
The Mask of Sinkon

"Long, long ago, there was a Supreme blacksmith who created many weapons, most of which became legendary. Before he died, he created the most perfect item: a spiritual conscious item. He imbued the item with the spirit of a legendary spirit in the Gaias Land called Sinkon. With his last breath, he merged his power and Sinkon into the item, which became known as The Mask of Sinkon. This is the story of a young man who discovers The Mask of Sinkon and becomes one of the top Supreme masters in the world." GUARANTEE PACT OF ACTIONS! 3 - 5 chapter every week This novel consist of 7 volumes 1. Beginning Arc 2. Obsidian Academy Arc 3. Return to Alvestia Arc 4. Rise of Demon King Arc 5. Spirit World Arc 6. Demon War Arc 7. Final Arc

ZeNo92 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Back to School

12 Junis 1109.

Upon Shu's return to Alvestia Academy, his presence stirred up a lot of gossip among the students. News of his previous battles, his crippling injuries, and his lost cultivation spread throughout the academy. Some students were intrigued by his past accomplishments, while others were skeptical of his abilities after his defeat.

Whispers and rumors circulated among the student body, speculating on the details of his battles, the circumstances of his injuries, and the implications for his future as a cultivator. Some admired his determination and resilience, seeing him as an inspiration. Others doubted his potential without his cultivation powers.

The hallways buzzed with conversations and curious glances followed Shu wherever he went. Some students approached him to express their admiration or ask about his experiences, while others kept their distance, unsure of how to interact with someone who had faced such challenges.

Despite the gossip and speculation, Shu remained determined to prove himself once again. He focused on his studies, training diligently despite his physical limitations. He aimed to rebuild his strength and regain his abilities, hoping to rise above the doubts and gossip surrounding him.

Over time, as Shu demonstrated his perseverance and dedication, the opinions of his peers gradually shifted. Some began to see him in a new light, recognizing his unwavering spirit and his refusal to let setbacks define him. The gossip and rumors gradually subsided as his actions spoke louder than any speculation.

Throughout Shu's challenging journey, his friends remained a constant source of support and encouragement. They stood by his side through thick and thin, offering unwavering loyalty and friendship. Despite the gossip and doubts surrounding Shu, his friends never wavered in their belief in him.

They recognized Shu's inner strength and admired his determination to overcome adversity. They saw beyond his physical limitations and saw the indomitable spirit that burned within him. They were there to lift him up when he stumbled and to cheer him on in his moments of triumph.


As Shu and his friends were engaged in their training, they encountered a group of students who seemed intent on causing trouble. Among them was Guff Hanstein, the younger brother of Evan Hanstein, a student from a previous year. Guff, being a first-year student, seemed eager to make a name for himself by taunting Shu.

Guff approached the training area with a cocky demeanor, his words laced with disdain for Shu. He made a snide remark about Shu's current condition, emphasizing how he considered him useless and incapable of utilizing his force. His intention was clear – to provoke and belittle Shu in front of others.

However, Shu's friends, who were well aware of Guff's intentions, stood firmly by his side. They refused to let Guff's words deter them or undermine Shu's determination. With unwavering loyalty, they shielded Shu from the verbal assault and reminded him of his inner strength.

Instead of succumbing to anger or frustration, Shu chose a different path. He maintained his composure and responded to Guff's taunts with grace and resilience. He calmly acknowledged the current state of his cultivation but emphasized his unwavering determination to rise above his challenges.

Shu's friends also stepped in, using their words to counter Guff's provocations. They reminded Guff that true strength went beyond mere physical abilities and highlighted Shu's past accomplishments as a testament to his talent and potential.

Their collective support and united front sent a powerful message to Guff and the other students witnessing the exchange. It showed that Shu's strength lay not only in his force but also in his unyielding spirit and the unwavering support of his friends.

In the face of adversity, Shu's response and the solidarity among his friends resonated with other students. They began to see beyond Guff's shallow provocations and recognized the strength of character within Shu. Slowly but surely, the negative gossip began to lose its power, and Shu's reputation started to regain its luster.

This encounter served as a turning point, showcasing Shu's resilience and the unbreakable bond among his friends. It also demonstrated that true strength lies not solely in one's force but in the ability to rise above adversity, supported by genuine friendship and unwavering determination.

To be continue...

just cool down chapter

ZeNo92creators' thoughts