
The Mask of Sinkon

"Long, long ago, there was a Supreme blacksmith who created many weapons, most of which became legendary. Before he died, he created the most perfect item: a spiritual conscious item. He imbued the item with the spirit of a legendary spirit in the Gaias Land called Sinkon. With his last breath, he merged his power and Sinkon into the item, which became known as The Mask of Sinkon. This is the story of a young man who discovers The Mask of Sinkon and becomes one of the top Supreme masters in the world." GUARANTEE PACT OF ACTIONS! 3 - 5 chapter every week This novel consist of 7 volumes 1. Beginning Arc 2. Obsidian Academy Arc 3. Return to Alvestia Arc 4. Rise of Demon King Arc 5. Spirit World Arc 6. Demon War Arc 7. Final Arc

ZeNo92 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Underground fight , Shu vs Bigg

"From the left, we have Bigg, the undisputed champion, a formidable Martial stage 3, Aura Establishment! And from the right, we have the newcomer, the challenger, known as The Mask. Standing at Martial stage 3 also Aura Establishmet!" announced the arena announcer, "WHOOOHHH!!!" building up the anticipation of the crowd.


Bigg rushed towards Shu, throwing a powerful punch fueled by his Aura. Shu intentionally took the hit to test the strength of his Heavenly Dragon Tempering Body. A loud "Duh!" sound echoed as Bigg's fist collided with Shu's shoulders. To everyone's surprise, Shu only staggered back slightly and showed no signs of damage. "Interesting," Shu thought to himself, intrigued by the effectiveness of his body tempering technique.

Bigg was shocked to see that his multiple punches had little effect on Shu. He continued to unleash a barrage of punches, shouting, "Bigg Rush Punch!" with each strike. However, Shu only moved slightly with each hit, showing no signs of pain or damage. Bigg was utterly confused by this unexpected turn of events. Inside Shu, Sinkon couldn't help but chuckle, amused by the situation.

"Time to end it," Shu thought to himself. Seizing the opportunity, Shu delivered a powerful strike to Bigg's stomach, causing him to double over and vomit. Overwhelmed by the force of the blow, Bigg eventually fainted. The crowd erupted in shock and awe, witnessing this unexpected turn of events.


After that encounter, multiple fights took place, and one by one, all the fighters succumbed to Shu's incredible strength and precision, each defeated with a single devastating blow. Word quickly spread throughout the underground fighting scene about the unstoppable challenger known as "The Mask." Shu's reputation as a formidable and unbeatable fighter grew with each victory, instilling fear in the hearts of his opponents and capturing the attention of both spectators and organizers alike.


250,000 coins, that's a significant amount of money, Sinkon. Shu expressed his satisfaction, realizing the incredible potential of the Heavenly Dragon Tempering Body Technique. Sinkon nodded in agreement, acknowledging the extraordinary nature of the technique. "Indeed, this is a supreme body art. Ordinary fighters wouldn't stand a chance against it." Sinkon further affirmed that Shu's mastery of the technique had elevated him to the level of a Stage 4 Martial Master even Shu only reach early stage of Aura Establishment , solidifying his status as a formidable martial artist. Shu marveled at the power he had attained and felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in his achievements


Shu returned to the black market and handed the mysterious girl the promised sum of 100,000 coins. As he reached into his storage ring, a gift from his mother, the girl's eyes widened in surprise. "Is that...?" her inner voice filled with awe and curiosity.


Fast forward.

The mysterious girl revealed to Shu that she had obtained some information regarding one of the true flames. She informed him that the Blue Fire was rumored to be located within the Rowan Magic Institute.


Fast forward

In the inn, Shu and Sinkon engaged in a discussion about their mission to find the Blue Fire at the Rowan Magic Institute. They pondered on the best approach to accomplish this task when Sinkon suddenly sensed something amiss.

~"Shu, there's someone hiding in the shadows,"~ Sinkon communicated through their inner transmission.

~"Where?" Shu responded.~

~"Above the inn," ~ Sinkon revealed, utilizing his skill to detect hidden presences within shadows.


Shu quickly summoned the Mask of Sinkon and adorned it upon his face. Instantly, a transformation occurred. His hair turned pitch black, completely matching his new persona. Harnessing his Unison Art skill known as "Shadow Within," Shu merged with the shadows and ascended to the rooftop silently.

"It's the spy," Shu thought to himself as he observed the mysterious figure attempting to enter his room. He quickly realized that his identity must have been discovered, and his instincts told him to be cautious. Shu quietly prepared himself, ready to confront the intruder and uncover their true intentions.

Lurking behind the unsuspecting spy, he swiftly struck her neck, rendering her unconscious.

Shu carefully tied up the spy, realizing that she was none other than the mysterious girl they had encountered in the black market. He glanced at Sinkon, who nodded in confirmation. Curiosity piqued, Shu decided to remove the girl's mask, and to his astonishment.....


he discovered that the mysterious girl was actually Ana, his mother's shadow guard.

To be continue...