soon as the ghoul glanced at her in a sudden movement. BANG! She shot him right in the head and he fell to the ground. Her heart was beating faster than a train. She walked up to the Ghoul slowly and cautiously this was because sometimes Ghouls don't die after the first shot to the head. Ghoul anatomy was still such a mystery to the world and she made sure to "triple-tap" the ghoul in the head to reassure herself it's dead.

She walked away from the body because there was no point in calling any kind of medical help due to vast amount of people in the hospital due to ghoul related injuries or deaths the medics would just have to make their round trip and find them. Medics made trips around the streets of Tokyo so they would just have to look for bodies themselves since telephones were still rare to have. Hinata carried on walking a few more blocks to the CCG Main Office Building. Which was also the branch for the 1st ward. In Tokyo there are 23 wards. This building is responsible for the 1st ward and overseeing all other wards that had a CCG branch building.

As Hinata walked into the building you could hear a vast amount of people talking and walking all over the place. Working for the CCG in these days it was hard to get a break or even a day off. Hinata walked past the bustling workers in the building to the elevator where she met up with her boyfriend Kaito Takagi.

Kaito greeted her with a kiss and Hinata smiled at him with joy. Hinata had never been in a relationship before until then but they were both Special Class Investigators and like Hinata, Kaito was also called in for the meeting. Nobody knew about their relationship so when they were at work they acted professional and acted like friends, but they always snuck in little moments with each other where the blind eye could not see.

"Want to get lunch after the meeting my love?" Kaito asked her with a innocent smile.

"Sure! So what exactly do you think this meeting will be about it can't be another breakthrough this soon right?" Hinata curiously asked Kaito.

"Well its quite possible that it could be another breakthrough we have been studying all kinds of ghouls bodies and the four types of kagunes. Times are changing and new inventions have been on the rise. I would be quite scared if I were a ghoul since most of them don't have access to what we have."

"You do have a point. Whenever I am in the presence of one of The Washuu Family members I can't help but feel nervous around them. Especially with Chairman Washuu with his deep intimidating voice."

"Nervousness in these times will only get you killed you just gotta keep your head up Hinata." Kaito reassured her as he pats her back and smiles at her.

They both exited the elevator and walked down the hallway to the Conference Room. They walked into the room and there they were Special Class Investigators and one of the investigators being the son of the chairman. Tsuneyoshi Washuu who is also nicknamed "Demon Tsune" for his strength.

Around the table from was the young Tsuneyoshi, Yoshio, and another Special Class Investigator Hoshio Fukuda. Yoshio with his head tilted down but his eyes up and staring at Hinata. I felt dead where I stood for a second but I took a seat right away. Yoshio was always a serious man towards everyone even his own son. However he did have a soft spot for Hoshio. This led Hoshio and Tsuneyoshi to be rivals. Hinata and Kaito both sat next to each other across from Yoshio.

"Good morning Special Investigators, Takagi, Ono, Fukuda, Washuu. You four have been selected to come with me to Germany to work on this special project. During this project you will be helping us test out a new weapon that simply called Quinque. The Quinque is a weapon where we can use ghoul's kagunes against them and making them into different weapons like a sword or a whip etc. The sky is the limit investigators in the future there could possibly be many different kinds of quinques but for now we will be experimenting with the basic ones. I have came up with the idea for myself and sent some blueprints myself to Germany where our Q Bullets are manufactured. Any questions Special Class Investigators?"

"Sir how exactly long are we going to be in Germany for Tokyo could be in deep shit without us here?" Hoshio told Yoshio warningly.

"About a month or two depending how long Adam Gehner the Commissioner Chief of the GFG wants us there. Don't worry you guys will get to go sightseeing and all that. All expenses paid. But absolutely no slacking on the job when we need you! When we call you,5 you should be back at the GFG immediately!" Yoshio shouted demandingly at everyone.

Everyone felt tense after Yoshio shouted but everyone understood his orders clearly and they were quiet for a few seconds.

"Well if there are no more questions then carry on and be at the airport on Saturday 7 : 00 AM sharp!" Yoshio ended the quick meeting.

Everyone walked out of the room and Hinata, Kaito, Hoshio went to the elevator.

"Hey do you two want to grab lunch with me?" Hoshio asked them.

The problem was if Hinata or Kaito told Hoshio they were getting lunch together Hoshio would be under the suspicion that those two might be dating. Hoshio had a knack for knowing if people were dating or not but however he hasn't had any clue about them and they want to keep it that way. Sadly for Hinata and Kaito they especially didn't want him knowing so they would just have to have lunch with him.

"Sure!" Both of them said with a big grin on their face but on the inside they were sad.

Hinata sighed without both of them seeing. Both of them rarely got alone time. Usually most of their one on one time was during their days off from work. They all walked out the elevator and exited the building to the nearby restaurant.