
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
79 Chs

Chapter 15

The opening day of our garment business was a roaring success! Our prices were strategically set lower than our competitors, and as a result, we sold an astounding 1050 garments on the very first day. At a price of 1 silver per piece, we earned a staggering 105 gold. I must say, it was quite exhilarating to see the profits roll in so effortlessly.

Turning to Andrew, I expressed my concern about our sudden entry into the market and how it might have been received by our competitors. "Andrew, how have our competitors reacted to our presence in the market?" I asked.

Andrew's response did little to assuage my worries. "They've repeatedly tried to bribe or threaten our workers, but so far no one has taken the offer," he said.

My eyebrows shot up in alarm. "Threatened in what way?" I pressed. If our competitors were resorting to violent means, it was only a matter of time before they uncovered our secret and tried to shut us down.

Andrew's response was confirmation. "Our workers have been physically threatened, and their families have been targeted as well," he said.

I leaned back in my chair, a cold smile spreading across my face as I contemplated our competitors' latest move. Threatening my workers was a foolish mistake, and one that they would soon come to regret.

"Alright," I said to Andrew, a glint of dangerous excitement in my eyes. "Send them an invitation for a meeting in two days' time.."

They thought they could intimidate us, but they had no idea who they were dealing with. I relished the thought of using their own tactics against them, of showing them what happens when you mess with me.

As Andrew left to make the arrangements, I leaned back in my chair and allowed myself a small chuckle.


It has been two days since I received an invitation to a meeting with my three biggest competitors - Godric, Radulf, and Alaric - and their families at one of their mansions. Currently, I am on my way to the mansion for the meeting.

"Andrew are all preparations set?" Outside the carriage I heard a satisfying response. "Yes, my lord. Everything is set in motion."

"Good"I said with a genuine smile as the carriage came to a stop. Stepping out, I was greeted by Mr. Godric, the owner of the stunning mansion..

"Well hello Mr,Godric" I greeted him warmly, taking in the beauty of the residence that could rival that of a noble Baron.

"Greeting Young master Lucas"

"~~ seems business is going well" I shaked hand Godric and showed him a smile

"Well, the business could always be better," he replied with a confident air, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Shall we head inside, my young lord?"

"Of course," I replied, adding a touch of charm to my voice as we made our way into the mansion.

As we walked through the grand hallway and entered the dining room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was the room where the fate of our competitors would be sealed.

The room was elegantly decorated with chandeliers, silverware, and fine cuisine. My competitors and their families were already seated at the table, looking confident and relaxed. I could see the overconfidence in their eyes as they watched me approach.

"Good evening, gentlemen," I greeted them with a nod as I took my seat at the table, taking in the spread of the delicious meal before us. "You have some excellent chefs, Mr. Godric."

"Thank you, my young lord," Godric replied with pride. "I know you're busy with your new business, so let's get straight to the point. We have a business proposal for you."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued but already sensing that it would not be in my favor. "Go on."

"We'll offer you 1,000 gold coins for the rights to whatever it is that's producing that much yarn," Godric said, his voice dripping with false charm, "and 10% of all profits. What do you say?"

I let out a surprised chuckle. As if I would ever accept such an insulting offer. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, gentlemen. I didn't come here to negotiate but rather to get rid of all of you."

"What?" The families around the table looked at me with confusion and shock.

"You heard me right," I continued. "You think after threatening my workers that I would just sit down and negotiate with you? You must take me for a fool."

I motioned to Andrew for the paper, taking it from his hand as I tossed it towards Mr. Godric. He caught it with a confused look on his face as he scanned the headline.

"Nobody will buy from your shop again. The newspapers have run wild with the story of all your feeble attempts at attacking my workers," I stated matter-of-factly, taking a bite of the excellent cuisine in front of me. "So here is my offer: all of your properties for 1,000 gold in ten separate payments. Consider this a generous offer from yours truly."

"You think this is enough to bring us down? All we need to do is deny all the accusations," Mr. Godric replied confidently.

"That isn't possible. After all, you can't deny it if you're all dead," I replied with a sly grin.

Mr. Godric and his cohorts exchanged confused looks.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Godric asked cautiously.

Leaning back on my chair I let out a small grin. " I poisoned all your food and drinks Mr Godric." Before he could utter another word I continued. " But dont worry Mr.Godric I have the antidote right here"

I casually leaned forward and grabbed the contract from Andrew, sliding it towards Mr. Godric. "Here's the contract. Sign it and you'll get the antidote. Refuse, and... well, let's just say your fate won't be a pleasant one."

"Guards!" Mr. Godric shouted, but I simply chuckled. "They won't listen to you, Mr. Godric. They're not your knights anymore."

As Mr. Godric hesitated, I pulled out a small vial of liquid from my pocket. "Here's the antidote, enough for three people. It's up to you who gets it."

The room fell silent as the three families looked at each other, uncertain of what to do. I took another bite of the delicious meal, savoring the taste.

Finally, Mr. Godric grabbed the pen and signed the contract, his hand shaking slightly.

"Congratulations, Mr. Godric," I said with a smile. "You made the right choice."

The other families quickly followed suit, signing the contracts. I leaned back in my chair, feeling satisfied with the outcome.

"Good." I handed the contract over to Andrew before tossing the vial of the antidote towards the families. The three heads of the families quickly drank the antidote, panic etched across their faces. The rest of the family members, however, looked on in horror and disbelief as they realized they had just witnessed their loved ones' betrayal.

The room fell silent except for the sounds of the families sobbing and gasping for air. It was a scene that some might find disturbing, but to me, it was a beautiful display of power. In reality, the vail I had tossed towards the families wasn't an antidote at all, but simply a vial of water.

"Dispose of the bodies," I commanded Andrew, who nodded in agreement.

"As you wish, my lord," he replied, and we left the mansion, leaving behind a trail of death and despair.

I cooked with this chapter fr

PapiTaxicreators' thoughts