
The Marvel Experience.

Waking up in a school filled with mind-fuckers, kids with parental issues and the occasional school being destroyed was not something darius thought he'd wake up to but hey he signed up for this so he has to make it work. so with nothing holding him back he sets out to have as much fun as he can in this screwed up world. -Dark Themes. -Eventual evil mc. -A lot of Sex in later chapters. [so to put this out there I'll have a real chaotic update schedule as well, I'm broke as shit in a third rate country which is slowly drowning itself along with us so yeah...i might update every end of the week.] [anyway I have a patrèón account and I'd love it if you visited and support me if you can, i also have some dropped stories in there that I'll not put in the payed section so drop by and read some I guess] patre on.com/GodOfDepravity i have about +3 chapters ahead of this story so come by.

Faceless_Prick · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 2

Looking through my body I'll inhibit I smile before frowning and sighed while scratching my soul head.


Name: Darius SinClair Everett

Age: 17

Race: Human/mutant(awakened)

Ability: Nullification-The ability to nullify all Abilities used on host either they be reality manipulation targeted at host or Abilities that would change the user either by changing the past or present.

•further down the line the user would be able to nullify the Abilities of other mutants and even non-mutant powers.


Body: 3.8(the stronger the body stat the stronger, faster, vitile and healthy your body is)

Mind: 9(the more powerful your brain the more faster you're able to process information and the more you brain grows)

Soul: 12(the more powerful your soul the greater energy you are able to utilise for you Abilities)]

' not bad actually I could work with this one and his ability is op as fuck, but I gotta play this right I thought while looking at the end information.

[Status: Depressed, Mentally scarred.

Location: Xavier School for gifted youngsters.

Activity: Currently sleeping on his bed

History: Darius was an abused child of a deadbeat father and drunkyard mother who everyday after their worthless lives took it all at Darius and would take pleasure into beating, humiliating and even sexually violating him to the point where they pimped him off to their friends for a couple of bucks as Darius was a handsome boy and was especially well endowed which brought the ire of his father since he was a part of the micro-dick committee and Darius could do nothing but take it all and get used and abused day in and day out.

But that all changed one day as he came back from school after a beating by his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend after she had dumped him that exact same day and unknowingly he activated his ability but since it wasn't a showy Ability and he didn't gain any unnatural traits from his X-Gene awakening he went back home to find that his father with his clothes packed and at the door which broke the boy deeply and as he cried and begged his parents to not abandon him they simply scoffed and beat him up before throwing him back outside and by some ' coincidence' the bald telepath happened to have come at that exact moment and offered the boy a place in his school and a promise for a life with people like him and like a moth to a flame Darius thinking he finally found a family agreed without hesitation.

It has only been a day since you've arrived in the school and you've been given a personal room on the huge mansion that housed over a hundred young mutants.]

' I'm fucked..the bald one will immediately feel me and my thoughts and that'll….wait.'

" hey void…Chan? Kun?, Whatever gender you use is my nullification Ability able to fend off that mind fuckers telepathy?"

[Yes and it has been doing so, unknowingly the Darius you have yet to merge with has been releasing a power nullification field all around him for a couple of feet which is keeping him safe from any probing or any mental manipulation ability from working on him and is also the reason why he was given a room for himself to not cause a panic at the school]

" ahh I see…thank you, I guess that works but I'ma have to fix that field later.." i thought before I felt myself compressing.

[I apologize but that is all the time you have in the infinite void and you'll now be sent to your new world, good luck and Void-Speed]

I heard it say before I was completely compressed and sent hurling at speeds I couldn't comprehend at somewhere before I blacked out and then nothing.

-/Xavier School for gifted youngsters/-

Groaning slightly I immediately sit up on my bed before feeling a huge migraine threaten to split my head in two but then it quickly vanished and before I could question what just happened I answered myself

'reactive evolution'

" well damm" I said out loud before looking around and called up my status.

Name: Darius SinClair Everett

Age: 17

Race: Human/mutant(awakened)



Ultra Super Adaptation Regeneration

Reactive evolution


Status Panel

Quality and Quantity


Superhuman Mental Processing

Perfect structural Analysis



Body: 3.8

Mind: 267

Soul: 48]

' huh?, My mind and soul increased actually now that I notice it my mind feels faster clearer and better…I feel a sense of calm while I'm still able to think of various things at the same time and the memories of the guy I absorbed have already been assimilated…damn the history description of this guy didn't do him justice this motherfucker has had way worse then what was shown.' I thought fast and closed my status before calming myself and standing up I immediately dropped to the floor and got into a meditative stance and focused inside of myself and as I started getting used to this feeling more and more I cleared my head with the help of my superhuman mental processing capabilities it was way too easy and I found myself inside myself and outside at the same time which tripped me over for a couple of seconds before I that feeling disappeared.

Looking inside of myself I found a sphere of pure black energy swirling inside me and then instinctual again I knew that it was my soul energy or better yet the energy that encompasses all my abilities as their control and fuel.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes in my perception feeling and understanding whatever I could about the energy and myself and as I did I found my abilities levitating around or I could say they were orbiting my soul energy with a small thin thread connecting them.

I felt all my abilities and tried to understand them with small success but I did gain insight on them and most of all I gained insight more on my nullification ability and opening my eyes abd concentrating on the outside of myself I felt the Field of energy that I was unconsciously emitting and using my new knowledge and control over myself I called it in as it worked immediately.

The dark grey invisible to anybody else of energy I was producing immediately shot back inside me well not truly as the energy was now compacted and covering my skin with a thin film of nullification energy which I then further strengthened by feeding it more energy making the film gain a space like image as if there were stars in it.

But completing goal I dispersed the meditation like state I was in and immediately I was bombarded by screen after screen.