
The Oath of Blood

A tale of a god who fought until the end against heavenly demons. A god who died holding his beloved. He was reborn in his next existence as a cripple with a troubling past. The blood inside him is that of a god. However, he was unable to protect himself from harm. There will be a bloody battle once again during the resurfacing of the War God. An epic story of grit, romance, martial arts, magic, action, and a whole lot of adventures.

Sabarinath_Vk_2180 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Glory of Gods - Chapter 1- The Death of a God

Across the plains, a gust of wind carried with it the pungent aroma of blood, a scent that permeated the air and tainted the land with a deep shade of crimson. An ominous hill, formed from countless beheaded corpses, stood as a morbid monument to the battle's horrors. Amid this gruesome mound, the fallen bodies represented a myriad of species, some adorned with fierce horns, others with graceful wings. This battlefield was a testament to the ferocity of the clash, a gruesome theater of war where aberrant creatures known as heavenly demons held dominion. Among the most formidable beings in existence, they nursed a vehement animosity toward the divine gods, igniting a savage conflict of epic proportions.

On one side of the plains, an army of demons draped in armor, armed with shields and swords, stood ready for action. These figures, their gaze locked forward, were waiting for their leader to take command. Yet, upon closer inspection, their commander's eyes betrayed an undercurrent of fear and anxiety. Despite the dragon's head crowning his form and his body bearing a human semblance, he exuded an aura of trepidation. Adorned in armor that bore the scars of battle, its golden surface marred by cracks, he gazed at the figure before him. Trembling hands spoke of the massacre that figure had unleashed upon entering the battlefield. This force was mightier than any they had faced, and their strongest formations were unable to stem the tide. The enemy's blade cleaved through their ranks with ease, as if steel were a force of nature itself, sowing dismemberment and devastation. The commander's awe was tinged with realization that this onslaught had no equal, no bounds.

Regarded as the supreme deity among the divine, the Heavenly War God was celebrated for an unblemished record in battle. His weapon, the Heaven Destroyer, whispered of its capability to sever voids and realms. Before the heavenly demon knelt, the embodiment of this godly might was drenched in blood—an admixture of his own and that of his fallen foes. This figure, once an unstoppable force, now cradled another in his lap—a woman. Her hair was a cascade of fiery red, and her visage possessed an otherworldly beauty, marred only by the trail of blood staining her lips. Her red armor, once a bastion of protection, bore gaping holes near her chest, yet her face retained a faint, serene smile. Tears welled in the leader's eyes as she caressed his face with a touch as delicate as flowing water. Despite the ravages of time, he remained undeniably handsome, as he had been when they first met, years ago. Her lips moved, uttering words akin to a tranquil stream.

"Helion, my heart is content, for my wish has been fulfilled. I shielded you once more, and now I shall depart in peace. In the next life, know that I will remain your beloved bride."

As her breath faded, her hand – once tenderly caressing – fell to the side, lifeless. His gaze was drawn to the tear that escaped her eye, a single droplet of sorrow. The world seemed to spin around him, his inability to save the one he cherished most a devastating reality. The love he had vowed to protect lay extinguished before him, and all he could do was witness her passing, his arms embracing her lifeless form. Rage surged within him, an indomitable tempest, twisting his once-handsome visage into a contorted mask of fury. An uncanny energy radiated from him, transforming the weaker demons nearby into a swirling mist of blood. His pristine blue sword gleamed crimson as he gently laid his beloved down, a tableau of love and grief etched into the battlefield.

Within his striking blue eyes, a fierce determination ignited – a flame of resolve that threatened to consume him whole. The sword he brandished, once a symbol of strength, now pulsed with a thirst for vengeance. His voice, once a soothing melody, now carried a spine-chilling chill as he murmured his intent.

"All of you, meet your end."

The path ahead held little promise of survival, yet the war god charged forth, a harbinger of wrath and determination. With a swiftness defying his imposing form, he cleaved through the celestial demons' ranks, each strike a symphony of destruction. Amidst the chaos, an unyielding aspiration burned within him – a fervent hope that, in another life, he would rise to unimaginable heights, obliterating his enemies to safeguard those he held dear.

Thus, amidst the turmoil of battle, destiny wove its intricate design. Celestial demons and divine gods collided in a tapestry of obliteration and redemption, the fate of worlds and hearts suspended in a fragile balance.