
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

Union (2)

[Demon's War Camp]

We were currently at the top of the cliff, and Botis asked Keith to use his summoned beast.

Which he did a floating bag appeared from thin air, then suddenly 9 undead warriors appeared, which was then followed by the summoning of an undead lord.

I already knew Keith, had value when I made him my contractor due to his appraisals, but with him having a Lich as his summoned beast, his worth might be way higher than the other two of my contractors.

Keith sent his summons to the battlefield, but after mentioning that little harpy, Botis decided to stop this dumb plan.

He apologized and said it would be better to use the summons at another time.

Then I sensed a killing intent coming from my side, I looked in that direction and noticed it was Keith staring far into the distance, if I'm not wrong, he has a skill that allows him to see farther than most.

I decided to take out a telescope and look in the direction he was facing.

'Lucia Vssy', the rank 1 hero of the human realm.

I chuckled and understood, that Keith probably hated Lucia with a great passion.

I could only think of one reason as to why Keith would hate her, but she didn't really have a way to stop the incident even if he had asked for her protection.

I didn't really care though.

Keith, unlike the other contractors only showed killing intent against demons that would mess with him, he wouldn't really do anything, but the next day, those demons would then go missing or be found them.

He probably killed them using his summoned beast.

This was the first time that Keith had shown actual killing intent to another race that was not a demon. So I was quite satisfied with this development.


Light blue hair, red eyes, and a mature body, Lucia Vssy.

'So she was also here, huh?'

I felt my heart beating faster and my emotions were in disarray.

I could feel great hatred for Lucia inside of me, but my thought was telling me that it wasn't rational as Lucia didn't really have anything that could have saved me or mom at that time.

But even then, I couldn't stop it, it felt as if my brain was getting corrupted by the second.

I had a headache and due to that, I held my head in pain.

I felt as if the demonic energy was telling me to kill everyone, not just Lucia but every single person that would ally with her. Anyone that knew her, needed to be killed.

I felt my thoughts becoming darker and darker, all I could think of was killing her and all of those near her, so she could feel the pain I felt when mom was killed.

I wanted to get rid of her no matter what.

[Target of revenge, Lucia, 6371 meters away]

it was only a few minutes later that I finally was able to think straight for a second and calm my heart down.

I went back and headed to a tent that was assigned to me for being one of the members near one of the dukes.

I was alone but I could still feel the pain in my head.

Baggy was floating around near me, it seemed like he was trying to calm me down.

I breathed heavily for a while and was finally able to clear the thoughts in my head.

I could deduce that the demonic energy inside of me was getting stronger and stronger, and my desire to kill everyone was seriously increasing.

But my own thoughts had still set the demons as my revenge target, but in the end, Lucia was also chosen, as a revenge target.


I feel as if I'm losing my original self, it is almost as if I am someone else, I don't even feel anything when seeing slaves die, or when demons die.

And sometimes it even feels pleasant to kill, it is enjoyable and my mind feels at peace when I'm killing others.

Before I could dissect monsters and more, by thinking of them as animals, but when it came to humans, I would always feel nauseous and freeze at the moment.

Now I kill as if it was a daily activity I needed to accomplish.

It felt quite unpleasant, I felt like I wanted to die once again, maybe then I could reincarnate in another world, where I wouldn't repeat my stupid mistakes.

I wanted to get some fresh air, so I headed out together with Baggy, after walking for a while, I reached a secluded space far from the camp.

Then I spotted a demon, a (B+) ranked demon, he was a bastard that annoyed me back in Amadeus's castle.

My mind went blank and only one thought came to my head.


And without hesitation, I told Baggy to summon an undead warrior.

I walked up to him and he turned around after noticing my presence, but before he could react a string wrapped around his mouth, not allowing him to speak.

I then sent 10 of my knives that stabbed all of his limbs.

I stopped myself from killing him directly and told the undead warrior to do it.

After the undead warrior killed him, I decided to check my status.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: D]

[Strength: D- to D (Potential: Unknown)]

[Agility: D to D+(Potential: Unknown)]

[Endurance: D- to D(Potential: Unknown)]

[Magic: B+ to A-(Potential: Unknown)]

[Inteligence: A to A-(Potential: Unknown)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: E- (Potential: Unknown)]


Huh? did my intelligence just go down?

Was it due to killing him and obtaining his low intelligence or was it because of the demonic energy? I didn't know but I could also feel that my thought became clearer after killing him.

I felt as if a chain in my mind was released after killing the demon.

I could also see that the killing from Baggy's summons would also give me a portion of their stats and the higher the rank, the more it will give, considering that this was only after killing a (B+) ranked demon.

I sat down on the hard rocky floor and I heard a calming voice coming from behind.

"Relieving your stress are you?"

I turned around slowly to see a small red skin demon, wearing a kimono.


"Hmmm", She said in a curious tone.

I didn't know if it was because of her calming voice but I suddenly began to speak, "I feel like my mind is breaking in half, you see"

She didn't say anything for a while until she finally spoke, "It is probably because your mind is still denying the demonic energy inside your body, it happens often when someone is forced into a contract, especially with someone so high ranked like Amadeus"

"Is that so?"

"You probably hate the demons, and since you still keep that in your head, the demonic energy inside of you is trying to force those thoughts out of your head, although in the end, you still killed a demon due to that energy"


"Killing for demons is like a cure, it allows us to keep calm when we are stressed and helps us cool our emotions down whenever it is needed, so if you ever have those thoughts again, don't hesitate to kill, it is like salvation for us"

I nodded my head and looked at the sky. I understood what she had said after experiencing it myself.

I then felt something pressing against my neck.

I turned around to see the fox mask, I had previously appraised.

"Take it, it's not like I or anyone else could use it", She said.

I took it and put it on, I felt as if my head had become clearer and read the description of the mask once again.


[(S+) Blood Fox Mask]

-(Lies of Truth): Makes your lies more believable to others.

-(Friendly): When used, it makes the user look more friendly and welcoming.

-(Dark Side): Can pacify and hide your negative emotions such as killing intent and more.

-((SS) Intelligence): If not used by someone who has the potential to have SS ranked intelligence, it will make the user lose intelligence over time.


It really did feel as if my hatred for others had calmed down a bit, after putting it on.

"Thank you"

"No problem, you should sleep, it will be a long day tomorrow", She said while heading back to the camp.

I did as she said and returned to the camp while wearing the mask.


[Demon Camp Commanders' Tent]

"We will begin an attack exactly in an hour, as always the strategy will be simple, I and Yuki will fight against their 4 commanders and Amadeus will sneak around the (D) rankers, and try to catch them off guard with a flank, the other squadrons will do as normal, but this time, we will have the summons from Keith join our (S) ranks, and fight alongside them, understood?"



After that, everyone went out and I made Baggy call his summons, I sent them to the (S) ranked squadron. Amadeus was already invisible and amongst the (D) ranked squadron.

Yuki now had a fan in her hands, while Botis had a large staff in his hands.

We had around 4 thousand demons and contractors for this war, although we had the advantage in numbers. The Union had higher ranked troops, making us almost even, or a little in the favor of the Union and their 4 (SS) ranked commanders, although one of them could probably count as an (S) ranked.