
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update once a week.) _____________________________________ Be warned: 1. This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) 2. If you don't like MC Nerfing then this is not the FF for you. (Don't bother leaving some review about such thing because I have already given a warning.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Tranh châm biếm
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231 Chs

Chapter 17 - Shrek Academy


---Two days Later---

Rose Hotel,

Inside a room in Rose Hotel, two naked youths could be found lying on the bed. Despite the sun at its peak outside, the two still felt too lazy to get up. Lev, who was half asleep, was caressing Sia's head as the latter was moving her finger in circles on his chest.

"Master, didn't you say that you will go to Shrek Academy today? It's almost noon soon." Sia then muttered with slight worry after suddenly recalling something like that as Lev had told her to remind him of that. Though she felt that it was too late, she could not really help it as anyone would be bound to forget such small details after having great sex every night.

Immediately after hearing that, Lev's eyes widened as he got up with haste. If not for Sia's reminder, he might also forget about such a thing. Seeing how bright outside of their room, he felt like he might probably miss such an opportunity.

Without further ado, Lev immediately pulled out some clothes in his inventory and put them on. Talking about some small things and reminders to Sia, he then left the hotel right after that. He wasn't worried that something would happen to her since he knew she could just talk to him via telepathy and resummon her if there was danger.

"Good Luck, Master." Sia replied with a smile on her face. They had already talked about it last night that she would be left behind, but she really couldn't do anything about it since she really was weak and somehow incapable of getting strong. Though it was boring being alone, she was not complaining about anything as she would not let herself become a burden for Lev.


Meanwhile, after leaving the hotel, Lev only took several minutes before he finally saw a small village just outside Suotuo City. Though he was late, he felt like he was only late not too long. Wanting to make it pass, he then used some spirit ability to increase his speed.

Not too long after that, Lev then finally arrived at the place like a reception area upon seeing an old man preparing to keep his things away ready to leave the place as there were no longer applicants around.

'So, I'm already this late. This tremors, Tang San and the others might probably already fighting Zhao Wuji by now.' Lev thought as he looked deeper inside the place as he could feel spirit pressure from the distance. Knowing that he could no longer see them in action, he just sighed and prepared to ask the old man for his admission.

"Old man, are you still accepting enrollees?" Lev then asked before taking off his cloak. He doesn't really need to come to this place just to see the main characters, he was here so that he could convince some or at the very least even one of them to be his companion. Though Sia was already enough, he thought that the more capable person he recruits on his side the better his future plans would be since he had already decided long ago that he would create his own organization in this world.

Meanwhile, the old man who was preparing to leave immediately came to a stop after looking at the young man in front of him. One thing is for sure is that he could not help but feel amazed by his appearance and demeanor which immediately made him think that he must have come from a prominent family.

"The application fee is ten gold spirit coins, put it in that chest." The old man then didn't linger any longer. Still having his spirit master's demeanor, the way he treated Lev was completely different from the other applicants since he was cautious about not making it difficult for Lev since his identity was still quite a mystery.

Hearing the old man, Lev then put ten gold spirit coins in the chest the old man was pointing. The money he paid and the money he used in the hotel came from converting his True God Coin to gold coins. He was probably considered a tycoon in this place as 1 True God Coin is equivalent to 1,000,000 gold coins after conversion.

"Extend your right hand." The old man said next. Seeing Lev wasn't bothered taking out ten gold spirit coins, he was now partly sure that he came from a wealthy family and was excited to know what kind of person he really was.

As told, Lev immediately extended his hand before the old man. With that, the old man reached out and kneaded his hand for a while, nodding his head towards him before saying, "Exactly twelve years old. Release your spirit, let me have a look."

'Hmmm.' Lev looked at the old before him feeling reluctant to show his spirit but since it was a requirement for admission he then just sighed helplessly. Though he didn't like to act like a bad guy, he was just left with no choice.

"What are you waiting for?" The old man repeatedly said seeing Lev suddenly become silent. He felt like this young man was reluctant to show his spirit because of two things, he either had a strong one that needed to be hidden due to the clans' assignment or he had a useless and weak spirit that he felt embarrassed showing it.

"Old man, the spirit of our clan is a bit different, and it could not be easily shown off to the outside. How about excusing me this time and letting me pass already for the next step." Lev answered with a smile before putting down a bag full of gold coins on the table trying to bribe the old man before him.

Hearing this, the old man's brows knitted as looked at Lev once again. However, it didn't take long before he sighed while his right hand reached out and grabbed the bag of gold coins. He knew the situation of the academy and it undeniably lacked money so having Lev's 'donation' would be great. He replied, "Follow me."

With that, Lev smiled upon seeing such a situation, but it also proved that money really was capable of bending some rule no matter if it was on Earth or here. Well, it's not like he was proudly doing it but he was just forced to do so since he was sure that he might not really pass the admission when he showed his white spirit rings.

Following this, Lev then followed behind the old man, and it wasn't long before they arrived at the last test area where he finally saw the already unconscious Tang San and Xiao Wu as a group of people was gathering close to them.

Despite still having a distance, Lev heard Zhao Wuji say, "Mubai, you are in charge of getting these four new students settled. Tomorrow, the term will start. You must not move the hidden weapons this Tang San littered all over as some of them are poisoned, wait until he wakes up and let him gather them himself."

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San for the last time with a conflicted expression on his face and was about to leave but stopped midway seeing a colleague together with a youth getting near to them in the distance.

"Dai Mubai, there is still a late monster next to me and directly guide him to the last test since he would undeniably pass all the rest." The old man then said while looking at Dai Mubai. He did not even ask what happened as he did not want to humiliate Zhao Wuji upon seeing his situation. He was just wondering who was capable enough to push him that far.

Hearing the old man, the group of young men and women then looked at Lev beside him. The two other girls which were probably Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked very interested in Lev thinking that there was still a young man who passed all the tests aside from them.

"How handsome." Ning Rongrong commented. With her hidden status, she has already seen enough handsome people in the empire, however, Lev's appearance gave her an appeal completely different from others. On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing just gives Lev a look with interest for a different reason.

"Tsk." On the other hand, Oscar, a boy with a long mustache covering his face immediately expressed disapproval upon seeing Lev. Dai Mubai was already enough for them and now seeing another handsome youth would only make them disadvantageous when it comes to charming the newly admitted young girls this time.

While Dai Mubai was looking at Lev, a hint of displeasure came to him upon thinking that there really was someone who was much better looking than him. He unknowingly shifted his gaze and looked at Zhu Zhuqing which prompted him to feel the same with Oscar.

With that, Dai Mubai then looked at the old man and replied respectfully, "Thank you, Teacher Li."

Hearing Dai Mubai, Teacher Li then lost interest as he walked towards Zhao Wuji wanting to hear his thoughts regarding the student that the academy admitted this time since these youths will probably become someone in the future.

"I'm the examiner of the 4th Test. You just need to be able to endure my attacks for one stick of incense of time to be considered passed." Right after that, Dai Mubai announced as he walked forward and looked at Lev while thinking about how to teach and humiliate him in front of the others.

On the other hand, Lev felt an unpleasant change in Dai Mubai's voice which made him think about what he had just done to make him like that. With that, he could only sigh when he noticed Zhu Zhuqing was looking at him interestedly which was probably the reason behind his change however, he was no longer a kid to be provoked like that, but he was also not a pushover who they could do whatever he wanted.

"Dai Mubai, Spirit: White Tiger, thirty-seventh ranked battle spirit elder. Kindly advise me." Dai Mubai annoyingly announced his spirit and rank which represented a desire for a formal challenge. He saw a glimpse of Lev looking at Zhu Zhuqing which made him feel annoyed thinking about how could he have an idea for his fiancée, though it wasn't still known to others.

"Lev Hendrix, Spirit: Karyu." Lev replied normally. As he was portraying a person with mystery, he felt like he also needed to like one until he accomplished his goals in this place. Not telling them his spirit rank was probably enough to stir their minds and it really works.

Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Zhao Wuji frown upon hearing Lev's reply. They all felt like he was not taking Dai Mubai seriously upon hearing his nonchalant reply as if interested in the test.

"Teacher Li, who is this kid?" Zhao Wuji then asked Teacher Li curiously since he might probably know more about Lev since he was assigned to overlook the first admission test.

"I don't know but I'm sure that he came from some prominent clan like this girl, Ning Rongrong." Teacher Li replied while looking at Lev with curiosity. He didn't have the chance to see his spirit earlier but since the last step was a battle test, he could not finally know what he was hiding.

Just like the rest, Dai Mubai really felt a bit annoyed seeing how Lev not taking his test seriously which created a seed of hatred in his heart towards him. He has been living like a boss during his stay in this place and yet seeing him make him feel like his reputation would be severed if he would give him a lesson. Without waiting for too long, Dai Mubai then annoyingly said, "Let's start!"

Immediately after that, Dai Mubai then used his White Tiger Body Enhancement. Without waiting for Lev to act, he then dashed forward and then used a spirit ring ability. He said, "2nd Spirit Ring Ability: White Tiger Intense Light Wave."

Activating the skill, an intense light coming from his hands then moved toward Lev's direction completely surprising Teacher Li and Zhao Wuji as they both thought that Dai Mubai wasn't holding back and seemed serious about teaching Lev a lesson. Though it was obvious, they, however, didn't stop stim and let him be.

Seeing the incoming attack, Lev only used minimal movement to avoid it effortlessly. He has been chased non-stop for five years in Sunset Forest, and dodging this weak and lame attack was nothing to him. Following that, he took off his cloak and threw it off towards Dai Mubai wanting to distract his vision as he writes something in the air.


Following the activation, Lev's white spirit ring then lit up from which a dragon appeared all of a sudden and roared freely after getting out.

Dai Mubai and Co. were completely shocked upon seeing the dragon but what was more shocking is the fact Lev did not say anything before using an ability. Meanwhile, Teacher Li and Zhao Wuji, have different take on this situation.

"D-Dragon?" Teacher Li was shocked as he never thought that Lev's spirit was a dragon since such kind of spirit was known to be strong no matter where you go especially since he knew a clan having such spirits.

"Did he come from that clan? Why would be here then? Wait, though his spirit is a dragon, somehow it looks completely different from what I've recalled. " Zhao Wuji muttered while his brows met trying to guess which clan Lev had come from. He thought it was no wonder that he seemed not interested in the fight, with a spirit like that, anyone would be bound to be arrogant.

Meanwhile, after Nadare came out, it immediately transformed and became a bunch of fireballs and Lev then started his counterattack against Dai Mubai while controlling them precisely towards him. Of course, he has tweaked his power and adjusted it since he doesn't want to kill him accidentally.

"1st Spirit Ring Ability: White Tiger Shield Body Barrier." After seeing the fireballs, Dai Mubai immediately used another spirit ability. Though he was still in shock at what was happening, despite all of this, he remained calm and continued to make good decisions on what to do.

However, Lev just smiled at how simpleminded Dai Mubai was. He has experimented with his skills as he grows stronger and somehow created something interesting all the way. Looking at the shield, he then just controlled the fireballs transformed them into an arrow-like shape, and attacked the shield towards a single point.

It didn't last long before Dai Mubai's shield broke and the remaining fire arrows bombarded him defenselessly burning his clothes. Without the innate ability of his spirit, he thought like he was no longer standing right now. Given the surprise attack, he immediately creates a distance between them and thinks that he probably cannot win this if he doesn't show his all.

"3rd Spirit Ring Ability: White Tiger Vajra Transformation." Without holding back, Dai Mubai finally used the skill that he was very proud of. Following the activation, changes then happened in his appearance as he felt like he had become a mighty beast.

"Be prepared, I'm going all out!" Dai Mubai yelled upon seeing his new transformation. This ability increases his physical strength, attack, and defense by 100%. The confidence within him surged up since as he strides forward planning to get close and use this as an advantage.


Lev wasn't distracted by Dai Mubai's transformation as his hand finished writing something from which another dragon then came out with a different appearance from the first one.

"Another dragon!!" Teacher Li was shocked to the core since this was very abnormal as it was completely way too different from the clan that he guessed he came from. Two completely different dragons have appeared within Lev, and it makes him think of an absurd idea that he must be someone with a dual spirit.

Dai Mubai, after seeing the dragon, suddenly stopped in his tracks as he already learned a lesson earlier. Having no clue what kind of ability the dragon had this time; he wouldn't act more recklessly and wait to see the situation first.

Suddenly, Saiha then moved toward Lev's arms forming a blade-shaped flame on them. He also experimented with this ability and improved it as he was no longer limited to forming flame blades on his arm as he could create them whenever in his body.

"Come." Lev then provoked while looking at Dai Mubai as he wanted to beat him on where he was good at. With it comes to the battle of strength and power, he feels like his spirit is much stronger than all the foes he has fought so far.

Contrary to Lev's calm attitude, Dai Mubai lost his cool upon seeing such provocation. He has already felt humiliation even before but seeing him provoking him to come to a fight where he was good at, he felt like his pride was being hurt. With that, he completely forgot about the matter regarding the test as what was running through his mind right now was to defeat Lev to calm his anger and shame.

"Dai Mubai already lost." Zhao Wuji, on the other hand, shook his head while looking at Dai Mubai however, he really wasn't concerned with him as he was more interested in the latecomer from which a strange smile appeared on his face upon thinking that another monster had come to the academy again.

"Mmm." Teacher Li supported while having the same thoughts as Zhao Wuji.

Dai Mubai, completely provoked, dashes forward and strikes a powerful punch. He smiles thinking that it was a foolish move to face it head-on but after seeing Lev up close, his face immediately distorted seeing how he blocked it easily through his flame blade.

As the fist and blade collided, Dai Mubai felt as if his hand was going to break into pieces while feeling incredible heat from it at the same time. Knowing how dangerous it is, he immediately withdraws his hand and moves his leg to kick him.

Lev, however, predicted as he also moved his knee and blocked it before creating another blade-shaped flame on it and striking Dai Mubai's leg.

After the collision, Dai Mubai started getting pale as he felt his leg getting dumb. Though it didn't pierce through in flesh, the feeling he was experiencing felt like it. He really could not help but think how Lev was so strong despite his age which made his mind get into chaos.

"aarrgh." Dai Mubai could not help but groan in pain after just two exchanges how his nightmare only started after Lev started to move.

Without giving Dai Mubai any chance, Lev suddenly threw a simple boxing punch right towards his face and it felt really great how it fit perfectly. Right now, the side was already flipped as it was now his time to give a lesson.

While Dai Mubai still bearing the pain from his leg, first, and face, another punch was thrown against him once again before another one and then another one. His body could no longer react to what was happening as punches started raining all throughout his body which only stopped as he got hit in the chest as he flew back and crashed on the ground before passing out.

[Boxing (Tier 2: Level 20)]

"I think I passed the test." Lev, breathed in, and declared while looking at Dai Mubai on the ground before shifting his gaze toward Teacher Li and Zhao Wuji. He felt quite satisfied after beating Dai Mubai added by the fact that his boxing skills have increased a level.

"I think that's enough. You pass and welcome to Shrek Academy." Zhao Wuji replied with a very bright smile while looking at Lev. He admits that Lev's spirit is strong, but what he surprised the most was the fact that Lev has more battle sense and experience.

"I never thought that you're this powerful, boy." Teacher Li also praised Lev.

"Teacher Li praised." Lev smiled and put on some humbleness before pointing his hand toward the unconscious Dai Mubai. Though he was happy, he felt quite guilty beating him like that and so wanted to ease some of his pain.

"Nature's Heal." Lev used one of the abilities he picked up from the five years and heal the wounds and injuries Dai Mubai had taken. Though he felt it was unnecessary, he also wanted to stand his ground in this place and give them a very nice first impression.

Right after that, a sudden light covers Dai Mubai before seeing his injuries getting closed and starting to heal. Seeing such a thing, Teacher Li and Co. were dumbfounded as they could not believe what was happening right now.

"Y-You can even do that?" Zhao Wuji asked with great surprise. He never thought that Lev didn't just have destructive power, but also still had a skill that could heal others which is very incredible, so incredible that the nickname 'Monster' was very appropriate for him.

"It's an innate skill of our clan." Lev then lied while smiling after getting things done.

"Hahahaha. We've truly had a bunch of monsters this year. Oscar, you are now in charge of taking them to their dorms. Don't forget, the term will start tomorrow. We will head to the principal that the Shrek Academy's admission test has finally ended." Zhao Wuji said while laughing before he left the place together with Teacher Li whose smiles could not be hidden on their face.

After a while, as everyone was shocked at what to do, Ning Rongrong immediately walked towards Lev and then introduced herself. She looked at Lev with admiration as she introduced herself with a blush, "T-This brother, I'm Ning Rongrong. Nice to meet you."

"Hmmm. Lev Hendrix." Breathing the familiar intoxicating smell, Lev replied shortly with a smile on his face. Looking at Ning Rongrong, one of the main characters of the story, he really felt excited not because of seeing her but due to the simple reason that he wanted to learn her spirit abilities.

On the other hand, Ning Rongrong who saw Lev's smile was completely dumbstruck and subconsciously pounced and hugged him. For once in her life, it was the first time her heart had pounded so excitedly which completely convinced her that she really fell at first sight.

Contrary to Ning Rongrong's excitement, Lev started getting uneasy from the fact that his Ancient Incubus bloodline started acting again. For the past five years or so, he has come to know that his lustful nature was manageable by just having a lot of sex to satiate his desires. Sia's cooperation played a vital role in acquiring this information, however, though he could now walk without having any problems in a place filled with women, there are still instances that the negative effect would act up again.

"Zhu Zhuqing." Zhu Zhuqing then also introduced and just mentioned her name however, this time, you can see a hint of interest while looking at how Ning Rongrong started acting up like that. Though Lev really was handsome, she really couldn't spare some of her time to mind that since she only had one reason for coming to this place.

"Mmm." Lev then just smiled while holding himself back from embracing Ning Rongrong who was still clinging on him. He had to admit that seeing them right now was completely a surprise since they were far more mature than what they were portrayed especially their bodies. Despite being only 11 or 12 years old, the curves and their shapes were already incredible compared to the girl of their age back on Earth.

On the other hand, Oscar, who saw Lev talking to the two beauties felt very jealous which he immediately interrupted and said, "I'm Oscar. As you hear from Zhai Wuji, I will guide you to your dorm. Now, will you help me carry these three?"

"I'm sorry but I don't plan on staying in this place. I am currently staying in a hotel with my lover so if you excuse me. I will be on time tomorrow. Goodbye and nice meeting you all." Lev said and without even looking back at them, he immediately left the place as he started running back to Suotuo City. If he willed, he really wanted to stay for a while, but his situation really was pretty bad as one of the exceptions that would trigger his lustful nature would be exposure to more direct contact with the opposite gender.

Everyone, aside from the unconscious ones, was frozen from hearing Lev's last words. They each have different views from how they took it as Oscar was feeling really envious of the fact that Lev was not just handsome and powerful but also rich. Zhu Zhuqing, meanwhile, was only surprised for a little while before calming down. However, Ning Rongrong was completely devastated upon seeing her kneeling on the ground with great shock as her first love was a complete failure.