
The lost Fairytale

Blud_boi · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

A story

Dad can you please tell me a story? Pretty please!! Fine OK get ready this is a long story...

Quinn had always been a simple man, content with his modest life in the bustling city of New York. He had a loving family, a stable job, and a small circle of friends. But one fateful evening, everything changed.

As Quinn walked home from work, he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. An armed robber, desperate for money, approached him with a gun in hand. Fear gripped Quinn's heart as he realized the danger he was in. He tried to reason with the robber, pleading for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

In a cruel twist of fate, Quinn's life was abruptly cut short. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the empty street, and his body fell to the ground, lifeless. The world around him faded into darkness, and Quinn's consciousness slipped away.

When Quinn opened his eyes again, he found himself in a completely different world. Gone were the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets of New York. Instead, he found himself surrounded by lush green fields, quaint cottages, and a distant castle perched on a hill.

Confusion washed over him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He looked down at himself and realized he was no longer the middle-aged man he once was. Instead, he was now a young boy, dressed in tattered clothes, with dirt-streaked cheeks and unkempt hair.

Quinn soon discovered that he had been reincarnated in a medieval world, far removed from the comforts of his previous life. He was now a poor kid, struggling to survive in a world filled with knights, castles, and magic.

With a heavy heart, Quinn set out to navigate this new reality. He quickly learned that life in this world was harsh and unforgiving. Poverty was rampant, and survival was a daily struggle. But Quinn was determined to make the best of his situation.

He found solace in the small village named Anwel, which he now called home. The villagers, though poor themselves, welcomed him with open arms. They taught him the ways of their world, from farming to swordplay. Quinn's days were filled with hard work, but he relished the opportunity to learn and grow.

As time passed, Quinn's skills improved, and he became known for his resourcefulness and determination. He found himself drawn to the stories of knights and their noble quests, dreaming of a life filled with adventure and purpose.

Little did Quinn know that his dreams were about to become a reality. The kingdom was in turmoil, plagued by a wicked sorcerer who threatened to overthrow the rightful king. The people were desperate for a hero, someone who could stand up against the darkness and restore peace to the land.

Quinn's journey was just beginning. With his newfound skills and unwavering spirit, he would embark on a grand adventure, facing dangerous creatures, treacherous landscapes, and powerful enemies. The fate of the kingdom rested on his young shoulders, and he was determined to prove that even a poor kid could become a hero.

To be continued...

(A quick note from the Author if you like his so far please consider commenting if you comment it makes me know you guys want more chaps thanks!)