
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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235 Chs

First Iteration III

I am like, "Holy shit! My body hurts!" I wake up in a rather nice room, with a white ceiling above me.

"Rachel?" I call aloud. The person who answers me is the comforting voice of a woman who introduces herself as Ah Hae-In, a nurse.

I am like, "What the fuck? Isn't she like an Archmage from the TNE manuscript? What is she doing here?" I keep quiet, trying to discern the situation. I try to use my AI System, but it is unresponsive. I try to call Witch King; she should be residing in my head. "Yo, lazy bum! You have been sleeping for 78 hours! Go! Go! Heal faster!" I hear her reply in its never-changing bubbly childish voice, informing me that it has been three days since I came into this world.

"How are you doing, Mr. Hyon?" Ah Hae-In, the nurse, asks me worriedly about my well-being since it appears I am unresponsive to her words. "I am doing fine," I soothe her worry, telling her that I am fine, and I joke a bit about wanting to eat kimchi. "Wait, how do you know my name?" I belatedly realize, recalling I had not brought any ID with me before Rachel's confrontation with Lancaster.

Ah Hae-In softly chuckles, "Your lover told me your name, and you… Mr. Hyon! You have to eat healthier foods from now on! Your operation has been quite bad!"

She tells me I can do better with healthier foods, but I counter, "Kimchi is healthy! Right?"

"But… Lover? Operation?" I am thoroughly confused.

Ah Hae-In leaves the room, her laughter echoing down the corridor. I glance around the unfamiliar surroundings, a stark contrast to the fantastical world I've come from. No signs of magic, no trace of the supernatural. My anxiety simmers.

Minutes later, the door swings open, and there she is—Rachel. Her blonde hair cascades like sunlight, framing a face that could launch a thousand ships. Those piercing blue eyes, like portals to another dimension, meet mine. She's an ethereal beauty, a cosmic masterpiece.

But as she stands there, tears streaming down her cheeks, the radiance is momentarily dimmed. Confusion clouds her features. "Hyon? Hyon?" she asks, her voice trembling.

I maintain a teasing grin, attempting to lighten the mood. "Hey, did someone put dust in your eyes?" I jest, though concern lurks beneath the surface. Her emotional state hints at a deeper connection to this strange reality.

Rachel's steps are hesitant, but she approaches me with purpose. Then, in an unexpected moment, she wraps her arms around me tightly. Her sobs are muffled against my shoulder as she repeatedly whispers, "I am sorry," tears staining her beautiful blue eyes. The weight of her emotions hangs heavy in the air.

I'm caught off guard. I question if I deserve these tears, my mind grappling with the unknown since relinquishing control of my body to Cube AI.

Without hesitation, I return her embrace, a feeble attempt to provide solace. Ah Hae-In, watching from the doorway, wears a bitter smile before gently closing the door, granting us a semblance of privacy.

"There, there, I am fine!" I reassure her, rubbing her back in a comforting gesture. The words are as much for me as they are for her, a reassurance that, despite the uncertainties, we'll navigate this together.

Rachel's voice breaks the silence, "Is she still there?"

I turn to her, puzzled, "Huh?"

"How is my acting?" she asks, delicately wiping away seemingly genuine tears with a handkerchief.

A sense of disappointment settles within me. "So it is acting… You scared me…"

She smirks, "You better be scared! Do you know I got contacted by the World Guinness Book of Record? I cannot believe this world has a 'culture' such as that!" She rubs her nose bridge, a hint of frustration evident. "Do you know you just won the record for having the most parasites in your body in the whole world!"

"Eh? Ugh…" Disgust washes over me. I silently curse Lancaster for whatever part he played in this.

Rachel clenches her fist, her tone shifting. "Also, the wailing might be acting, but the tears are genuine… The sorry too is very real… I am sorry, Hyon…"

I sigh, trying to make sense of the situation. "What's there to be sorry about? But I am happy, you know? You actually cried for me…" I smile genuinely, unable to contain my joy at the sight of Rachel. Her blonde hair, those piercing blue eyes, and the way her cheeks flush—it's all too captivating. I catch myself, wondering, "Oh god! What am I thinking!?"

Rachel takes a deep breath, attempting to explain the source of her remorse, "Hyon, it's because of me that we've fallen into Lancaster's trap."

I counter, "We put up quite a fight, Rachel. We were aware from the very beginning that it was a trap, so there's no need to fuss about it."

She looks at me, her expression serious. "It's not just that. I let my guard down. I got too absorbed in the act, and it led us into this situation."

I shake my head, dismissing the blame, "Rachel, there's no use playing the blame game now that we're already here. If you're going to blame someone, don't blame yourself. Blame... well, blame bad luck! That's how lowly mortals do it all the time."

She raises an eyebrow, "Bad luck?"

"Yeah," I chuckle, "sometimes things just go sideways, and there's no rhyme or reason. Blaming ourselves won't change the situation. We'll figure a way out together. So, no more apologies, alright?"

Top of Form

Rachel and I sit down, facing each other, contemplating the situation. After a moment of silence, we reach a decision—blame me.

I say, "It's my fault for not stopping you from going to Lancaster."

Rachel, displeased with my phrasing, adds, "It's Lancaster's fault for involving me in the first place."

I chuckle, embracing the responsibility, "Yes, indeed, it's all Lancaster's fault, but it's my fault for not stopping you, for not preventing you from possibly saving those civilians Lancaster threatened to kill in the park."

Rachel gives me a sidelong glance, "You really do love being an asshole."

"Yeah," I smirk, "it's an art form."

With that settled, Rachel takes charge of helping me discharge from the hospital. Money from the World Guinness reward and donations people generously gave me facilitates the process. It's both patronizing and somewhat sad.

As we prepare to leave, Rachel informs me about the earthquake that led to my admission to the nearest functioning hospital. Funnily enough, amidst the chaos, there are invitations for me to appear on TV shows—news that Rachel learned from gossip.

She states matter-of-factly, "Your stab wound in the lung and the numerous parasites discovered in your body make quite a story. People are curious, it seems."

Only now do I take notice of Rachel's appearance as we prepare to leave the hospital. She wears a rather nice blue dress that accentuates her beauty. I can't help but compliment her, "That dress looks amazing on you."

She blushes, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Oh, this? It's a hand-me-down from a kind unnie."

I raise an eyebrow, "Hand-me-down or not, it suits you well. What about the dress makes it so special?"

Rachel explains, "The kind unnie also lent me some money to buy necessities while you were in a nearly coma state. She's been really helpful."

Gratitude wells up within me. "I'm thankful for that unnie. She not only helped you but also let me see such a beautiful Rachel." I can't help but smile at the thought of the kindness bestowed upon us during this unexpected journey to this alternate reality.

As Rachel and I walk out of the hospital, we encounter a group of delinquents still in their school uniforms. I avoid eye contact, sensing vulnerability without the ability to activate my <Gift > due to the lack of magic power. A blonde-haired punk with a semi-cut crosses our path, grinning salaciously as he puts his arm over Rachel, suggesting she have fun with him. "Hey, pretty lady, do you want to have some fun with this oppa?" The other delinquents jeer, and frustration bubbles within me. These idiots have no idea what they're dealing with—Rachel can literally kill them anytime she wants.

Stepping forward, I attempt to defuse the situation, but one of the delinquents, a fat tattooed guy, looks at me, exclaiming, "It's the parasite man!" Annoyingly, blogs about me have spread like wildfire, and the delinquents laugh.

Korea is really funny sometimes— here, a devastating earthquake has occurred, yet youth these days are more interested in some random guy getting the World Guinness for parasites.

I crack my knuckles, trying to intimidate them, but the blonde punk sucker punches me. My still-hurt state prevents a timely reaction, and I close my eyes instinctively, bracing for impact. Yet, the blow never lands. When I open my eyes, Rachel stands before me, having caught the fist mid-air.

She snarls at the blonde punk and executes an Aikido throw or some variation of it. In the process, she stomps on the punk's sensitive area— the crotch right at the family jewels. I pale at the brutality, but the other delinquents realize they might be next.

Rachel, still holding the punk's wrist firmly, leans down and whispers menacingly, "If I ever see you near us again, you'll wish the parasites were the least of your worries." With that, she releases him, and he stumbles away, clutching his injured pride.

The other delinquents, now looking pale and shaken, retreat in a hurry, their bravado gone in an instant. They continue to bark threats from a safe distance, but it's clear they've learned a lesson.

I glance at Rachel, a mix of admiration and concern in my eyes. "Thanks," I manage to say, though I feel a pang of guilt for being unable to handle the situation myself.

She gives me a reassuring smile, "No problem. Just be more careful, okay?"

I glance at Rachel, curiosity piqued by her swift and effective handling of the delinquents. "Who did you learn that from?"

Rachel smirks, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Yeonha told me the easiest way to deter men is to show a strong side, and Nayun-ssi has told me the most direct way to repel men is to crack their nut." She innocently smiles, as if discussing the weather.

"I can definitely see those two doing it…" I shake my head, as my mind races. But Rachel? Never in my life can I imagine she is capable of doing such brutality. Chae Nayun!? Yoo Yeonha!? What the hell are you teaching Rachel!?