
The Mystery of the Moonlight Transformation into a Wolf

The story takes place in an environment that has transformed from an ordinary world into an environment full of strange events. The protagonist Ye Sha, an ordinary fitness instructor, encountered a terrifying monster attack on a night full of strange events. At the critical moment of life and death, he accidentally turned into a werewolf after being illuminated by the moonlight, thus gaining the ability to protect himself. The beginning of the novel describes a turbulent world in which the news constantly reports various strange events, such as pupilless children, bloody hounds, etc. After experiencing horrific incidents one after another, Ye Sha gradually adapted to his new werewolf identity and began to look for a way to survive. He not only has to deal with strange threats from the outside world, but also faces the psychological and physical challenges brought about by his own identity changes.

Xinhe_Wang · Khoa huyễn
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12 Chs

out of control

Ye Sha felt a wave of heart palpitations, as if something unacceptable was about to happen.

 A familiar figure came out from behind the door of the broadcast room. She still had a high ponytail and a hot tight sportswear, but her formerly alluring eyes were filled with gray-black shadows, without the slightest breath of life.

Liu Yuning's body was surrounded by monstrous black mist, and the aura and pressure were astonishing. The suture monster just now was like a little ant.

Ye Sha's nose felt sour, and tears could not stop flowing from her dark green wolf eyes. His heart seemed to be pinched by someone and he couldn't breathe at all.

"Would you be safer if I didn't take you with me?"

 Ye Sha murmured to himself, unable to remain calm anymore. The two of them made a promise to each other last night, but today they are separated from each other.


The sadness in his heart turned into overwhelming anger. The terrifying werewolf howled in the sky, and the windows of the surrounding stores burst.

Veins sprouted from the muscles all over the werewolf's body, animal saliva flowed from the terrifying wolf's mouth, and his sanity gradually disappeared!

  "he he he he he..."

Weird Radio smiled happily, as if he had seen the most fun toy.

The werewolf who lost his mind and turned into a beast did not attack Liu Yuning. Instead, he raised his nose and frantically sniffed the surrounding smells, as if Ye Sha's remaining sanity was causing trouble.

Liu Yuning, who could be controlled, took action directly. She controlled the black mist and attacked the werewolf crazily.

The werewolf just dodged and ran, but was unwilling to attack Liu Yuning, so he was beaten very embarrassed. The originally smooth and shiny hair was messy and dull. He was dodging and sniffing everywhere, as if he was looking for something...

Outside the shopping mall, the police cordon has surrounded the building, and black fog has enveloped the entire building. It is thicker than the black fog in yesterday's gym incident!

Wang Yanjin looked at the building with a solemn expression. There were more and more strange incidents in Jiangyang City. In the area they are responsible for, there have been two incidents in two days. If this continues, it may be like the situation in Jiangyin City!

A masked man in black walked behind him. He was carrying a long sword and seemed quite imposing.

Wang Yanjin I just met this morning. I heard that he was a master of killing strange situations who came down from Jiangyin City for a vacation!

 "What a strong aroma!"

The sword master looked up at the building and said something leisurely.

Wang Yanjin has been working with his colleagues in Zhan Yiju for a long time, and he knows that people in their bureau call the black mist a foreign air. The level and coverage of the foreign air can be used to roughly judge the degree of danger of the strangeness.

"Team Leader Li, what do you think? Do we need to take action?" Wang Yanjin's boss also came over and asked the negative sword master.

"I think it's necessary to take action. This strange aura is already so strong. If I continue to kill Weiwei, it will grow and even cause harm to the party!"

Li Chengfeng had a wry smile on his face. He had just arrived at the Jiangyin front line and encountered such a big surprise. He really had to work overtime!

However, they are slayers! It is humanity's first line of defense against weirdness!

There is no end to the weirdness, and I will never retreat until I die!

Wang Yanjin stared at the sword behind Li Chengfeng with some envy.

 He also wants to have power and protect the masses. It's a pity that he is an ordinary policeman and can only do some auxiliary work under the current situation.

However, he also knows that being a slayer is not that easy.

I heard that the monster slayers were ordinary people before. By chance, they obtained some weird-infected artifacts. As long as they could subdue the artifacts, they would gain the power to fight against the weird.

Of course, this process of surrender is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become a slave to these artifacts!

The long sword on Li Chengfeng's back is just such a thing. Zhan Yiju has a unified name for these items: Yibing!

 So, only weirdness and weird items can kill weirdness!

Except for human weapons of mass destruction, any small weapons are ineffective against weirdness!

The sword behind his back began to tremble, and Li Chengfeng knew it was because it was hungry!

This sword is called General Qilian and was found in the tomb of an ancient general.

Li Chengfeng was still a new member of the national archaeological team at the time, and followed his teacher to inspect the tomb.

As a result, a strange general-looking man appeared and killed everyone, causing rivers of blood to flow. The archaeological team was almost completely wiped out.

In order to save his teacher, Li Chengfeng picked up a sword near the coffin and stabbed it stupidly. Unexpectedly, the general was actually killed by him!

 Since then, Li Chengfeng has entered the game of killing strangers, and along the way, he has gradually become stronger. Because alien soldiers love weird auras the most, the more they kill, the stronger they become!

This is the most confusing part. The alien soldiers are caused by the strange infection, but in turn, they like to kill the strange the most!

Perhaps weird things are not tolerated by heaven, so there must be natural enemies around us who can kill them!

As the saying goes, there must be antidote grass near poisonous snakes!

"Comrades, today's action is very dangerous, you may die!" Li Chengfeng stood in the center of the crowd and shouted to the alien killers and the police, "But we must move forward to guard the masses, there is no way out! Let's go!"

 "Yes!" everyone present responded loudly.

This is the declaration of the fearless and the hymn of mankind facing the strange!