
Chapter 2

"Hello Proffesor Yang can you call me back" said the women on the phone under the rocks. reporters and the FBI are investigating the explosion at Proffesor yang's laboratory. Bomb squad entered the laboratory and sees that everything was destroyed. Robert heard the explosion and their was a blackout.

Robert's last day is tommorow and he is still reading the same book since the first day of prison after being accused for his own father's murder. Robert felt a rush of adrenaline and he felt powerful. but he still feels weak. in prison he was beaten up by Daniel's old henchmen and The guards that works for him. Daniel bribed the guards with his dirty money and threatened their families.

During the blackout a guard approaches his cell and opens it then punches him over and over again till, Robert throws him at the wall in the hallway and sees that he had unimaginable strength. Robert notices that he threw him through the wall of the second section. Robert ran out of the cell and began harming everyguard who came at him and soon escaped the facility till the shot him in the arm outside the facility and he jumped so high that he was in the clouds and landed in the streets of lighthouse point and began running to his old home. when Robert reached home he began crying because of his powers. then started up his computer and searched up what's going on with him. he didn't find any documents on his powers but found data on Mr.Yangs theories to meta humans.

Robert heard the television in his father's room and sees the strange things that people are doing such as, people flying, levitating objects and running unimaginable speeds. Robert fainted and woke up the next morning. and saw his face on TV which had a caption of "escaped prisoner". Robert was scared and grabbed some old close and covered his body and headed to Daniel's house but noticed that there was no one their. and he went back to his computer and looked his name up and found that he is a millionaire that lives in the richest neighborhood in lighthouse point.

Robert grabbed his dad's keys and drove their. Robert was afraid that if he jumped he would never land. he sees about 40 guards outside his mansion and leaves. like everyone else in the world he "went to the cities pizza place" and bought pizza wearing a hoodie. soon he returned home and plotted his way in and out to seek revenge for his father. The very next day, he rushed to his mansion that night wearing a mask and took out his guards one by one as he entered the mansion till he was shot by Daniel himself. Robert got up and got shot again and again till Robert punched the ground causing an earthquake and Daniel's gun fell and he reached out and grabbed it and killed Daniel with no mercy.

Robert was half dead till he felt his body healing itself. Robert was surprised by the power he discovered. he explored the house and killed everyguard in his way and found Daniel's vault and stole most of his money. and filled the house with gasoline and burned the house down and soon became ashes after the fireman finally arrived. The FBI entered his home and knocked him out and found himself in a facility with other people with powers similar to him. the federal government were creating all the meta humans to weapons to be sold on the black market. Robert was high in his class of training. the meta-humans were classed by the harm they can bring to people.

they teached Robert jow to control his powers and use them and identify the powers he had. Robert was sold to a billionaire Chinese company and became the personal weapon of Mr.lane. unlike all the jail cells he was hold in Robert was placed in a Penthouse surrounded by guards. "I always take care of my fellow guards" said Mr.lane. "well, I'm done harming people I've been prisoned for too long and I just want to live a life free and maybe have a family"said Robert. "well once you signed up to be a meta-human what did you think, you would be a freaking superman on these streets" said Mr.lane." I didn't sign up to be a monster that terraces people for you"said Robert. "well I own you now and you do everything is say or you'll be ending up with your father" said Mr.lane. " you say another word about my father and I will kill you"said Robert. "Haha you harm me, I have hundreds of guards that would kill you the second you lay one finger on me" said Mr.lane. Robert leaves the meeting and heads to his master bed room. then a guard entered the room and gave him a suit that can protected him and is bullet proof and a mask."what am I batman, you mindeswell tell superman to get ready for a fight" said Robert. "your stupidity is enough humor for me" said the guard. "put on the suit mr.lane wants you ready to take out someone who is conspiring against him, you must get to the car outside."said the guard."so my batmobile is outside"said Robert. "say anymore jokes and I'll snap your neck"said the guard. and the guard left the room.

Robert puts on the suit and enters the car and drives to the location of mr.lanes enemy. Robert investigates the entrances and exits and the security for about an hour. and enters the front door. " how stupid are you "said the guard on the earpiece". Robert mumbles "remember I'm batman I have no fears" he fights all the guards and the alarms rang and the guards shoots him with ak-47 which are illegal in lighthouse. Robert gets to cover and grabs a gun off of a guard he beat down and starts shooting back and uses a smoke grenade and beats them up and gets to the stairs trying to reach the 4th floor of the mansion where Lanes enemy is but all guards are running behind him so Robert jumps and reached the top and breaks the stairs with his super strength and everyone falls.

Robert reaches the 4th floor and scans the premacis but no ones there so he heads to the roof and sees the enemy on a helicopter leaving and runs but doesn't reach him in town. so Robert jumps so high to the helicopter and breaks the wings and the helicopter goes down with him but he jumps off and falls on top of a building and the helicopter explodes in traffic downtown. "God danm it respond Robert it costed me couple millions for you" said mr.lanes on the Robert's earpiece.......to be continued.....

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