
Chapter 01

Glowing, that's it glowing. "Your so handsome today Samuel" "Jakie your sunkissed glowing as the sunset among the waters, absolutely beautiful" I Samuel Jenkins, took my girlfriend Jakie Smith, on our first romantic night-date. We went on a walk far from my car and we found a little beach, we stopped and set up the picnic I packed earlier. " I thought you hated things like this babe. Why would you set up something this perfect just for me?" she had always questioned everything I did and I always came up with the same dumb old response "because I love you" I would wink and blush. She knew how perfect she was with long black hair with a blue and blond streak on the left side of her curled hair and blue eyes that could make anyone to fall in love, a perfect blend of tan not to dark or to light, lush lips that were glossy and light pink with red on the inside. I think she tried to look like an anime character most of the time. She wore lip tent and all sorts of other makeup when we went out, I think she thought she was ugly but to me, she was truly perfect. "I know you say that every time what's so good about me anyway? I know you get mad when guys try to look up my dress and stuff but I don't see what you see Sam.". I think she saw the disappointment in my face because I felt it, I felt like the guys didn't even deserve to look at such a gorgeous woman, not like I deserve it either but I don't just want her for sex. "they just want your body I mean really look at you. You are stunning" it felt like we were gonna fight bit I didn't want it *kisses cheek* "look we should clean up and head back, I don't want your roommate to try and kick my ass for having you out to late." I laughed it off but her room mate Chloe was so mean to me because she thinks I want Jakie for "personal enjoyment" that wasn't the point of my relationship either way. It was to find someone who was "my type" which just happened to be Jakie, Chloe is too but she was to easy. I wanted a challenge and that was Jakie.

(Hey it's the end of this chapter please give me suggestions on what they should do together. Also where it says Chloe was to easy I mean everyone was into Chloe for her body and she dated every guy that I could think of. thx for reading my first chapter tho I really appreciate it love y'all ♥️)

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