
A Stroke of the Brush

Ten minutes have passed since Jordan was rescued from the Tokyo Troopers by Raven. They zoom through the skies until they reach a large oriental house. They land and quickly enter the house, closing the door fast before anyone notices that they were even there. Jordan takes one more peek before Raven forcefully slams the door shut.

"Thanks for the save, Rae. I owe you one," said Jordan.

"We were all attacked by Brushogun's creatures. I was attacked in a cemetery by a ghost-like one," said Raven.

"Did you win?" asked Jordan.

"Yes, but it escaped before I could end it," said Raven.

"Cool," said Jordan.

"Did you win your fight?" asked Raven.

"Yes, but I couldn't get any answers. Saico Tek was crushed by a falling billboard," said Jordan.

"Bummer. I guess that we will have to find Brushogun without any help," said Raven.

"Yeah. Just the two of us. All alone. With no one around," said Jordan.

"What are you hinting at?" asked Raven.

"I'm sorry for booking. Let's just act like that didn't happen," said Jordan.

"Poof. Memory gone," said Raven.

"Good. Now, the sun is setting. Let's resume our vacation," said Jordan.

Jordan and Raven walk towards each other. Raven then puts both of his hands on Jordan's shoulders and their faces lean closer. Their lips are about to touch, but they don't before the Beast Boy quickly opens the door and Raven and Jordan jump in fear.

"What's up!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Nothing!" exclaimed the two "friends.

"Strange. You guys act like you don't want to see us," said Cyborg.

"What's going on?" asked Jordan.

"We were attacked by Brushogun, but we found something good," said Cyborg.

"What was it?" asked Jordan.

"Ink. Those things are made out of a magical ink," said Cyborg.

"Tell me something that I don't know," said Jordan.

"When Brushogun was just a normal person, he became obsessed with a woman that he created with ink. He used dark magic to bring her to life, but it went wrong and he was possessed by the dark magic. From that day, he gained the ability to create creatures out of ink, but he needs paper. A lot of it," said Starfire.

"And there is only one place that has a lot of paper in this large city," said Cyborg.

"Wakamoto Shuppan," said Jordan.

"I knew we should have gone there first. Someone kiss me," said Beast Boy.

"No," said Raven.

"Brushogun has taken residence in Wakamoto Shuppan. It's time to go get him and bring him to justice," said Jordan.

"Bringing him to justice is cool and all, but how will we do that when all of Tokyo is out to get us," said Beast Boy.

"We move in the shadows. We don't get seen and we don't get messed with. Once we stop Brushogun, we will be fine," said Jordan.

"Let's get moving then. There is no time to waste," said Jordan.

They won't get moving because all of Tokyo is out to get them. The house starts to shake as the shadows of all of their new enemies appear around the house. All of the doors slide open and reveal the threat to the Titans.

"Where did all of these guys come from?" asked Jordan.

"We aren't very popular here," said Beast Boy.

"Well, we can either fight them or run," said Jordan.

"I choose to run," said Starfire.

"Good choice," said Jordan.

Jordan throws a few explosive disks at the roof and it explodes, creating a giant hole. Raven and Starfire rocket out of the house. Beast Boy transforms into a pterodactyl and picks Up Cyborg as Jordan grapples out of the house. They are chased all around Tokyo. In city centers, malls, schools, graveyards, roadways, and more. They are chased for thirty minutes until they finally find a way to escape. They duck into an alley and hide in a dumpster.

"Why did we choose a dumpster?" asked Raven.

"Stealth," said Jordan.

"Couldn't we have just hidden under the dumpster?" asked Raven.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't have been as realistic. And, I wouldn't be able to see your grumplestumpkin," said Jordan.

"Get a room, bro," said Beast Boy.

"Yeah. No one wants to hear that stuff," said Cyborg.

"Can we just please just get out of this dumpster!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven destroys the dumpster with her magic out of anger and dumps the garbage all over her friends. They now smell, so their stealth job just became harder.

"Thanks, Raven. Now, we stink," said Jordan.

"You're welcome," said Raven.

"So, how far are we away from Wakamoto?" asked Jordan.

"Closer than you think. Look," said Beast Boy as he points at the manga company.

"We're here. Good. Let's enter," said Jordan.

Jordan and the Titans slowly walk up to the entrance. Jordan then pulls out a gadget and places it on the door. It melts the door opener and the Titans enter the building. It is eerily silent and super dark. Jordan uses his hands to signal the Titans to walk through the factory silently. They walk up to a door and enter it. They see big printers and a big empty seat, but no one is sitting in it.

"Where's Brushogun?" asked Jordan.

"I'm here," said Brushogun.

The Titans turn to their left and see a frail old man with pipes stuck into his back pop out of a printer. This shocks the heroes.

"You're Brushogun?" asked Jordan.

"No, I'm just his slave," said Brushogun.

"His slave? Why?" asked Starfire.

"He captured me and forced me to create these creatures to help him become a hero. I sent the first Saico Tek to bring you here to rescue me," said Brushogun.

"Rescue you from who?" asked Raven.

"It's obvious. Isn't it, Daizo?" said Jordan.

The Titans turn their heads and see a man now sitting in the seat. He turns the seat around and showcases his face. The commander of the Tokyo Troopers was the bad guy the entire time.

"Good detective work, my friends. but no one will ever know about this once you're dead," said Daizo.

"It was easy. You tell us to leave Tokyo. We don't and you send your creatures after us. You always pop up at the right time and you're bad at lying. Plus, all of your Tokyo Troopers look and sound the same. You obviously made them. You suck at hiding your villainy," said Jordan.

"I may be a bad villain, but I am the hero in the eyes of the public. You will not change that. I have captured you in my trap. Troopers, charge!" said Daizo.

"Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

The final fight between Daizo and the Titans has begun. Jordan charges at the Tokyo Troopers and kicks one in the face while he slams another on a wall. Cyborg punches one Tokyo trooper while he blasts a few with his sonic cannon. Raven slams a few against the wall with her magic and sends a blast of magic towards a few others. Starfire blasts a few with her Starbolts and some with her eye beams. Daizo notices his soldiers being dropped and hovers his hand over a button.

"There is more where that comes from," said Daizo.

Daizo presses the blue button and more ink creatures are created. They immediately attack the Titans while their creator runs. The other Titans combat the ink creatures while Jordan grapples to the balcony above to catch the big bad.

"Running away? They just don't make villains like they used to," said Jordan.

Daizo pulls out his pistol and fires a couple shots, but Jordan easily dodges them, jumps into the air, and kicks him in the chest, nearly sending him into the ink.

"You can not win, my friend. It's impossible," said Daizo.

"For some reason, I hear that a lot," said Jordan.

"You can knock me down, but I will still rise. This is just a road bump. When this night is over, Tokyo will still think that you and your friends are criminals and they will still label me a hero," said Daizo.

"You may be labeled a hero, but you will be exposed. You can not win," said Jordan.

Daizo doesn't surrender and hops into the printer. Brushogun screams as the machine starts to malfunction and overheat. Giant pipes of oozing black ink burst out of the floor and connect to the machine. Brushogun aches in pain as ink starts to come out of his mouth.

"What is going on?" asked Beast Boy.

"He hopped into the printer! This place is going to blow! We need to-," said Jordan.

The Titans are forcefully removed from the building by a giant explosion. Daizo, now a giant black creature with giant pipes coming out of him. He laughs as he creates more ink creatures.

"Your power is mine!' exclaimed Daizo.

"That's a lot of ink," said Beast Boy.

"Let's make him a giant stain," said Cyborg.

"He now has Brushogun's powers, but without Brushogun, he's weak. We need to remove Brushogun from him to win," said Jordan.

"We got your back. Get that guy," said Cyborg.

"Thanks," said Jordan.

Jordan charges at Daizo at top speed while his teammates cover him. Once he gets close, Daizo attacks him with the giant pipes, but Jordan easily dodges them and then grapples to the giant creature. In his way are many ink creatures, but they won't stop him. Jordan pulls out both of his blades and rushes them, cutting them into inky pieces with no effort at all. He then leaps onto another part of Daizo and lands in front of Brushogun.

"If I remove you from this machine, will that stop him?" asked Jordan.

"Yes. You have to remove me from this machine," said Brushogun.

"On it," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs Brushogun and tries to free him, but he is sucked into the blackness. He tries to escape, but he can't. He is completely sucked into the creature, but he won't lose. He grabs an explosive and explodes it a little too close for comfort. This destroys some of the ink for a good amount of time. Enough for Jordan to escape it with Brushogun and glide to the ground. Daizo screams as he loses his power. His ink creatures around him melt as Daizo melts and hits the ground, unconscious before he hits the cold ground.

"Thank you for saving me," said Brushogun.

"Don't mention it," said Jordan.

A smile appears on Brushoguns face as his frail body turns to ink and falls through Jordan's gloves. He may have been a villain, but you can't do anything but shed a tear for the guy. Back to reality, Jordan gets back to his feet and walks over to his team.

"We won?" asked Beast Boy.

"Yes," said Jordan.

"Sweet! Now, we can go on vacation!" exclaimed Beast Boy excitedly.

"We should do that. We need one," said Jordan.

"You actually agreeing with me? Are you sure that you're not a cloned double that is substituting for the real Jordan who's being held in a secret laboratory back in America?" asked Beast Boy.

"Oddly specific, but no. We defeated a giant enemy, so we deserve a good break. We stay three days tops. Buy whatever you want. Eat whatever you want, but don't go crazy. I'm not Lex Luthor," said Jordan as he walks past his team.

"Where are you going?" asked Starfire.

"Patrol. This city doesn't have any vigilantes protecting it, so I decided to be their guardian for a few days. Don't bother me," said Jordan.

"Well, we should stop at the manga store first. I need some of the good stuff," said Beast Boy.

"I don't think that Raven will enjoy the store of manga," said Starfire.

"Raven, what do you- Hey, where did you go?" asked Beast Boy.

"Jordan doesn't want to be bothered," said Cyborg.

"What does that mean?" asked Beast Boy.

"Just don't go looking for them. They need time alone," said Cyborg.

On the Tokyo Tower nearly twenty minutes later, Jordan sits on the edge as the rain falls on his tan face. Raven hovers up the building and lands next to Jordan. Jordan instantly stands up before the sorceress.

"How did you know that I would be here?" asked Jordan.

"We know each other too well," said Raven.

"I love you," said Jordan.

"Agreed," said Raven.

There is no more time for conversation. The rain is falling and a dude and a gal are all alone on a tower at night. It's time for the magical moment. Jordan and Raven's lips attach and share a long kiss under the moonlight. Such a beautiful moment is observed by a few citizens.

"Should we call the Troopers?" asked a female citizen.

"No. This is a moment too beautiful to ruin. Just let it happen. It's about time," said a male citizen.

We got to 719 collections! Which means that we have surpassed the number of consistent readers for my Bleach fanfic! I know that everyone that's here isn't new, but a good portion probably is, so thank you for comig by and we're just getting to the good stuff. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts
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