
Chapter 47: Sanctuary (10)

Chapter 47: Sanctuary (10)

~Mash B. POV~

Dropping my verbal bomb of one of the 3 Great Demon Beasts coming they all looked shocked despite knowing that this advance was still a great issue.

Feeling the overbearing silence of the room as everyone stared at me Beatrice finally arrived teleporting to my side and explaining the situation confirming my words, "It's as my Master has said, everyone. The Great Rabbit has come detecting the major spike of Mana in the air."

Beatrice just pointed towards the window near me with a neutral expression with a grim situation befalling us, "Well… let's say the rabbit problem is right there I suppose."

Pointing towards the window near me with a nervous expression. Outside the window the snow covered the ground, I noticed Garfiel and the others in the room squinting their eyes to get a better look at what Beatrice was pointing.

Everyone's eyes widened and took a step back as thousands of eyes opened simultaneously with me muttering, "It's here."


[The Oousagi Lv.? The Great Rabbit(s)

Description: The Oousagi is One of the Three Great Demon beasts, When creating the Oousagi, Daphne imprinted her sense of hunger onto the Demon Beast, resulting in the creature feeling a constant urge to eat. Oousagi's primary concern always was satisfying the insatiable hunger it felt. It considered anything or anyone as suitable food and would devour the flesh, bones, and blood of its targets, leaving nothing behind.

It is no more intelligent than most animals and wasn't capable of making observations about its prey or whatever scenario it was in. It would find new prey by following strong magical signatures to their source, as living creatures generally had the highest concentration of magical energy that could be found. Despite being made up of numerous singular rabbits, the Oousagi functioned as a singular consciousness.

Each rabbit could multiply instantly and infinitely, and the collective consciousness would only die when every single rabbit was destroyed. As such, it was considered practically impossible to kill the Oousagi. This Demon Beast has a hoard numbered in around 80,000 individual rabbits.]

Yeah, that sounds about right. Stupidly powerful and incredibly annoying to deal with that's for sure.

Place the majority of my Stats into LUCK! NOW!


Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 20 Exp: 0/30%

HP: 770/770

MP: 765/765

STR: 20 (+15)

AGI: 20 (+15)

VIT: 18

INT: 20

SEN: 25 (+15)

LUCK: 53+47= 100

Stat Points: 50-> 3

Cash: 500



[Your LUCK stat has reached a 100-point mark!]

[Passive Skill [Enhanced LUCK] has been added!]

Skill List.


<Enhanced LUCK> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reaches 100 stats in LUCK. Described as the User is notably luckier than other people, good things happen to them more often, and bad less often. Random chance tilts in their favor most of the time, and beneficial coincidences occur for the user at abnormal rates.

-This passive skill grants the user protection from [Medium Misfortune].


Feeling that we have a chance I took it. Time to bet our lives on the line and hopefully not screw us over!


Immediately jumping out of the window, I looked towards the thousands of bloodthirsty rabbits with a frown. As they all heard the window breathing, they all turned their hungry little eyes towards me as I had my phone recording the event with my [Unseen Hands].



Beatrice uttering the [Murak] spell said before jumping through the window only to float and land gently next to me. As the snow crunched beneath her shoes, she looked up at me with a frown before pointing towards the hungry horde in an annoyed tone, "Please tell me you have a plan when dealt with dealing with Roswaal's stupid idea of summoning the Great Rabbit. I'd rather not die just yet I suppose."

Patting her on the head gently, I kept my eyes on the slow and cautious approach of the rabbits as I slightly moved my head towards the broken window yelling her name, "Emilia! You said you wanted to help now's the time!"

Not before too long another soft crunch resounded from the snow behind me. Emilia spoke with a stutter of nervousness in her voice, "Y-Yes? W-What is it?"

Noticing her nervousness, I let out a grin patting her on the shoulder jabbing my thumb to myself with confidence, "Don't worry I know how to kill it. But I need your help and strength Emilia. Trust me."

Emilia gazed at my eyes for a moment before resolving her will to trust me. Good girl Emilia-chan.


Running out of patience, the rabbits began to make noises altogether before running towards us at full speed quickly closing the distance. Seeing this I grabbed both Beatrice and Emilia by the shoulder uttering my spell, "[Murak]!"

[<Murak > LEVEL UP!]


Casting the [Murak] on all of us I immediately jumped into the air while dragging Emilia and Beatrice along with me. My main goal right now was to get as far away as possible from the cabin, so I jumped over the horde of rabbits.

The Rabbits seeing us try and go over them started to crawl on top of each other in a collective effort to reach us as some even jumped off each other's heads. One even managed to get near Emilia's leg trying to get a bite.

Nope. No free dinner on the waifu.


Using my Gamer Ring as a beacon I teleported the Rabbit that almost bit Emilia back towards its horde. And that made EVERY rabbit come to use detecting me using my Gamer Ring an item with infinite Magic Power or Mana that these little bastards love to eat in this world.

Once we had all reached a height where I was positive that they couldn't reach. I set our gravity to the lowest I could get where we floated in the air near the tomb of the Witch as I spoke to my Spirit with an intrigued smile, "Beatrice can you perform the [Al Shamak] spell to send these monsters away? Can you do it my brave little spirit?"

Beatrice then frowns with a light blush looking down at the rabbits before turning towards Emilia and calmly speaking to her, "I need you to trap them in a barrier of ice. I'll need a few seconds I suppose."


Landing down Emilia hearing Beatrice's plans nodded her head agreeing with her plan letting Beatrice focus and closing her eyes as I began to assist in keeping these little buggers in place.



Sticking her hands towards the horde of rabbits desperately trying to get a piece of us, the ground beneath the rabbits began to tremble. And as the ground trembled causing the rabbits pile below to collapse, the snow began to rise off of the ground before forming 5 walls of ice.

The rabbits picking up Emilia's and Beatrice's humongous output of Mana began to go into an even greater frenzy as they began to madly converge once again. Emilia noticing this patiently waited for all of them to gather as sweat dripped down her forehead before swinging her arm down.


And as her arm came down, the walls of ice went along with it entrapping the rabbits in a cold and hollow cube for a prison. Letting out a sigh of relief, Emilia immediately began to focus her mana once again just in case they somehow managed to get out before Beatrice's spell was ready.

But we didn't have to wait for long as my loli spirit spoke out in a calm tone getting our attention she's ready, "Thank you, Lia. Mash. I'm ready now…. [Al Shamak]!"


After those words, the area seemed to adopt an eerie and uncomfortable feeling as even the rabbits froze to look around for the cause of this uneasy feeling. But as they looked around for the cause seeing not being blinded by hunger there was a sudden change. One rabbit noticed something was going on beneath itself and let out a panicked cheep alerting its horde.

All alerted, the thousands of rabbits directed their eyes to the ground beneath them before immediately focusing their attention on the walls of ice around them. Beneath them was an extremely dark void of reality breaking into this dimension beginning to expand and swallow the rabbits.

One of the rabbits yelled in panic as it fell into the hole causing all the other rabbits to bang their small bodies against the ice brutally. But as they were all weak individuals, all they managed to do was break their bones or become paralyzed from the head trauma.

The hole then suddenly expanded once again taking not just the remaining rabbits but the ice prison with it as well. Beatrice seeing this lets out a smile before hiding it and looking at me with a frown, "You're welcome I suppose."

Feeling the effects of the spell rapidly finishing the job I looked towards Beatrice giving her a bright smile and pat on the head, "Thank you Beatrice you did a wonderful job! Just what I expected from the Great Spirit Beatrice!"

Blushing slightly, she turned her head to the side and forced out an annoyed tone, "I-I in fact – d-don't need your thanks."

Emilia thanked her with a light giggle before turning towards the spot where the rabbit disappeared with a complicated expression, "I should also thank you, Betty. But… I have to ask… Is it really dead?"

We all turned our attention towards my Betty hearing this let out a hmph before looking at Emilia with a slight frown explaining to us, "Hmph! Well since you don't know, I suppose I can tell you what I just did. I just used the pinnacle of [Shamak] which sent the Great Rabbit into an empty dimension. If I had more time possibly a Black Hole. So even if it did survive, it certainly won't be doing anyone else harm."

Wait... hold up did she just say she could summon a Black Hole?

Emilia then asked as I nodded understanding my spirit's words, "An empty what?"

I lightly laughed seeing Emilia's confusion causing Beatrice to sigh walking away while shaking her head. Emilia noticing this began to chase after her while trying to apologize for her words, "Hey wait! Was it something I said!"

Smiling at the two getting along I looked at the place where the Great Rabbit perished with a smile. One of my [Unseen Hands] having my phone had the full video of the recording of dealing against The Great Rabbit to its demise.

Managing to obtain a full video getting to the point where the Great Rabbit was hit by Beatrice's [Al Shamak]. This means I can now use this to confirm the death of the Great Rabbit and earn yet another bout of merits and prestige along with Emilia participating in ending the Three Great Demon Beast.

Or rather the One Great Demon Beast remaining… that snake will have its due soon someday. And it only will it help me earn more merits, but it will also give the people a more positive view of Emilia. Of course, I can't expect their hatred to be erased immediately but people will be fools to go against her now.

But with her people killing two of the Three Great Demon Beasts which have terrorized many for over 400 years, some will without a doubt look at her in a better light. But that's not all good because other kingdoms, nobles, or organizations could start to view Emilia's achievement as a potential threat.

Although if Roswaal with her backer for real's this time around would be a different story altogether. No fool will go against him other than some idiots against an Imperial Wizard without losing something in the process.

However, I doubt the clown Roswaal has been sitting idly by for the last 400 years doing nothing. He must have had numerous plans made for this following his Gospel and beyond securing his win by any means.

[+1 INT figuring the most likely outcome!]

Even my abilities agree with me. That's reassuring making my INT increase my MP by [765/780 MP].

Now then… It's time to find 'Omega' and kill the remaining Witches for this time to be over. I will make sure there's no potential future threat remaining and lay them to the afterlife for good.

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