
83 - Skeleton Soldier & Girmoire

Michael took a step back as he watched on as the black fog increased once more in volume.

Victor felt his connection with Skelly slowly but surely grow with each passing second.

Waves of dark thick mana slowly began to be emitted from the evolving skeleton.

The air became ominous with the spreading mana, it all reached a boiling point as the mana in the air quickly increased as mana was being pulled from the air.

Suddenly the dark fog started to be absorbed into the the bones of Skelly, as it's bones started to grow in size and toughness.

If before Skelly was previously a full head shorter the an average person, then at this moment visible to the naked eye skelly began to grow in height before stopping just short an average person's height.

As the fog was absorbed, the white creepy bones came into view once more, only now they were without cracks or blemishes.

Now they were perfect white bones, fully revealed the now changed Little Skelly came into full view.

And the first huge change Victor noticed wasn't the change in height or repair in the bones.

No it was that Little Skelly was now wearing a full set of old badly damaged armour, falling apart leather and rusty chainmail adorned the new skeleton soldier.

But that wasn't all as held within both boney hands were a broken rusty sword without any edge and an old rotten piece of wood that used to be a shield.

Now standing in front of them wasn't a slightly creepy skeleton, no now was a full blown horror creature in old rotten armour.

Which was only amplified by the rusty sword and two balls of light blue flames in skull of the monster.

"Holy hell! That's one huge transformation!" Michael excitedly appeared next to Little Skelly as he looked at him all over.

"Yes he has changed quite a bit..." Victor also came before his familiar looking him all over.

The change brought by this single evolution was beyond all of his expectations.

[ Skeleton Soldier (Familiar) - Lvl 1 ]


| Constitution - 10 |

| Strength - 10 |

| Agility - 5 |

| Intelligence - 2 |

| Spirit - 5 |

[Skills: Undead Weapon (Lvl 1), Undead Armour (Lvl 1), Slash (Max) ]

[Traits: Undead Creature, Blessing of Undeath, Bone Undead, Evolution, Past Life, Undead Growth, Familiar (LVL ???), Member of the Legion ]

Even it's stats and new abilities were a huge upgrade from its previous self. Not only did it get two new skills but also a new trait.

"Alright, how about you test him out?" Michael asked rubbing his hands in excitement.

"Hmm, well it would do well to test it's capabilities but we currently can't without any monsters..." Victor held his chin in thought as he spoke.

"But we don't need any monsters, after all I can test him out myself." Michael tapped his chest, as he volunteered himself.

"Now we both know your too strong to test the little guy." Victor rolled his eyes, as not only was Michael much stronger but he also had a terrible habit of not knowing his own strength.

And Victor didn't want his newly evolved familiar to be either damaged beyond repair or destroyed right after its evolution.

"Ahh, come on, I promise it won't go all out." Michael complained but be didn't push it anymore.

Instead Victor decided to check the info of the new abilities.

| Undead Weapon (Level 1): A weapon infused with the Death Energy of the owner, that an undead has found or died with, wounds inflicted are difficult to heal - Rusty Broken Sword |

| Undead Armour (Level 1): Armour that is infused with the Death Energy of the owner, armour increases the protection of the wearer against damage - Old Damaged Leather & Rusty Chainmail Armour |

| Slash: A powerful Slash that has increased attack power upon activation |

| Member of the Legion: When the Legion Of Death marches all shall know Death. Can only be activated by certain Undead |

The abilities were quite different from what Victor had first thought they'd be, especially the new Trait that didn't actually say what it did.

"Well I'm going to let you continue figure this all out, in the meantime I'm going to start training." Michael said seeing Victor in deep thought, so he grabbed his sword and shield before creating some distance before he began to practice.

Victor didn't react other than a slight nod, as he instead had a sudden epiphany.

Opening his Girmoire once more he flipped it to a certain section.

[ Encyclopedia Of Undeath ]

•Skeleton Undead•

- Weak Skeleton -

- Weak Skeleton Wolf -

-Skeleton -

- Skeleton Soldier -

•Zombie Undead•

- Zombie Rat -

•Unique Undead•

- Familiar -

[ Skeleton Soldier (Rank 2) - Bone/Skeletal Undead ]

• Skills: Undead Weapon, Undead Armour •

• Traits: Undead Creature, Blessing of Undeath, Bone Undead, Undead Growth, Member of the Legion •

| Skeleton Soldiers are a step above skeletons, although possessing lackluster combat capabilities making them not much of any threat by themselves, when in large numbers under command, Skeleton Soldiers rapidly becoming an overwhelming danger, as such usually Skeleton Soldiers are the back bone of Undead Armys or Legions.

Skeleton Soldiers can also come in huge varieties as they are usually dead soldiers who have once more arisen from battlefields of old.

Skeleton Soldiers are a great tool for any Necromancer to create Armys or for combat, although not the strongest they are not only easy to control but to create in large numbers, making them a must have for any proper Necromancer |

'Undead armys, that's it I've been thinking about this all wrong.' It was like a bolt of lightning had gone off in his mind, immediately he pulled out his note book before scribbling down a bunch of different thoughts.

But for now he'll have to wait to make sure his idea was right or he'll have to try and find another way but all of this was for much later as he couldn't do it now.

While Victor was away in his thoughts and Michael was working up a sweat, little Skelly was left all along to himself.

The boney fellow's head turned to the side as his jaw went slack hagging down with a creepy chatter.

Before looking around without any thought behind its two soul flame eyes.

It didn't know what to do or where to go, but for some reason even it couldn't began to understand, it just stood there next to its master...

After some time Victor had finally finished the first Draft of his future plan to focus on, leaving him to do other important business.

But first he looked over to check on Michael who was still swinging his sword and shield around.

Seeing that Michael was still in his own world of practice, Victor pulled out another item from his ring that he'd been waiting to check.

A Large thick pitch black withered book appeared in his hands, right as it came out of the storage ring the colourful world became slightly darker.

As huge sense of need immediately assaulted his mind as the Girmoire of undeath pulsed sending him this strange feelings.

Victor did his best to ignore his Girmoire as he ran his hand over the front of the withered book.

It was a strange feeling as clearly it was a type of leather but it felt more like stone, cold stone.

The book was slightly heavy but for its size it was quite light, turning the book too the side slightly, Victor opened it and flipped though the pages.

Each Pape was a dark sliver paper made of a strange metal material but it still had the same flexibility as normal paper.

But strangely all of the pages were blank without anything on them, but Victor did notice that a shadow like darkness was emitted from each page like smoke.

Closing the book, Victor frowned in thought before looking up into the sky as he leaned back and crossed his legs.

Before looking back down at the book in his lap.

"Now it's probably not going to work but it's worth a try..." Victor came to the thought that he could inject his mana into it, but the people at the auction has most likely already tried this.

The dark silver page started to rapidly change as black words began to fade onto the page becoming words of an unknown language.

"Huh, it worked.." slight suprise appeared on Victor's face as he started to try and read the words.

"No wonder they said it was a Girmoire of unknown origin." Victor read over the words and strange letters but it truly was a strange language.

Victor's mana was rapidly depleted as he tried to learn anything but it was all for nothing as he couldn't understand anything.

Realising that it was a fruitless endeavour, Victor stopped injecting his mana as he took a deep breath.

'It is beyond my ability to learn the stored information in this book, I couldn't even figure out what type of Girmoire it is...' Victor thought to himself.

It was at this moment he felt a faint tap on his side, turning to look he found that his own Girmoire had actually tired to catch his attention.

"Now what is it that you want?" He said to the floating book but it was more to himself, after all the book didn't have any intelligence.

Almost like it could understand him, suddenly the strong desire for the unknown book came back in full force.

"Could it be.. that it wants to have it?" Deciding to test this, he slowly put down the withered book.

Immediately like it was free from all restrictions the Girmoire of undeath flipped open before a ball made of cold blue flames materialised from the pages.

The flame ball flew towards the withered book as it tried to absorb it, but before it could get too close the unknown Girmoire also opened as a black ball of darkness rushed forwards to block the flame.

A fierce battle behang between the two, one trying to envelop and the other defending with all it's might.

It truly was a full on battle for them both as they used all their strength, but too the only on looker it was just two different colour mana balls smacking into each other over and over again...

It was by no means a fierce battle to anyone watching, like two balloons smacking each other attempting to deflate the other.

Bearly noticeable the blue fame ball was gradually winning the struggle, as Victor once more felt his mana being absorbed.

His Girmoire used his mana to replenish its used energy, allowing it to stay on the attack without weakening.

Where's about the black ball was starting to weaken as it started to run out of mana.

It was at this moment like the blue flames sensed the others weakness and pranced, as it quickly surrounded the black ball.

This proved to be to much for it as it grew weaker and smaller with each passing second, until it's final resistance was no more.

Left without anything to impede it's path or stop it, the cold blue fame immediately surrounded the defenceless withered book before pulling it back towards Victor's floating Girmoire.

As the Withered Girmoire was being pulled it quickly began to change, turning into a mass of pure Darkness that all light seemed to refuse to go near.

This Darkness was like an irresistible treasure to the book of Undeath, as it opened fully in excitement ready to absorb its prize...

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