
Two Weeks In

Wow I must say, being a vigilante is kind of a mixed feeling for me . Both me and Parker are trying to be heros and cleaning up the city but he's trying to save everyone and let the law decide on what to do with the criminals afterwards. Me on the other hand I like to take justice into my own hands because I don't believe the victims of these crimes will ever get the justice they truly deserve. Now I'm not saying that those guys would've walked away scott free after I called the cops on their operation but I highly doubt anything major would happen. The criminal underworld of this city and world is too complicated, old and interconnected for the system to simply put those human traffickers away for good.

Anyways these last two weeks have been pretty fun. I would go on patrol every other night or whenever I feel bored on my nights off I would go back out. I think I'm slowly getting a little famous but nowhere as big as paker because he's more in the daylight and spotlight of helping people. Whereas I'm only out at night acting as a ghostly predator to those who commit serious and harmful crimes. It's pretty cool honestly, I think it was a good idea to go with a different color scheme and build rather than being slick in spandex like Peter and all their alternative counterparts.

Surprisingly I've yet to encounter the friendly neighborhood spiderman during my operations and neither have I gotten the chance to hang out with Peter himself. He's always so busy now with volunteering at F.E.A.S.T with his aunt or being the spiderman that New York needs. I guess this is for the better because if either one of us met each other, his spider senses will go off. I might be fine if I don't have my suit on since he'll most likely ignore it because how could I, his best friend, know about his tingles and alternate life, if he has not shared them yet. But if we meet in our alter egos then all hell might break loose and it'll just depend on who's the faster draw and superior fighter...which I don't mean to brag but I just might be the better one. I have the power of God and anime on my side damnit.

The drug that I found going through my neighborhood a couple of days ago was pretty interesting. It's nothing like I've ever seen before. It has all the components of a dopamine booster and euphoria arousal that any other drugs can produce. But it has the chemical structure more similar to that of a biological protein than that of a 'drug' compound. I have not and will not take it to see the effects because I refuse to be under the control and influence of a narcotic in this life. I've ran the simulations of what would happen when this substance is consumed on my computer and the results are less than desirable. Hell I've seen watched some consumers use it on my neighborhood and they seemed to get higher than a kite. The effects seem to kick in really quickly because after about 10 minutes the eyes and mouth of the subject will begin to glow with a strange light. This seem to last for hours before stopping.

Anyways I've been following my drug dealer friend around for awhile now and I've traced his trail back to a distribution source. It's a night club out in Harlem that's under the ownership of a large crime syndicate. I want to say this has to be under Fisk and the Rigoletto family but I can't say it with one hundred percent certainty. I haven't been inside the club just yet because security seems tighter than a bitch but I'll get there. I'm not in any rush since they've been doing illegal shit without me for a long time and will continue to do so if I don't intervene. It won't really matter when I do it, I just want to make all the connections of the chess board before I make my move.

The human trafficking warehouse however was a little different because if I didn't step in, the girls would most definitely be sent half way around the world to be sold off to some rich fuck and never be seen again. I only take immediate actions if I deem it necessary, otherwise I'm just exposing more of myself to the public and its underbelly. I aim to be a living legend of fear, a spider boogie man for the wrong doers. Not a hero that lives in the limelight.

Tonight I do want to try taking a look at what's going on inside the club. It must be connected to the next door building through an underground access because there's a lot of food traffic in the front of the house but there's also a lot of cars and trucks coming in and out of the back of the next building. Now I know it's not a parking lot because this place is nowhere big enough to have a multistory parking lot next door and the actual parking spot for the club is down the street from here.

I take a few steps back away from the edge of the rooftop that I'm on before running to make a leap. I summersault over the busy and bustling street below as I softly land on a building next to the building where all the cars are coming in and out of. I get over to an air vent and crawl inside. After a few minutes of navigating the maze of the building's ventilation system I finally came to an area that I wanted to see.

The main room behind the docking station is full of heavy duty shelves. These shelves contain lots of heavy duty wooden crates and metal kegs of what I presume to be alcohol. Now this must be a very busy and highly profitable business because there's a lot of non warehouse workers going in and out through the doors. I crawl towards the direction of the heavy foot traffic area and soon I stumble onto a waiting room. Huh yeah I guess this is where everyone comes to pick up their pay because they're all waiting to enter an office room.

The ones that walked out of the office seemed happier than when they walked in because when they leave, it looks like they're holding a thick envelope before tucking it away into a pocket or a coat. Definitely nothing fishy going on here. I press on the side of my helmet to snap a couple pictures. CLICK! I continue to crawl around until I arrive over a more interesting room and conversation. "What the fuck do you mean you can't find him!" A tall strong build man struck out a fist toward one of his henchmen. "I wanted you to do a simple fucking tash and you can't even do that? I fucking hard is it to find one man that's wearing all red running through our neighborhood." He struck the man again. "I don't want to see your face again until you bring his ass here. Or else you're as good as dead the next time you step back here without a man in a red latex."

Ooo that's some kinky ass shit man. Running around in skin tight red leather while beating up thugs and busting drug and arms deals? Now I can get on that train. But just where are these people coming from....fuck I'm in Harlem so there can only be one or two people that fit that description. I just hope I don't run into them because it'll just be like running into Peter but they're actually skilled in close combat. But that shouldn't be too much of a problem right? This is outside of their usual territory so I probably be fine…

The man that received the beating stumbles on his way out of the office and not long after a new guy makes his way in. "You call for me, boss?" The guy spoke in a deep voice. "Yeah, give me the update on my products. How are our sales doing?" The two men begin discussing business for a next half hour before finally finishing up their meeting. "Before you leave, go over to the bar and grab yourself a bottle of whatever you want. You've done so much good work for me and the family that you deserve it. I'll have the men put a new shipment in your car before you go home." The boss man shook the other guy's hand with vigor before he departed.

Hmmm just some more business meetings about distributing drugs throughout the city. Nothing really major that I need to deal with immediately. I continue to crawl through the ventilation system for about an hour before I finally arrive at the basement. There wasn't a lot that goes on here, just a lot of illegal substances and money that's being moved around. I guess the business next door is to launder the cash into clean taxable money. I crawl through the underground passage that connects the two buildings and I soon arrive at the basement VIP lounge. It was a bunch of rich folks who think they could do whatever they wanted and are getting enabled to do so.

There's currently a group of 5 middle age men having their ways with a young small blindfolded woman. There's an opened bag of the crystal diamond drugs on the table nearby. They must've taken some before having their session. I think I shou-the woman is crying....and that's not a woman. My blood begins to boil in rage as I slowly creep out of the vent. I drop down silently as the sound of a bunch of middle aged men groaning is louder than me. I break the lights with a simple spell before walking towards the group in pitch black darkness. Once I get close enough, I turn on my lighting effects as I send out a fist towards one of the men with no intention of pulling my punches. CRUNCH! My trembling fist appears on the other side of the man in front of me as my arm is skewered through him.

The other four start to freak out under the sudden change of direction and sensation. With one of their men rapidly dying around my forearm, I grab onto the back of his neck so I could flip his body before swinging him towards a guy on my right. Once my arm was free of a human cadaver I sent out another punch towards a different guy on my left. Pretty quickly I was done creating scum kabas as I tossed their bloodied corpses aside. I slowly approach the girl that's strapped into the table. She was trembling the entire time and the darkness didn't affect her since she was blindfolded before the lights went out. "It will be okay now, little one. The bad men are gone. Where are you from and where can I send you to keep you safe?" I snapped my fingers and her restraints quickly became undone. I helped her get off the table but she would not speak a word. I take off her blindfolds to check her eyes with the lights from my helmet. She was gone. Lost in the recess of her mind while her brain tries to block everything out to protect her.

SIGH. These sick fucks are going to pay for this shit. They may have gotten away with a quick death penalty but I'll make sure their reputation and legacy gets destroyed along with anyone else who knows about what they did. I walked her to a shair before producing an emergency blanket from my belt. I sat her down before walking back to the bodies of the pigs. I create a portal to the roof of this club and toss the bodies out. I dangled each and every one of the naked corpses over the ledge and hung them there with some webbing. Next I walk over to the electoral control panels on the rooftop and pop open the metal covering. I upload a simple recording of what the men did and the face of their victim onto the screens of the club's dance floor.

I turn to jump back into the room to bring the victim out. I closed the port just in time before anything was able to open the door to the room to see any traces of me. After a few minutes of swinging I drop off the victim to a fire department before swinging back to the clubhouse. Now it seems like the club might've been emptied out because a whole bunch of people are rushing to get out of the establishment. I portal myself back into the room to gather some more evidence and surprisingly there's nobody here. They probably arrived after I left but couldn't find any besides the blood left behind by their VIP members. I turn to look around until I finally spotted the camera that's tucked away at a corner. I turn on my eyes while looking directly at the camera before throwing a conjured dagger at it.

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