
The lonely little monster

This story is about a little girl who has been pushed aside and rejected by the society in which she lives. But not everything was as bad as she thought, there were good people that she could trust and consider as friends. She would be in charge of proving how wrong society was about her.

ForeverMadGirl22 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Act 2

So happy was the little being to find new friends, that he never thought that there would be people who would want to break his happiness.

If that was the case, there were people who wanted with all their might to see the little monster suffer again, she did not know it until one day those people let her know, she alone could be strong and ignore them. But she knew that she could not run away all the time, her friends already noticed something strange in her habitual behavior, if she continued like this in a short time she will fall into despair, fear and pain.

One day she couldn't take any more and vent all the accumulated pain, her friends when seeing her cry, anguished and worried wanted to know who or who were responsible for that, from that moment they would protect her, and they would not forgive whoever hurt someone so sweet and tender like her. At first, she did not tell them anything about what happened, but then she felt the need to do so, since they deserved to know about her because they were her friends, and they cared about her. For now, she knows that she will be fine if she remains with them, but every day she feels that there will come a time when they will not be there to protect and care for her, having to use that shield herself against others.

<Really, there are times when I am very afraid and wish to abandon everything>

-the little girl thought through tears-

(to be continued)