
the never forgettable days ❤️

Hajikul · Hiện thực
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❤️ The house meeting ❤️

Hope you all know about the house competitions , we all have faced this in our school life isn't ?

Red has long been associated with love and so was the colour of my house . we all were together in a classroom and offcourse I was nervous , though I am confident but I Hesitate to talk to her . Finally the " house coach " made my work easier , she made my work easier , she made the pairs of students and assigned the duties respectively . oh my god!! this time my heart Started beating faster as I was sitting next to the girl who was no less than a princess my grandmother used to tell me in her bed time Stories . I was so busy admiring her that her " hi " made me shiver . she put her hands on my shoulders saying " is everything fine dude " .

This was the moment when I was nervous as well as the happiest person in the world.

My behavior made everyone laugh and this made me more anxious . A friend sitting next to me handled the situation perfectly by saying " hello didi don't worry he is fine , he is a bit shy "

This made me very uncomfortable that I left the room thinking the impression that I have created infront of her but lucky to see that she smiled back at me when everyone was giving me a wierd look when I came back . This made me like her more that she is not only beautiful by her looks but also by her heart . Then we had a general conversation and believe me this casual conversation break the ice . Her words were making me fell for her . This sixty minutes were the most precious time of my life as I realised I feel something different for her , something special.

After that conversation we became very good friends but I know that I was in love with her. It was not possible for me or I should say I was not so courageous to just go and express myself . so I shared this with my most trusted friend - " Urvashi " .

Urvashi was my classmate and we also share the same house . so it wasn't difficult for her to make a plan about how shall I express my feelings to " my first love " ....

Readers keep visiting my page to know what happens next . what plans were made ? Does any plan worked ? stay tuned and connected.

Hope u all have enjoyed .