
New City, New Girl

There's something about moving to a new city that makes me feel alive. I've had to move 10 times in 6 years and every single time I'm filled with the same feeling of adventure, logically I should be a professional traveller, what with my wanderlust and the fact that I've travelled so much I practically live at the airport.

Moving to LA is very different to moving to any other city in the USA, you wouldn't find this many aspiring actors/actresses even in NYC, it's mildly amusing but mostly disconcerting. The amount of people that I've come across wearing an array of bizarre outfits is extraordinary, but the funny thing is that you already know that these poor saps won't get any more than being an extra or a stunt-double. The real actors/actresses reside in Hollywood and thankfully I'm nowhere near there. This hustle and bustle is nothing compared to what you'd experience in Hollywood.

As I finally arrived at the university campus I'm now supposed to call home, I'm suddenly stopped by a rather short guy, who looks unbelievably anxious, which leads me to think he couldn't be any more than 18. He looks at me the way I think a mouse would look at an approaching cat. He then proceeds to finally say an intelligible sentence, as prior to this he was just mumbling something under his breath.

"H-hi....A-are you new here?" He says nervously

"Heya. Yeah, I've just come from the airport. I'm May by the way."

"Ah ok. I, uh, know who you are. I'm Charlie. In case you were wondering."

God, this guy couldn't be more awkward if he tried. "How do you know who I am?"

"I'm supposed to show any new students around. You're on my list." He says with an almost proud look on his face, while pointing to a list on the clipboard he's holding, which indeed has my name on it.

"Alright. Well, show me around then." Admittedly there's probably a nicer way I could've said that, but man this guy's too much.

He does some weird over the top gesture and then decides to tell me the most blatantly obvious things like: "this is the door you'll have to go through to get inside." "that's the bleachers over there." He continues like that for another 10 minutes before finally showing me inside the actual University. After another round of telling me the obvious, he shows me my classrooms and then finally, the only part of this charade I actually care about, my dorm room.

Thankfully, whoever my roommate is, doesn't seem very girly. No pink in sight. So, that's definitely a plus. Charlie, the incredibly awkward guy departs, and I'm finally left alone again. For about 5 minutes, and then I hear a high pitched squeal. Of course, it's my new roomie. Well, this will be 'fun'....

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