
Za End of Za Warudo(6/8)

/Frank POV/



(Alright then, now, what am I supposed to do with you guys?) I said to the group that originally came with their gods. They don't really have any true use to me aside from being subordinates. Problem is they aren't loyal in any way possible.

(W-we can be your subordinates! We can serve you instead of our gods!) one of them said to me as I scratched my cheek. (Well here's the thing, you guys don't really bring anything good to the table aside for being bait for anything in general.) I said as they visibly paper at my words.

They were humans and a couple of elves at that. They were a rarity in a sense. (B-but.) (No buts, you don't bring anything good to me, then there might be a large chance that I'll just make you breeding cattle for some of the monsters, or better yet, monster feed.) I said as with a wide smile and the pain in my head started to get smaller and smaller.

They were essentially useless to me. There was nothing else that I could say about them. (Well, unless you guys are willing to be breeding stock, it'd be in your best interest that you find some reason why I should keep you alive, or else.) I said as I walked out on them.

Well, time to show the people why I did all of this. (Domain, start an announcement, I wanna give the despair right now. It'd be shameful if I didn't do it myself.) I said as the domain didn't answer back and started to announcement.



/3rd POV/



The people of Orario were all in pain, pain from the things that the dungeon master decided to do. Yet again, the golden square appeared in the sky as they knew that he wants to mock them one last time. (Well then, it's nice to meet you all right now. I have to say though, it's interesting that you're not dead yet.) he spoke as they all cursed him and his powers.

(*sneezes* Well, it appears you all truly hate me for me to have a sneeze. Let me just do this first. Alright then, the reason why I brought this city into this fate is that, well, I just wanted to. There wasn't anything remotely good for me to do, so I instead did terrible things. But I am a man of honor, and so, I will accompany you all into your final minutes.) Frank said as the people went silent.

The only thought in there minds was what was going to happen to all of them now. They were going to die yes, but what was to come for them after death? To Heaven? Or to somewhere else? (Also, I'm gonna have one last pullout, so now you know. Alright! This is Frank the dungeon master, signing out from the city of Orario! Peace to you all! Byyyyyeeeeeeee!) he said as the "stream* cut and he walked out of the dungeon. He needs to search for the three people he would bring along with him.

Thankfully enough the Withers won't attack until he allows them to. Or until he removed the command where he changed the mob AI. This gave him enough time to go and look for Ereshkigal and tell her what he wants to do. After all, she is his goddess.



/Time Skip for 10 or so minutes/



Frank had once again found himself in the same place where he madea technical "home". It was nice to pay around for a bit but now it was time to leave. (Eresh, we're going to have to go now.) Frank said as he went down into the manhole. He shook his head and assumed that she was sleeping out the fear and waiting for death to come.

As he went down, he heard grunting and sounds of pain. He quickly slid down the ladder and saw some fat fuck holding down Ereshkigal and choking her out. (You ruined us all! You made him angry! You will pay you disgusting slu-) the man sad as Frank put his hand on his shoulder. (She didn't make me angry, you are.) a very pissed Frank said as the man looked behind him and saw the Foundation mask staring right at him.

(Anything to say for yourself before I tear you to shreds?) Frank said after he threw the man to the wall. Ereshkigal was coughing out in pain as she saw her child, the first child that she had chosen, come back and save her. (I-I wanted her to suffer! My daughter is dead because you hate the gods! You brought thi all upon us because you hate the gods! So why do you try to save one?!) he shouted out as Frank took his SSG and loaded it up.

(I hate the gods alright, just not all of them.) Frank said as he aimed to gun between the man's yes and pulled the trigger. Gray matter and blood splashed out as the man's torso slumped to the ground, or what was left of it. (I'm so so sorry for leaving you here.) he said as he kneeled down and hugged her.

Ereshkigal only cried and hugged him back as she thanked him for returning home. (Come on, we need to go somewhere else. Do you know where Hestia and her child are at?) Frame had asked in order for him to do what he wanted, to recruit someone chosen by fate aka, the MC of the world.

(I don't really know, they ran away to their home and haven't come out ever since you spoke of destroying the city.) Ereshkigal said as she eyed Frank angrily. (Why are you looking at me angrily?) he said as she slapped his face. (You didn't stay that's why! Why didn't you stay with me! I thought that you abandoned me!) she pounded Frank's chest as he simply took it.

{I'm sorry.} he thought, since he didn't really know how to properly say the words. Instead, he hugged her back with one hand and pat her head with the other. He wasn't great with emotions, that much is obvious at this point. But for some reason, it worked. She hugged him back as he noticed that she fell asleep. He sighed and quickly had the Domain bring her and him back to the 100th floor.

{Okay, time to find Hestia, and try to convince you, Belle Cranel.} Frank thought as he quickly went Minecraft mode and drank an invis pot again. He then double jumped and flew to the right area where he saw the originally decrepit church, which was now renovated and made to look more homely.

(I should have expected something like this. Of course they would use the money for something like this. After all, it's their hole for a reason.) Frank muttered to himself as he had an annoyed expression on his face.

(HESTIA! GET OUT HERE AND BRING YOUR CHILD WITH YOU!) he shouted to the home and was greeted by a can being thrown at him. {Do they even have cans in this era?!} he thought as his expression grew darker. (Hestia, *breathes in and then breathes out* I came to bargain.) he spoke calmly and went colder to the home.

It was beautiful to say the least, little potted plants on the windowsills, a rocking chair and a table next to it. It's almost just like a perfectly placed fantasy home in a fantasy world. Except this is real, and this is a fantasy world. (Don't come any closer, you monster!) a female voice shouted out as Frank sighed.

{Great, I'm hated by a goddess who friendliness, what else is new?} Frank thought as he raised his hands and said (I come in peace and with only good intentions.) he said straight into her eyes as she felt her godly powers working to see if I lies or not. She sighs and loos at me with vigilance.

(Good, now that I have your attention, I'm offering you and your child a deal.) Frank said as he then sat on the dirty dirty ground. He had a plan as to how to coax the two of them, but then again, people chosen by fate are often capable of being powerful at any given time. Unless their fate is to die painfully and with extreme amounts of suffering, then they're usually gonna be very strong.

(Hestia, I want you and your child to come with me. You'll survive and you'll even find a way to be free of the curse of being unable to have children. Unless, you prefer feeling the emptiness of your soul when you don't have one, but that's on you. Also, the reason why I need to coax your child is that she's capable of being very strong.) he said as Hestia looked at him angrily.

(So you only want my child as an extra pawn in whatever you're going to do?) she said as Frank shook his head. (Well she's not really gonna be a pawn, she'll be trained yes, but she'll only be told to do something if it's in her capabilities, or if I tell her to do it. Nothing terrible like whoring herself out for information or shit like that, I have standards!) he said as a smile broke across his face.

(Doesn't that sound like the perfect deal? You get to live the rest of eternity with your child, and I get someone chosen by fate.) he said as he stood with with his arms wide open. {God that was cringy.} he thought as Hestia started to think about it.

(I don't exactly have all the time in the world since I'm gonna destroy it, so it would be in everyone's best interest that you make a choice right here right now.) he said as she had an angry expression showing in her eyes.

(I don't need your rage, I just need to get the both of you inside so that you two would survive. Also, I need to go and get someone else now that I think about it. Or do I need to bring them? I'm not exactly the nice guy here, plus it's useful if I do get rid of them.) he said to Hestia as he muttered the last bits to himself.

Does he really need to go and save the Takemizakuchi Familia, or can he just get rid of them right here? There are essentially enough Withers to completely steamroll the city, and he could even go so far as to place a repeating command block with the /kill @e command running an infinite loop.

But then Haruhime might ask what happened, and then she'd be depressed and then the kids would get sad since she's sad, and then all hell breaks loose.

{. . . . . *SIGHS VIOLENTLY* Time to go and save that guy, I guess.} he thought as he then looks at Hestia who was staring a hole through him. (Sorry about that, had to go and think about someone, what's your choice? Stay here and watch this world burn? Or bring your child along with you?) he said as Hestia sighed and replied to him (We'll come with you-)

Frank clapped his hand in happiness as he then came closer to shake her hand but she continued (But only if you allow her to continue getting stronger! If not, you can kiss having someone as Belle goodbye!) she said smugly.

Frank bring Frank raised his hands and said to the big booba goddess (Eyo, I'm not here to fuck a kid alright! I'm just here making a deal with you if you want to survive! I may be good looking but Ereshkigal would tear me a new asshole if she thinks I'm doing that!)

Hestia had a confused expression as she asked (Why would you know that?). Frank replied back to her with a simple (Because that's what I usually understand would happen IF something like that happened, plus I know she likes me, but I'm probably one of the most shy people here, so can we take this somewhere else?)

Hestia was getting more and more confused as she tried to understand just what he was trying to explain to her but unfortunately for her, even Frank doesn't know what he's saying half of the time.

2073 words, alrighty, as some of you may know, I asked another person if I could incorporate their idea for a fanfic into TMT. Now there's a problem with this, the power that I'm gonna give him is King Crimson, another Stand. This means the guy will now have two Stands. Yeah, add the little bit of strength from something like the Slayer, and someone like Alastor, I think I may have bred a new type of (WTF?!) MC. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts
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