
I can explain.

Today is the day I confront Grayson. I found out he would be at the office today, so that's a perfect time.

I have noticed that I've gotten accustomed to the routine here. It is my new life, even the dress style, which used to bother me. I have gotten used to it, but I do not even know if I should; the way it has been going so far, so unsteady, I might find out I'm going home tomorrow.

Once I get to the office, I sit in my little corner and start filing the documents. I never know what the documents say, it's in a different language. Anika called it Lithia or something like that. I wonder if they will teach me, it or is it like an insider's thing?

I use the work to distract myself and so far, it's working; it seems to be a language mainly made up of symbols and written with a special type of pen. I am trying to read the paper and there are certain words I see more than once and I try to pronounce them and figure out what they mean, but I am probably miserably failing.

I am noticing a few things about Atheria; mainly the office; the dragon symbol that I saw at the palace on the columns seems to be everywhere; especially on the documents it's stamped on each documents. And this is the records office: what are they recording, because I have not seen anything looking like numbers? I feel like I have been put in one big puzzle.

"Hey Aria," Tori says to me; she's holding some documents and she hands them to me

"Can you please do me a favour and deliver this for me, I've given you the directions to the office there" she points to a little piece of paper that is in front of the documents

"Sure, I'll be right back" I stand up and start looking for the direction on the paper, and I'm confronted by a huge flight of stairs (no wonder she did not want to do this herself). 'The fifth floor the 2nd office to the right is written on the paper. I get to the fifth-floor panting and wanting to get a leg amputation. I feel so happy and relieved when I see the door and it's closed. It is the boss' door I'll finally get to meet him, but I'm a little nervous. I knock on the door until I hear 'come in' I go in and I'm shocked, Grayson is there sitting next to the boss; it seems they were having a meeting.

"What took you so long?, and aren't you the new girl, you're not allowed to be in this part of the building who sent you here?" He was about to say more when he is interrupted by Grayson's hand, shot up in a dismissive way, stopping him, and he, gives a bow, says something in Lithia, and he leaves.

"Thank you," I say to Grayson and turn around to leave when I feel a cold hand holding my forearm. I look back at Grayson and pull my hand back and he gives me a confused look

"What's wrong, princess, did I offend you somehow?" He asks, as he puts some of my hair behind my ear.

"I know you are a vampire and about your family" I blurt out and move back from him; the face he gives me tells me he knows what I'm talking about

"I should have been honest with you but hear me out, I know about my family and I's reputation and that's why I didn't tell you about that part of my life I didn't want what you and I have, I

t's pure love and I did not want it to be tainted by that, and I can promise you I'm not like the rest of my family that's why I didn't tell you about them I just wanted this one thing not to be about them, I didn't want you to see me as some monster, that's how most people see me so please understand why I didn't tell you," he says desperately.

I instantly feel bad after I treated him like a monster. I did not even give him a chance. I didn't have the words, so I just hugged him, he hugs me back, holding my head because he's much taller than me, and even though he's cold, all I felt was warmth from him. He holds my face and says,

"I can never get over how beautiful you are, let's go somewhere just me and you because now that you know I can show you". I could not stop looking into his golden eyes

"where are we going? " I ask, and he gives me a cheeky smirk

"you'll see" he says as he grabs my hands and says something in lithia...