
The odyssey of the reincarnated

A person who climbed his life from being poor to a person who could be considered normal, saw his life delayed by someone he loved, but managed to reconcile his inner peace and move forward. But suddenly, when he was looking for a better future, an unexpected crossroads happened that changed his entire life for better or worse, only the future will tell.

mather · Tranh châm biếm
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Right now I feel like I don't exist, I feel like I'm in limbo, I feel like my body doesn't exist, only my consciousness that allows me to feel and at the same time not, because in this space. It could be the heaven told in biblical stories, or a prelude to samsara that would lead my soul to reincarnation. But at that moment the only thing I could feel was sight and the only thing I saw was nothing. No land surface, no breeze of air, no drop of water and more terrifying, that here time does not pass. How did I come to this conclusion? I looked around and there were several points equal to me but nobody moved. Except me, who could only see it but also could not move. At this moment I thought about what problematic situation I have gotten myself into. So I was for a while. I don't know how much, but in human time maybe minutes, an hour or also days or even years, I couldn't feel it. The only thing I was thinking was: What is going to happen to me? Is this life after death or maybe what is known as the beyond? But this is not how they mentioned it in the biblical stories. They said it was a place where you could be with your loved ones and live with them until the end of time. The moment I woke up I thought: Will I be able to see my grandmother again here? I was waiting and waiting to see if it was fulfilled but nothing. Little by little I lost hope that this would happen. When I realized that this place was not heaven, I asked myself: Where am I? What am I doing here? What is going to happen to me? Am I going to reincarnate as a protagonist of a harem or something like that? Or something worse, I looked at the mist that was similar to me, they were only spheres that were as still as if they had frozen and then I tried to look for more things but I found nothing, only that mist and I thought, if there is a quantity of these things here, the only thing that is kept in quantity would be riches or like money or something more important, food. At that moment I got goosebumps, what could be eaten at this quantity of mists that I couldn't even see in their entirety? Let alone in their entirety, I didn't even know how much there was here, maybe this space is not a millionth part of this place. The moment I thought, I felt that something was attracting me to a place, I without being able to move or resist was pulled to a place I didn't know. At that moment I looked around and I could see that the other mists were also being absorbed. At that moment I thought: Am I facing the real end? A while ago I thought the same and in the end I ended up here. At that moment I decided to face whatever it took me. When I got that resolution I could feel that the weight of my non-existent chest was disappearing. And I followed the current that was leading the way, I looked around and I could see that we were the same, a space with nothing, sometimes white, sometimes dark and sometimes half bluish. Already at that moment I thought that nothing bad would happen to me. I could glimpse something, that shocked me or terrified me, it was a huge being, I don't know how huge but if approximately it was at least the size of a mountain and the worst thing is that all the mists were going to his hand that had a hole and absorbed them. At that moment I panicked, I tried to move to escape but I couldn't. I tried to move my non-existent body but I couldn't. At that moment I felt this is how an ant feels when it looks at a human, an insignificant being that even though it fights can't do anything. At that moment all the motivation I felt was slowly fading away. But at the moment when I was reaching that hole. It can't be like this, I have to live even if it's like this. At that moment with all my strength that I don't know where I got I could move, slow but I could move. At that moment I felt some hope but this was destroyed when something sounded all over the place, a sound that was unintelligible. For me at that moment I saw the strange being, he was the one who was making the sound. He kept emitting unintelligible sounds for me."

"Changing perspective"

I am a being protector of the realm of nothingness, who protects other beings that cross between omniverses. I feed on the residual souls of each existing omniverse.

You may wonder several things, what are omniverses and residual souls? First of all, a universe is a place where living beings are born and spatial phenomena such as black holes, supernovas, among other things, occur. A universe is normally created through a spark of energy or, as some beings call it, the Big Bang. This happens because a multiverse wants to expand or create another timeline.

A multiverse is an infinite set of universes that represent two types of universes: a unique universe or some universes that are the same but vary in their timeline.

At the top of everything is the omniverse. This regulates the multiverses and produces beings called omni, who are beings that can do at their will what they want, they can create universes at their whim.

To these we have omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Sometimes beings are born that obtain some of these, one or two, but the one that is born with three only is born in each omniverse. This one is called the transcendentalist, he can create multiverses or undo them and if he proposes it he can create another omniverse but at the expense of his own.

But before the omniverse there was only nothingness, nothingness is a compound that is necessary for the creation of an omniverse, it is as if it were the raw material. After several eras, the first omniverse was created, and thus successively every hundred eras a new omniverse was created each being to live in its respective birthplace until there was a change, a transcendental being wanted to create an omniverse apart from his own omniverse. For this there were two ways: use nothingness to create an omniverse or use another omniverse as raw material.

This caused chaos that led to the supreme rules separating the omniverses and that powerful beings could not cross between other omniverses.

"An era can be said to be the end of a universe, it is quite a time, remember this prefix that will be used often."

Going back to the beginning, I saw a residual soul that was getting out of the pre-established path, at that moment I was interested. Residual souls can only exist in the form of a broken soul and are usually powerful beings that have at least a galactic scale. For many reincarnations, their soul fragments and they are a danger to their universe, as they can create a space that would threaten their universe. Consequently, they are voted to nothingness and this space suppresses any power: bloodline, soul, rules, authorities, making them only a source of energy. And from time to time, every millennium, I absorb these souls to be able to feed myself and rarely these souls escape from control. They are usually beings of quasi-multiversal power who want to return to their worlds.

At that moment I thought, what a delicious snack, those beings are a rich source of energy with attributes. When I was about to swallow it, how does a weak being moving resist the rules of the world and move? Then I activated my eyes of omniscience. And I could see several things, this soul was new, it was just living its first life. It was also a being that had not even made contact with a basic rule and what intrigued me is that it had a power similar to nothingness within it, this would have to be impossible, nobody can coexist with nothingness. And I started to think and came to a conclusion.

That moment has arrived, I sighed to myself, I searched among the things I had, I grabbed something round, this can serve this 'seed', I took it from someone who tried to pass from omniverse millions of years ago. I grabbed that soul and put the ball on top of it and dissolved it into its soul. Then I grabbed it, opened a portal to any place and said, I hope this can help you and I hope to see you again at the necessary moment."

Hello my readers, this is my second chapter of this fanfcition. Currently I am filling slowly, if anyone wonders what anime is the first arc, let's play its first, the first letter starts with f.... "if you know what anime it is, write it in the comment box", if you want to support this novel, support me with your power stones, thank you very much.

mathercreators' thoughts