17 Hall Corporation's Specialties

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

I sat in front of my desk to compose myself. People were starting to talk outside. I was invited into a group chat by Bonnie. People inside were asking what the hell was going on.

Bonnie said, "We were on the sixth floor. We didn't hear anything loud, but everyone above the 10th floor did."

Job said, "I was on the 12th floor just now. Bang! I was scared to death. Now, some people are rushing to the 18th floor. I wanted to go too, but I was stopped."

Someone said, "Ordinary people naturally can't go. They can't even go to watch the show. Let's just wait for the notice."

The group chat only became quiet after a while.

When it was almost time for lunch, I received a notification in my inbox. It was an explanation for the explosion on the 18th floor. They claimed that the 18th floor was undergoing renovation and a wall collapsed by accident.


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