
Slightly Friendly Intrusion

I wasn't intent on giving up so easily.

"Mr. Idris!" I shouted loudly in the street, not minding the fact that I was probably disturbing tens of people sleeping or simply minding their own business in the nearby houses (most being the former of course). A good portion of those people who happened to hear me would naturally ignore me, because the yellow light had appeared in the evening. They knew this was another one of those cursed nights, and anyone on the dark streets was practically helpless.

The one who wouldn't ignore me would be Mr. Idris. I was assuming he would remember me. This was an assumption not safe enough to be made in the first place, but more of an interesting example of my own helplessness. If he had really heard me but ignored me on purpose, I had not the right to complain. It would be very well justified with no words involved at all.

And inevitably suppressing the hopes I had, what I feared happened. I called out a few times, but yet, there was no one. I started assuming worse scenarios, ones of great variety both in and among themselves.

The shop's windows were weak. I could break through them and get in - but could THAT be justified in any way? Damaging my 'friend's property (probably an expensive one too), would I want to do that? Perhaps he was simply in a state of deep sleep, totally oblivious of my struggle. What would he think if I broke into his shop... and his house?

On the other hand... What if I was spending precious time here, not saving him from his own struggles?

I kicked the door. It didn't open, not in the normal sense at least. The hinges got loose and the door fell backwards on it's wider side. The correct response to myself would be a facepalm, the door wasn't even locked, only a few pieces of wood was hastily tucked into the small gaps on the sides to keep it still in it's place. If I had pushed it hard enough, it would open rather easily.

I quickly looked around the mostly empty store, and got upstairs to the actual house. I knew where Mr. Idris would be sleeping as usual, if he was actually there and sleeping.

I gently opened the door to his bedroom. It was hard to remain silent with this squeaky door, but I took my time opening it ever slowly.

In the end, my efforts were useless. There was no one in the room, with the obvious exception of me - which didn't last very long either.

He wasn't home. But what was he doing? Searching her daughter outside, in the darkness?

For my safety, even though Mr. Idris wasn't here, I could use this house. Of course he wouldn't expect something like this from me, but I was in no position to offer kindness, he was. I was scared for my own well being as much as I was worried for him. No one had to remind me of the witch that tried to hunt me down, who was most likely going to succeed if Ms. Saka wasn't there in time.

I tried to make myself believe that for a while, but eventually had to acknowledge my selfish thoughts as they were. I was too scared.

I walked downstairs to close the door I broke. Of course I was no expert on fixing doors, I was just going to lift it up and tuck it back into it's place, so at least from outside, it would appear to be a locked door.

I hastily did so and got back upstairs. I was feeling safer now, but a new kind of anxiety took over slowly. I was residing in someone else's house, and alone. Mr. Idris was not the person to yell at me for doing this, he would understand my concerns no doubt, and even be happy that I could help myself; but I couldn't pay him back in any meaningful way.

Now thinking of everything, I was just making a mess. In general, about everything. I was always the problem.

If I wasn't there, Sena wouldn't get lost. If I wasn't there, Ms. Saka would still be alive, and maybe even a reunion would be possible. I wasn't there, Mr. Idris wouldn't have suffered so much. And I need not to mention my poor aunt and the police...

And with my mind full of these uneasy thoughts, I entered a stranger's bedroom. A stranger I say, even though Mr. Idris referred to me, and made me feel like indeed a friend, I've only been with him for so long. Understandably, it was a bit hard to accept right away, and the considerable age gap between us was not helping.

I turned the lights on to get a better look at the bedroom. The harmless beams of light - the only kind of beams I have been craving for - illuminated the floor, the bed, a closet and a small rectangular table at one corner of the room. There were clothes laying around, the bed was not made. Various stuff were standing on the table in no distinct organization. It was almost like a thief had come here.

That wasn't very far fetched, as I convinced myself. A theft, maybe it was possible, although still not very probable.

A small white tube of medicine was standing out among everything else with it's bright color and shiny texture. I didn't know what it was, but then, I wasn't familiar with even the most common prescriptions for minor sicknesses.

"He never mentioned an illness." I said. "I wonder what it is..."

It was not out of question that his 'odd' behaviour might have been a result of such situation, a social struggle mostly evolving in one's own mind. He might have been wanting to keep it a secret, for some reason or other.

I decided to catch my train of thoughts later and sleep for now. I put down the gemstones I was carrying on the table carefully, and walked to the bed.

I lifted the green blanket to get under it - I would if I could.

Underneath the green covers, he was laying still; no one other than Mr. Idris!

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