

What would you do if you were the last Christian on earth? David Heringer, son of two renowned pastors, grew up surrounded by all the affection and attention of his parents, in the same way that he grew up under the shadow of the tragedy of his brother's death, which he never managed to overcome, thus abandoning his faith and finding in music and in the love that only the beautiful and talented writer Ivy Johnson, daughter of the most powerful and richest man in the world could give. After marrying Ivy, David skyrocketed in his music career, reaching the highest possible rank of stardom, winning numerous awards and on the day he would be the best of his entire life, tragedy took his wife's life forcing her facing a new reality, a world where there is no love a thousand years in the future, the future that his father-in-law, William Johnson designed. With the creation of the Omega Virus, deadly to almost all human beings, William Johnson wants to create a world in his own way, a world where only the chosen will survive, two thirds of humanity will be decimated and the way we live will never be the same. . With a turn of events, not even the President of the United States of America, Jennie Heringer-Wilkinson will be able to change the future that David wakes up a thousand years in the future. The reality we all know can change from one hour to the next, and the world as we know it will never be the same, it is not the beginning of the end, just a new beginning for all humanity.

Rafael_Zimichut · Lịch sử
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IT WAS MORE THAN A DREAM that revelation to David.

Carlisle Burke explained that Catherine was willing to separate the two anyway, but even Catherine couldn't imagine that she would be killed by her own children — as she never cared about anyone at all but herself — and that was killing her children little by little for a long time. inside.

When the two learned that Catherine tried to kill him by threatening Charles' daughter — if he didn't kidnap and kill David — it was then that they decided to act, of course, everything had been masterfully orchestrated by William, who finally took revenge on his wife. by betrayal.

That's how Charles came into David's life, but even Charles couldn't have imagined that David's attitude would be like that. When the car flipped, Victor and Ted released Jennie without her mother knowing. She thought every day of her life that the girl had managed to break free and run away, but David's brothers-in-law had done the one good deed of all their lives.

IT LOOKED LIKE THE PUZZLE was finally starting to show its final figure.

Carlisle Burke told David to be careful, because he would have a big obstacle, and the direction of everything would be in his hands. It was necessary for him to reach Eden, only there would he find the reason for everything he had gone through, and what he would still go through.

Will I still pass? What else do I have to go through? — David thought with the smile of happiness he hadn't had in a while.

David asked where he could find Ivy.

Burke said she was in the Land of the Rising Sun.

David understood that it was in Tokyo.

But why in Japan?

Carlisle Burke explained that it was the safest place in the world, because the Japanese invented a barrier that protected them from the satellite lens, so they were the most peaceful people in the world, they didn't need the other peoples of the earth, they survived with their own resources.

When Carlisle Burke chose Japan to house Ivy, he thought it would be the best place for her.

David asked the question that anyone else in the world would ask:

— Why didn't they put us together?

The answer was simple and straightforward as always:

— IVY COULD NOT BE IN the reports David, we needed to protect you at all costs, only you were part of the — Adam and Eve — project, when I gave that name, I soon imagined that you would kill the riddle, but from what I saw, you are moved more for your feelings than you realize, when they found out that Ivy had also been hibernated, a third person was also hibernated away from our project, and it's that person you have to worry about David...

— Who else?

He replied without realizing the speech had come out.

Carlisle Burke didn't know for sure, but this person could bring great complications, they had to be alert in every detail. Ivy knew the whole story. With her, it was not necessary to distribute the clues to protect them, as was the case with David:

— Ivy is waiting for you in Tokyo, David...

It was the last thing Carlisle Burke's hologram said before it hung up for good.

David didn't think twice about going to buy tickets to Tokyo, he knew that this time the trip would be much longer, and he could explain everything to Adam along the way.

Adam didn't understand anything at first...

Had they just arrived and would they leave?

David said he would explain everything on the way — which sparked the boy's curiosity even more, as he was curious to know everything.

DAVID SATISFIED his CURIOSITY about everything that had happened in the past, what had happened these weeks in the future, and that Ivy would be waiting for him in Tokyo — which made the boy jump for joy — hoping to see a happy ending to that story. Although he was sad to see the cover of David's parents' Bible torn, that book he was really enjoying reading.

THE JOURNEY TAKEN LONGER for David than for Adam — which is perfectly natural — after all, the boy had a lot of fun with the adventures told by his new father — new no, the only father he had known in his life, but that didn't discourage him. to neither.

Although he didn't regularly call him father-yet-David treated him like a truly beloved son. He often fondly remembered his parents, who had always treated people in their community the same way he was treated at home-especially when those people were older than they were.

His father was not like the shepherd in that parable:

A pastor was the greatest example of life inside his church — but a real executioner inside his own home with his family — he shouted at his children, beat his wife...

One day, this pastor's family moved into the church, claiming that at least there — in the church — he respected and loved his family...

No... his parents were definitely the greatest family references he knew in the world, and David wanted to be exactly like they were...

A good example for everyone...

AT LAST THEY ARRIVED TO TOKYO, or at least what they called Tokyo.

David did a show at a theater under a weird name early on in his career. Tokyo was the Asian — Las Vegas—, full of electronic banners, it was everything he imagined about the future, but as he saw it, he realized he was completely wrong.

Tokyo was back to how he saw Japan in the history books, with those funny houses, people in kimono training martial arts, drinking sake in the squares, telling old stories about warriors. David understood why they were the most peaceful people on earth and why Ivy needed to be here, because here, she really would be safe, away from everyone and everything — whoever was causing them danger.

David had bought a real — time translator to understand Japanese, after all, that language was incomprehensible to any English— speaking American like him.

Adam had fun with everything, he was in another world, he was finally the child he wanted to be, happy, because he was getting to know the world, completed inside by a paternal love, something that almost no one, or, only he in the world had.

The Japanese were the simplest and most intelligent people he had ever seen in that new world.

All of their technology was inside their homes and not outside. On the outside, they kept all the tradition, and inside their houses, it was what he expected of the future, everything was commanded by the voice. They didn't move a finger, everything was by voice command. Everyone had a robot as a servant, David would never have imagined that when he arrived in that country, it was incredible. That was perfect, the future mixed with the past.

David asked all the people if they had seen Ivy, after all, it wasn't so hard to miss seeing a different person in the midst of a lot of the same people.

There, Ivy was known as "the West".

Indeed she had been there, had only spent a few days there. But something happened that made her go to Sydney, nobody knew what really happened, everyone only knew that after a phone call she received, it left her very astonished and uneasy, after that, she bought her ticket and went to Sydney without say goodbye to anyone.

DAVID WAS FRUSTRATED, but at the same time he knew he was on the right path, he missed his wife a lot, after all, he never imagined he would see her again — except in heaven — that is, if he went to heaven — since he had turned his back on God all his life — but not now, he was walking forward, not feeling sorry for himself, not even caring what Burke had warned him about a third person from the past who had also been hibernated. Maybe they even had more people, nobody knows, after all, it was a time when human beings were too crazy — to think about the disastrous consequences of their actions.

Human beings have always been inconsequential by nature, they never measured efforts to dominate other people, other peoples...

If David believed in ET's, he would say that even their planets, they — human beings — wanted to conquer, but humans never discovered the truth about beings from other planets, since they didn't even find out about themselves.

This time they couldn't take any trains, the trip would be by ship. David thought about airplanes, but he discovered that airplanes didn't exist anymore at that time, after all, cars ruled the air, and if there were airplanes, there could be many accidents.

David thought of a thousand solutions about avoiding air accidents, but since he wasn't from that time, he didn't want to manifest, he just agreed to travel by ship — despite hating open seas, and hating the delay — but that was necessary.

ADAM — AS ALWAYS — was thrilled with the new trip.

Said the irritatingly happy boy:

— Traveling by ship... oh my, how lucky...

I wish I felt that way too... — David thought when he saw the boy's happiness.

BEING WITH ADAM was doing David good, it had awakened feelings he had never felt before in his entire life. He was always imagining what it would be like to be a father, and suddenly, he was a father overnight, he never thought he would take it out of his mind.

Adam studied every day — via satellite — because there were no more schools, everything was done via the internet. Virtual teachers taught classes, so the student programmed part of his day to study, if he felt sleepy, he slept a little, if he felt hungry, he would stop studying for a moment and eat. Everything was according to the student's routine, no people messing around in the classroom, no annoying and annoying teachers who don't like us, that was student paradise.

Hardly any student got a low grade with this new education system created by the Japanese, after all, they were the smartest on the planet, nothing better than them creating the best education system imaginable.

Unfortunately, the ship that went from Japan to Sydney took a while to leave — since they didn't leave daily. They had to stay two more weeks in Japan, meanwhile.

David took the opportunity to find out more about that new world that he wasn't enjoying.

David activated the hologram and Burke said that in parts that progress had been good for everyone, only planned according to a madman's dreams, but if it had been executed by President Jennie, everything would have been in full accord. Humanity would have continued in its full glory, billions of people would not have died, technological advancement would have continued, and if we look closely, if consumerism had continued, the planet would not have been able to withstand it, perhaps it would have even been necessary to have that radical attitude.

David was outraged by that futile comment, after all, humanity has always known how to deal with the consequences of its actions — or nature. It had survived the ice age, it had survived the three great world wars — since the Great Holocaust, in school it was taught that it had been the Third and last Great War in history — even though it was not a war itself.

Men would always find some solution — no matter what way — after all, life will always overcome the impure desires of a murderous madman.

David studied history along with Adam — to learn more about that crazy time they put him in. David just didn't know if it was good or not — being unique in the whole world, no and no, he just decided to follow a wise word from his mother:

God always knows what he does my son, as much as we don't understand him...

TWO WEEKS LATER, they managed to board that ship. It was a luxury liner, which was called Konquest.

Where had David ever heard something like this?

Yes... The restaurant where he had met Ivy — Konker's — unfortunately an ocean liner takes a long time to get anywhere — no matter how close it was.

It took two weeks for them to arrive on the big island of the "Brand New World".

IN THESE TWO WEEKS, David only studied history, everything that had happened in those thousand years of his absence. There came a time when David couldn't take any more knowing about all the atrocities that had happened to humanity — caused by itself.

When he went out to get some air, David saw the harbor — it was something monstrous — it was out of this world. After that first sight, David understood why it was called the New World there.

Sydney really was the — city of the future — literally speaking — that David had been hoping to find since he woke up. Everything there reminded him of what David had seen in the movies, the robots, the houses, the sports, the culture, that was the future he was hoping to find, it wasn't the — favela — city that New York had become, nor the — cultured — London, much less the — traditional — Tokyo.

DAVID TURNED ON THE HOLOGRAM, but Burke had nothing else to say at that moment, all David had to do was on his own.

David then used the resource that worked best in that world — or at any time in human history — money.

He hired some private investigators to find out as much as they could about Ivy's whereabouts in Sydney.

Detectives discovered that she arrived two months ago hidden on a ship. She was arrested and sentenced to fulfill some community tasks — to pay her fare, but managed to escape anyway. Many people say they have seen her working as a waitress, secretary, but the locations were hitherto unknown. It was hard to find someone in a city where the easiest thing was to get lost.

Sidney had two reverse sides that David noticed, at the same time that it was the city of the future, it was also a nest of the most insidious promiscuity. On every corner there were several prostitutes with different prices.

David recalled that the oldest profession in the world was still active. Everything there worked for a price, information, it was so much... Fun, so much... Pleasure, so much. Nobody knew what it was like to do something to help someone from the heart, if you needed help, you had to pay the person something.

David let himself be carried away by the will of God, this is how his parents often spoke:

When you don't know where to go, standing still you won't get anywhere, walking you get there. You just don't know 'where', but it arrives somewhere. Because, sometimes the best place is the place we don't know where it is, because you have the opportunity to know new things...

DAVID FOUND A luxury HOTEL in the center of the city, rented an apartment for him and another for Adam, after all, the boy also needed a little freedom and privacy.

David transferred a good amount of money to Adam's account — in case he wanted to shop, play some games and all that.

DAVID LEFT WITHOUT ANY DIRECTION, he just kept the name of the hotel in his memory — Sullivan's — that was it, it was time to follow his destiny.

He began to walk through the streets not knowing where it would lead.

AFTER TWO HOURS WALKING through the bright streets of Sydney.

David felt being approached by a woman who had deftly stole his watch, if it hadn't been a wedding present, from his last birthday, David wouldn't have cared, but that was the greatest relic he had. He would give all his fortune for that watch.

David ran after the woman with all his strength. Despite the thief being very fast, she entered a dark alley and stayed there... seeming to wait for David.

David ran after him, saw nothing but a half — open door.

David came in wanting to know who that thief was who had stolen his watch, because if she needed money, David would be more than happy to give her some of his infinite amount in the bank... that would be the least of her problems.

Money was the least of it... — David thought.

That's when suddenly, David heard a voice he hadn't heard in a long time — and that he was anxiously waiting to hear:

— Hello David, looking for someone?

It was as if time for him stopped at that moment:

— Ivy... — David said automatically:

— Of course… Did you expect someone else? — Ivy said with the most beautiful smile on the planet.

David ran towards her and arrived before her tears ran down her face.

The two hugged and kissed as if it was the last time they would see each other...