
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 18: Threats

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 18. Threats.

The next Morning Valoran's mind is occupied by the letter that threatened his Mother. He walks toward the kitchen where Aleina has already made lunches for him and Artemsia.

"Good Morning" Valoran greets his mother.

"Good Morning Aelina" Artemsia also extends her morning greeting.

Aelina turns around to face them. "Good Morning both of you" She greets as happily as ever.

Valoran however knows that his Mother puts up a facade to hide her fear and worry toward the letter.

Artemsia and Valoran try to reassure her safety.

"Mother." Valoran calls out.

(...Huh…Yes Valoran?" Aelina questions.

"Please do not worry about the threats, I will let no harm come toward you and I promise the moment I track down the fool who threatened you will pay dearly." Valoran reassures.

Artemsia also voices her reassurance.

"Please Aelina, you don't need to fear I will also protect you whatever it takes."

Aelina is slightly reassured but still in the back of her mind she is still afraid.

"Thank you both." Aelina responds with sincerity.

Valoran also notices another source of regret from his Mother.

"Mother, is there anything else?" Valoran questions with concern.

Aelina takes a deep breath…"I looked forward going to the capital market place for the annual sales they offer once per year"

Valoran knew that since he was born, his Mother never missed that day. It was special to her in a way.

"Mother please go. There is no reason why you shouldn't. No one will attack you in public on a bright day. But if anyone does…i'll stop them" Valoran once again reassures.

Aelina is conflicted if she should really go or not.

She however believes in her son.

"Alright I will go then and meet up with my colleagues…after all that's why we never take days off until this very day." Aelina says with excitement.

"Alright. Enjoy your day Mother." Valoran wishes.

Valoran faces toward Artemsia.

"We should get going"

Artemsia nods in agreement. "Let's go"

Valoran and Artemsia make their way toward the door leaving for the academy.

"See you later." Valoran says to his mother and together with Artemsia they leave for the academy.

On the way to school Valoran exchanges thoughts with Artemsia.

"Artemsia" Valoran calls out.

Artemsia faces him out of curiosity.

"How was your adventuring exam?" He questions with curiosity.

"...We were tasked with simple monster slaying, it went quite well." She answers.

Valoran strokes his chin.

"You haven't noticed anything unusual?" Valoran asks.

Artemsia is confused as to why Valoran would ask her this question.

"Nothing struck me as unusual." Artemsia replies.

Valoran continues to stroke his chin and thinks about something.

He reveals what happened to him.

"Artemsia. During my adventurer exam I encountered a servant from the previous Magic King, she was sealed for the last 4000 years." Valoran shares.

Artemsia looks curious while simultaneously expressing slight shock.

"You assume that this was on purpose?" Artemsia questions.

"Well there was more after I freed her from her eternal prison." Valoran adds on.

Artemsia curiosity peaks higher than ever.

"What occurred afterward?" Artemsia filled with curiosity questions.

"I met a High God of annihilation" Valoran reveals.

Artemisia's eyes widened hearing that.

"....Aldia" Artemsia utters.

"It seems you are acquainted with her." Valoran observes.

"Among all the High Gods she is by far the most powerful and yet…the one that shows the most compassion toward other beings. I do respect her." Artemsia states with a smile.

Hearing that from someone who Valoran trusts confirms that Aldia can be trusted after all.

"She agreed to inform us about future plan's Gods will develop" Valoran reveals.

"That would certainly help us." Artemisia voices.

"It certainly would." Valoran replies.

They arrive at the academy where: Selina, Biatrix, Merial, Atticus and Demonlise are waiting for them at the entrance.

They greet each other.

"Good Morning" Selina and Merial say toward Valoran and Artemsia at the same time.

"Good Morning" Demonlise greets them both.

"A wonderful morning" Biatrix greets them both.

"Good morning to the both of you" Atticus greets them both.

"Good Morning to you all" Valoran replies.

"I also wish you all a good morning" Artemsia adds on.

"How are you all?" Valoran asks.

The other faces become serious at an instant, it is obvious that something has happened.

Demonlise steps forward and hands Valoran 5 letters similar to the one he received from his mother in which she was threatened.

"We and the ones dear to us have been threatened, we thought that you should know about this" Demonlise voices with worry.

Valoran reads the letters and becomes furious, not only was his Mother threatened but now his friends as well.

"What should we do about this matter?" Merial questions with worry.

"Valoran, please tell us what we should do." Selina seeks guidance with concern for her loved ones safety.

"Valoran, I can't lose my brother…he is all that I have" Biatrix sobs which was very unlike her.

"Valoran please…protect the ones we love. Atticus begs bowing his head.

"I am perfectly able to look after my Mother, I will assist you in protecting our friends and their loved ones" Demonlise states with fearlessness and confidence.

"Please listen well." Valoran kindly instructs.

The others pay him full attention.

"My Mother was also threatened with a similar written letter." He reveals.

The others look angered and shocked to see that even Valoran and his Mother have been targeted.

"I'm sorry to hear that Valoran." Demonlise expresses with sincerity.

"How's your mother holding up?" Merial asks with worry.

"I hope she isn't scared…please look after her" Selina expresses with worry.

"Your Mother is a kind-hearted woman please let no harm come to her" Biatrix states with worry.

"I cannot believe they have the audacity to even threaten your Mother" Demonlise expresses with anger.

Hearing the worry they share for his Mother Valoran is reminded once again what great friends he found.

"My friends…I appreciate all of your concerns for my Mother, no need to worry about her. I'll ensure her safety and the safety of your loved ones in addition, no harm will reach them…all of you have my word on that. " Valoran promises.

The others look relieved and confident that they can take on these threats and protect their loved ones safety.

"I think we should head for class." Artemsia suggests.

"You're right." Merial agrees with enthusiasm.

"Let's get going." Selina adds with the same enthusiasm.

They make their way to the class hall and within minutes Professor Asparata arrives, starting the lesson.

Valoran has one more matter that he needs to address.

"At lunch I won't be able to join you…I have to meet someone." Valoran states.

The others look suspicious, but don't question it any further.

"Please listen up students" Professor Asparata has an announcement.

The students immediately face her paying her full attention.

"Your results for the adventurer exam you partook in will be ready tomorrow. As your teacher the fact that all of you have made it back unharmed makes me proud and relieved. All of you well done" She says with a smile.

The students are also smiling hearing Professor Asparata's kind words.

"It's all thanks to your teachings Professor"

"Thank you for teaching us so well"

"I am proud to be your student"

The other students praise Professor Asparata just as much.

Her smile begins to increase in size hearing the praises from her precious students.

"You guys…make me proud to be your teacher" She says with sincerity.

"Let's get on with today's lesson" She instructs turning to the board and begins to write magic formulas.

After the lesson is finished Valoran, Demonlise, Atticus, Merial, Selina and Biatrix leave the classroom and split up with Valoran leaving the group as he said he would during lunch break.

"I'll meet you after lunch." Valoran informs.

"Where are you going?" Merial asks, raising her right eyebrow in suspicion.

Valoran smirks. "Merial. Just meeting a friend at the library." Valoran responds.

He heads for the library.

Valoran reaches the library's entrance where Tiara is already waiting for him.

"Good day to you Tiara." Valoran kindly greets her.

"Uhmm…G-Good day to you Valoran" She responds a little shyly.

"Uhmm…Why did you want to meet me here?" She asks with curiosity.

"I would like to introduce you to two good friends of mine." Valoran replies.

Tiara, struggling with social anxiety due to all her life being looked down upon for being a succubus, immediately thinks it's a bad idea.

"I-I don't know…" Tiara mutters.

"I will not force you too, but these two are very kind and will assist you with your goal in becoming a doctor and perhaps you can be friends with them" Valoran states.

Tiara thinks for a moment.

"Alright…I want to meet them then." Tiara quietly says.

Valoran and Tiara enter the library.

Valoran and Tiara inside the library walk to the main desk where Philip and Michelle (also a succubus) sort out some paperwork for the library and have lunch while doing so.

"Hello. I hope I don't intrude on your lunch" Valoran greets them both.

"Valoran, long time no see,how have you been?" Philip gets up and shakes his hand.

"I've been doing well." Valoran replies.

Valoran looks toward Michelle.

"You Michelle, How have you been?" Valoran asks.

She blushes…

"I've been well thank you." She replies facing away to hide her blushing face.

"What brings you here?" Philip asks.

"I want to introduce you to my friend Tiara. She is shy but her ambition to pursue her dream and attitude toward kearing are incredible" Valoran remarks.

"H-Hello. It's nice to meet you. My name is Tiara" Tiara steps forward and bows her head.

The two immediately see that she is also a succubus just like Michelle.

"It's nice to meet you as well. My name is Philip" Philip says with kindness.

"It's very nice to meet you. I am Michelle. I never thought that there would be another succubus at this academy" She says with a smile.

"I never thought so myself." Tiara replies also with a smile..

Michelle and Tiara are immediately bonding and have a conversation.

"It seems she's comfortable here." Valoran says with a smirk.

Philip also laughs a little.

"I'll ask her to join the library staff." Philip offers.

"That would be great from you" Valoran replies and shakes his hand and leaves the library.

Valoran is already a couple of feet away from the library when Tiara opens the door.

"Thank you Valoran. I-I am so happy here." She says with a tear of joy running down her face.

Valoran turns slightly..

"You're welcome." Valoran replies with a tiny smile.

Valoran walks away and Tiara enters the library.

"If you want to spy on me…it's better for you to hide your magic auras better." Valoran calls out.

"How did you sense us?" Merial voice calls out.

5 individuals appear from thin air. It was Demonlise,Atticus, Merial, Selina and Biatrix.

"I sensed you the moment you decided to spy on me after I left you all." Valoran states with a smirk.

"I knew it wouldn't work." Atticus says.

"There really is no fooling you." Selina remarks.

"Tch…Why didn't you say a word?" Biatrix asks, crossing her arms.

"Well…Tiara is shy and I didn't want to add more people around her." Valoran replies.

"That makes sense." Demonlise replies.

"That was nice of you." Artemsia remarks on his action introducing Tiara to the library staff.

"Thank you." Valoran replies.

"We still have some time…let's find a spot to eat somewhere."

Valoran, Demonlise and Artemsia sense danger coming from Valoran's Mother in the capital.

"Mother…." Valoran says with worry.