

Imagine having a system, that magical boost from novels that makes you better than everyone else with minimal effort. Now imagine a system that let's you feel your neck being snapped the second it comes online! When Brian downloaded the app it first asked him to log into a gaming account, he first logged in with his xbox account and the app said it would sync with his game at 0.1% once he started playing. He thought that sounded pointless and hopped onto titanfall, he had a modest gold rank that he proudly maintained, it wouldn't make him a pro but he worked hard for that rank. Everything was going fine he got a couple kills without being touched then someone used a finisher on him and he felt it, crying out it agony his vision going partially black every pain conceivable being mildly sent from his brain for a moment, then he was ok. His neck still hurt abit but otherwise he was ok, 'what the hell was that!?!' he wondered. He looked around his room for about 30 seconds then heard another assassination neck break on screen before "Gawd noo!!!!"

His neck was definately hurting now. He made the connection to his game and quickly logged out ignoring the rank penalty that would cause. Still freaking out he steadied his breath and rubbed his neck before deciding to take a hot shower. In the shower he tried to forget everything, the occasional stab of pain made that difficult. Once he dried and cooled off abit he went back to his room. Checking his phone he found a couple notifications from his new app.

Sync Successful

Games 1/1 : XboxOne TitanFall


R101-C Carbide Epidermis Resistence 68/1000

Jumping 26/1000

GAS2 Battle Riffle Soldiers 5/1000

GAS2 Battle Riffle Headshots 3/1000

GAS2 Battle Riffle Gamers 2/1000

Broken Neck Resistence 2/1000

Cloaking 2/1000



Heart 400/1000

Lungs 37/1000

Blinks 7/1000

Brain 6/1000

Eyes 1/1000



There was no one around but Brian still had to ask, had this app really caused that pain? Best to test it in another game, a much safer gamer. He loaded up fable anniversary on his xbox, and started eating apple pies like crazy he had thousands in his inventory. His character became bloated to capacity but he felt nothing, aside from the lingering pain in his neck! Checking his phone he found nothing new but reading it all again he noticed the (Games 1/1) bit... "If this is real than that sucks." He tried tapping the Games 1/1 bit and to his delight a popup appeared asking if he wanted to buy another game slot. Hell if this was real and pay to win than his life just got way easier, food from fable, money from grand theft auto, it was perfect. He hit yes. 1000 achievement points required current balance 0. "Wait my achievement score is way higher than that!" A few minutes of yelling at his phone got him no result so he opened the menu and clicked around until he found an app description hidden it setting. It was like a short fricken' novel! Ultimately the app synced him and his video game characters they could boost or cripple one another but only at the 0.1% mark. So short of a nuke nothing in game should one shot him irl. Reading over the list of achievements it was tracking in game he decided to go for a jog and try some jumping. 10 sad minutes later he was panting and wincing, jumping with some damage from a broken neck turns out to be a bad idea. Checking his app he found his progress to be better.



Heart 1: 167/10000

Lungs 348/1000

Blinks 31/1000

Jumping 21/1000

Brain 13/1000

Aspirin 2/1000

Drinking Water1/1000

Eyes 1/1000

Either this is the lamest reality show stunt ever or the most sadistic system ever imagined

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