
The Monster Bloodline System [DROPPED]

This is the story where ordinary office worker but he was just a slave worker there even he did all work of other in 7 years he didn't even got promotion and then he suddenly died becuase of overworking. After he died he got transmigrated into fantasy world into the 'Quefaialm' realm where human and monster are in peace becuase of the past... And after reincarnated into world of 'Quefaialm' he got monster bloodline system too. He can change her bloodline after meeting a requirement. Becuase of her low level bloodline he struggles to changes her bloodline into better bloodline. -If you are tired a system that is too op and the mc is not struggles to survive. -If you are tired that mc is so lucky and many coincidence happening then this is your cup tea. -Where mc is not simp and like to saving around without reason, even he have a power to save them he will not save them without reason -Not a naive mc -This story will develop into better to better one like a story that weak to strong and will change her habit (The cover is not mine if you want take it down just comment it :) but you need evidence if it that was really yours :) thank you) *I just create this novel to practice my writing and I will write a new novel after this novel finished.* *DROPPED I WRITE ANOTHEE STORIES PLEASE READ IT*

AHvillain · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Chapter 10 - Quest Fiery Herb

After completing the quest he still hunt more wolf so he can practice her skill and to get used into her strength.

Its was a afternoon damion goes back into town to complete her quest and like a regular day he goes into the wall to Verify her identity as adventure like that and he goes into adventure guild to said complete the quest he take out and he goes into same human beauty girl he talk a while ago and damion took out into her pouch and get the teeth of the wolf he get in the morning and he put it into table and the human girl said "Your the one who get wolf material?" Damion nodded and the human girl nodded too and said "I am Jessica maybe we will meet a few times so you better remember my name" damion nodded and Jessica took out a 1 gold coins and 3 silver coins and give into damion and then damion leave into adventure guild and he checked how many money he have.

He has 4 gold coins and 7 silver coins and he said " I am poor.. I should earn money" then he goes into one of the alchemist store he saw the most cheapest here are 5 gold and it was a invisble potion for about 10 second and damion didn't buy it even he wanted too he can't buy it.

He leave into alchemist guild and go into tavern and he eat a chicken and rice and he loved it and it's was delicious and all he ate is only 7 copper coins so he give 1 silver coins for a tip and then he goes into her room and sleep.

It's was sunrise of the morning and damion wakeup and get up and then he changed her clothes that he buyed yesterday a better than normal clothes he bought and now he look like adventure now then he go down and order a same order he got in the night and he ordered water too and then he sat into one of the chair and then he heard something and he heard one of the bulky human said "I heard it was close that monster will attack" and one of the mosnter said "when?" the bulky human said "About a 1-2 months?" the monster said with a sigh "Hays they are going attack again maybe we will be able defend the town.." the bulky human said "Yeah I wish that too" damion got interested but he didn't leave into her seat and after waiting a minutes he saw her order and the waiter put it into table and the leave and he quietly and then after finishing eating he paid the waiter and leave to the adventure guild to get a quest.

He saw after entering is jessica and then jessica said "Your quite early today some newbie are still sleeping" damion said "I need a money I don't have money ehh" Jessica nodded as if she understand it and then she point into Wooden board and said "There are interesting quest and reward too your lucky" and damion thanked jessica and the he looked around into wooden board and he found interesting and got lot reward too and plus recommend into a 2nd evolution like her and it was

|Fiery Herb - it was into south direction and there was a many strong monster there and recommend into 2nd evolution only

-And there was a guard into fiery Herb so be cautious.

Rewards - 30 gold|

And then he took it out and goes into Jessica to complete it and Jessica said "Oh it's was really a good quest and has a large reward than normal maybe the alchemist need it right now..." damion nodded and then he leave to complete the quest.

He goes into south direction where report are and he met many monster too and stronger than wolf but thankfully they are one by one so he was lucky and then he looked into valley and he saw fiery Herb and then damion climbed it's was not that far where fiery Herb are so there was no problem climing up there.

After a minutes he was now in the fiery herbs are and he was carefully becusee it said there was a guard here so he can compare it into boss and then after entering into cave and 3 inches far into her and when he is about to pick it up a snake came out into damion sight and then the snake got ferious and charged into damion and damion dodges into side and the snake are in her side and Damion punch using mana Punch into head of snakes it was hit but it didn't damage because of snake scales and then the snakes got angry and the snake tails want hit Damion and damion didn't manage to dodge well he got quite large injuries into her side chest and damion got angry for it but he calmed his mind and he grip the snake tails with her full strength and using a mana punch the snake got hurt and it got angry and got angry and the snake tried struggles her tails into hand of Damion and damion hand off into tails and then he tried punch the snake stomach and using mana punch he punched many time like around 5 punch and the snakes groaned in pain and even the snakes scales got damaged and he snarl Damion and he tried bite Damion but Damion dodges it easily and continue punch after a second the snakes groaned in pain becuase of damage of her scales and her punch was now in the flesh and the flesh got off and the snakes turn around to leave but damion get a dagger into her hand he get it into her pouch and then he throw it into one of the eyes of snakes and the snakes got angry but before he got angry Damion already opened her stomach and punch like a crazy and after a 1 minutes struggling it died and Damion sigh and said "I used many times mana punch.." and then he get the fiery Herbs and then material of snakes a venom like a hearth and teeth of snakes.

I forgot to put Exp gained and he gained around 500

AHvillaincreators' thoughts