
The back story

Toda grew up in a small sub city, inside of a giant urban city! Populated with people from every culture! Diversity was in surplus and so was trouble! Growing up African American, and pretty much in her city the only African American surrounded by every culture she adopted many different view points and ideas!

Toda is me and I am Toda! I don't care for people talking in the third person, I guess you can say it's a pet peeve! In order to paint a vivid picture this unfortunately is necessary!

The younger years; Playing in the woods with girls boys! Little fueds and crushes. Still she never felt like she fit in, it wasn't socially accepted to be black and love outdoors, or other cultures for that matter! Being black you had to embrace the "ghetto" the "rap" and more importantly baptist Christianity!

Yet those things were only a cover...

underneath however her world was so intricate and beautiful! And those things places and stories would fill her soul.. when all the other boys and girls didn't invite her or find her interesting, she made a world of her own! And a fantastic one at that!

It wasn't until she was much much older would she realize that this fantasy world she created,

Actually existed.

These blurred faces from dreams, and Smokey landscapes were real! The reason she felt so out of place was because she actually was!

All of the hardships through grade school and adolescents, groomed her to rein over the kingdom that was rightfully hers!

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