
Chapter 1: Tales Combine

"Holly Light, Watch where you swing that oversized metal stick of yours Grook, your going to poke someone's eye out!!" Lux said as her half-orc friend turned towards to giant spider, his greatsword grazing past Lux's hair as it struck into the arachnid with his extraordinary strength, the long blade glowed in a divine radiance as the spider popped like a zit from the half-orc's smite.

"sorry your short" Grook replied as he flicked the viscera off his family heirloom. Grook was a simple half-orc. His strength was the greatest Lux had seen since leaving the Twin Cities in the South.

'He wasn't too bad of a person.' Lux thought as her hands glowed in a similar radiance, causing another spider to crumple from the divine flames that flared into its side, scorching its carapace.

"Did you see what Grook just did, I looked and flames appeared on that one" The Half-Orc said.

"Yes Grook, good job" Lux replied moving closer to the Ranger to her left.

"Grook, duck" the Ranger, whose name was Dragoon, released an arrow towards the spider, which Grook just happened to be in the line of fire.

"Where? That would be a great after battle meal." Grook said, looking all around for the non-existent duck, moving his head just in time for the arrow to whizz past, impacting one of the spider's many eyes.

The Spider shuttered and fell into the ground dead.

"Good job Grook. you killed it." Dragoon said as he passed to retreave his arrows.

Dragoon was a High Elf, his arms showed well toned muscles and his stature looked unlike any other normal High Elf Lux had seen before. It was almost as if he had to concisely remind himself not to walk on all fours like his pet, which was a wolf.

Lux sighed "well let's get back above and talk to Orsick for any other quests, this fight was barely even a challenge."

"Hey, look on the bright side" Dragoon replied as he ripped an arrow from one of the corpses and inspected it "that should push you and Grook to Level 3 right?"

"Right, Grook is now even stronger!" Grook said, sheathing his greatsword to the scabbard on his waist, and returning his shield to his shoulder.

The Three had been literally flung together by one of Orsick's more enthusiastic subordinates, they were currently just finishing up the * Extermination of Spiders* quest that seemed to becoming increasingly popular.

" I say we rest up, and talk to Orsick in the Morning, that way we can head on out to wherever he sends us next." Lux suggested.

" I agree"

"Grook has better idea, we talk to Stonepooper in the morning".

"Once more, I agree"

"Dragoon, please don't enable him."

"Grook does not need to be enabled. Grook is always ready."

"Uuuugh, fine. Yes Grook, I agree, now can we go?"


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