
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
61 Chs

Chapter 54: Danger Everywhere

After Gyarados attacked the Ship at night, unlike last night's lack of guard, the deck of the ship tonight was full of frigate sailors patrolling back and forth.

The passengers were unwilling to come to the deck at this time in case they were in danger again. Therefore, except for some patrolling sailors and persevering anglers, almost no ordinary passengers were seen on the deck at this time.

The guests on the ship are naturally very happy with the guarding actions of the sailors on the ship. Because of this, the shick brought by the attack by the Gyarados group yesterday has also faded a lot, and they can finally go back to sleep feeling safe.

Facing the sea breeze, Kaede sat on a small folding wooden chair staring at the fluorescent buoy on the dark sea.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the frequent movements of the frigate sailors patrolling the sea, Kaede still found nothing during the night fishing trip that lasted more than half an hour.

About two hours later, the person Kaede has been waiting for has finally arrived. It is Hansel.

After noticing the dozing "Aipom" on Kaede's shoulder, Hansel came very quietly to Kaede's side, and then put his hands leaning on the boat rail, and observed people fishing from the sidelines.

"did you find it?"

Suddenly, Kaede broke the silence and asked softly.

"Found it, but I can't tell you."

Hansel took a deep breath with the cigarette in his hand. After spitting out a long cigarette puff, he said softly, and when he turned around, his face was full of coldness.

"I understand, many thanks to your reminder, I will transfer Integral Points to you later."

Hearing this unexpected news, Kaede's face suddenly changed slightly, but soon returned to normal, and continued to speak softly. Once he finished speaking, he began to put the fishing rod and folding wooden chair into the space equipment, and then began go away.

Seeing Kaede leaving, Hansel threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the sea behind him, seriously revealing a trace of cold light, but seeing the people around him he could only watch Kaede leave without intending to make a move.

"Greetings Sir."

After Kaede was completely gone, a sailor riding a Pelipper flew down to Hansel's side from the night sky, and Hansel saluted the sailor immediately when he saw the sailor.

At the same time, the nearby patrolling sailors and anglers saluted him one after another, and then returned to the original position after the other side slightly nodded.

"Is he?"

Seeing that everyone else would return to work, the sailor Rhodes lay his hands on the bar and asked with his back to Hansel.

"Yes, my lord, it is him. Should we take any mandatory actions? If we let him act without authorization, the rats may be disturbed by him."

Hearing Rhodes questioning him, Hansel's face was slightly white, and he quickly lowered his head and said respectfully.

The person who sneak attacked Kaede was one of the people who brought Gyarados over last night. Hansel only learned about this after accepting Kaede's commission.

In fact, thanks to the clues provided by Kaede, other Team Rocket members on the ship found this person, and accidentally discovered that this person was one of the troublemakers they needed to find. Yes this ship and all of its Crew belonged to Team Rocket. Kaede came to know about this when he accidentally saw a sailor with Team Rocket watch. This is also the reason why they were able to procure Royal type water Pokemon with such ease as they already knew Kaede was a Team Rocket Soldier and decided to get in his good books.

Now, Rhodes is planning how to use this exposed person to catch everything in one net, but in this matter, Kaede is obviously an unstable factor.

Although Kaede is also a member of Team Rocket, he is not a member of the Poseidon faction where Hansel and Rhodes belong. Therefore, Rhodes chose to exclude him from the plan this time.

"No, he is a shrewd man who knows what he should do and not. As for you, you must keep an eye on the exposed rat, otherwise your end will not be pleasent."

Rhodes walked to Hansel, patted him on the shoulder, and shook his head slightly. Once he finished speaking, he gestured to Pelipper on ground, and then flew into the dark sky on Pelipper.

On the top roof of the Ship, Rhodes landed under Pelipper's help. At this time, there was already a beautiful woman with ice blue straight long hair and beside her a strong Pidgeot.

"I didn't expect that behind that kid would be you, Sophia. Since the last time we got together, it has been almost 3 years. How about we get some dinner? I prepared your favorite deep-sea fish."

Unfortunately, in the face of Rhodes's enthusiasm, Sophia only nodded to Rhodes, and said "Good night, Rhodes." Then, under Rhodes's somewhat disappointed gaze, she rode on Pidgeot. Disappeared into the night sky.

"She was finally willing to speak to me. This should be considered an improvement."

Looking at the silhouette that quickly disappeared in the sky, Rhodes's smile suddenly stiffened, and then a wry smile appeared.

In his room, Kaede was pacing back and forth in the hall, his face was very serious at this moment, as if thinking about something serious.

"it seems that things are really not simple. If this is the case, i can only endure this temporarily, but what is it that makes Hansel and the others suddenly exude killing intent towards me? Why is it? What is this person Identity?"

The drastic change in Hansel's attitude made Kaede vigilant.

"Could it be that the Gyarados group attack last night was not an accident, yes, this ship is a Team Rocket ship, and the management is all Team Rocket people, how could there be a low-level error such as a route error, maybe There is something terrible on the ship that makes some people take risks at the expense of using external forces, and the person who sneak attacked me was probably the member of the Gyarados group attack. Hansel, they were afraid that I, an outsider, would interfere."

Finally, when Kaede looked at the sea surface with Moonlight spilling outside the window, when Magikarp suddenly splashed from the sea surface, a light flashed in his eyes suddenly as if a light bulb just glowed on head, seeming to catch a certain key point in all of this, and then quickly made such a hypothesis.

It's just that Kaede also knows that even though his guess may still be wrong, but he still is willing to wait it out and find the perfect opportunity.

"No, I still have a chance to find that guy, but it's already very difficult. If I continue to investigate it, it will definitely not be as simple as just getting a warning. I will be killed by them, by my own people, it truly is an irony".

Imagine that his hypothesis is true. Kaede continued to analyze this hypothesis and his own purpose, and suddenly came to such a result that he felt a little ironic.

"Ahh~, the situation would've been better if only my strength was alittle stronger."

Kaede sighed, got up from the sofa, then walked to the window to look at the night seascape in front of him, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes.


Time passed, the 2nd day of the sun arrived as expected, and today, Kaede also got up early. At this time, he was watching the sun gradually rising from the sea level on the bow deck.

At the same time, Kaede's hand is holding to a big bucket, which is has a large number of small fishes.

Because the bucket is full of a large number of fishes, and the fishy smell in the bucket is quite strong at this time.

It is precisely because of this strong fishy smell that some creatures that also like to get up early on the sea began to appear in front of Kaede along the smell, but because of the Golbat beside Kaede, they all just watched.

However, when Kaede holding plastic gloves picked up some small fishes in the bucket and threw it to the surface of the sea ahead, some shrewd creatures suddenly appeared like sharp arrows, and then the fish that was about to fall into the sea were picked up in there mouth.

"Come on, you are welcome, these fishes are specially prepared for you."

Seeing the few hungry Wingulls in front of him scrambling to eat the marine fish he threw out, Kaede once again grabbed a handful of fish from the bucket, and said with a smile while throwing it out.The free breakfast is naturally accepted by these Wingulls gladly.

As Kaede continuously throws fishes into the sea, more and more Wingulls gather near Kaede. When the fishes in the bucket were about to run out, several pelippers appeared in the nearby Wingull group.

For Kaede, who provided their breakfast for free, the nearby Wingull and Pelipper are very grateful, so they do not have any malice towards him and Golbat next to him.

Among them, there are still many simple-minded young Wingulls who fall by Kaede's side. For a while, the sailors and ordinary early-rise passengers in the vicinity frequently look over here.

"Sure enough, it is really not easy to find a good Pokemon 100 Wingulls have been appraised by me, but only a few have a Hydration characteristic and a Genetic move."

Looking at the empty bucket, and at the Pokemon around him temporarily staying beside him because of their fullness, his smile remained unchanged, but there was a regretful feeling in his heart.

He appeared on the deck early in the morning to throw fish. The reason is naturally not to be a Philanthropist. The purpose is to attract these Wingulls who just got up early and had stomach rumbling with hunger, and then appraise them to find his favourite Wingull or Pelipper among them.

But I don't know if the Characteristic Trait of Drizzle is too rare. Overwhelming majority of Wingull's Characteristic Trait is Keen Eye. Wingull with Hydration is as rare as Wingull with Implicit Characteristic.

Among these Wingulls with Hydration Character, At present, there are only 2 Wingulls that seemed to satisfy him.

These 2 Wingulls with only Hydration, both from the perspective of Growth and Hereditary move and Inustructed moves, their Aptitude should be considered very good.

But what gives Kaede a headache is that these two Wingulls are guarded by bodyguards. No, it should be said that they are guarded by their parents.

Judging from the fact that those Wingulls took the initiative to bring some small fish to the mouths of these 2 Pelippers, the status of these 2 Pelippers in the group of Wingulls around them is not low. If Kaede rushed to make a move, It is possible to encounter the siege of Wingulls in an instant.

But he is not in a hurry. He already has 6 Pokémon in his hand. If he wants to continue to increase his Pokemon, he must carefully consider them.

Soon, after seeing that the bucket next to Kaede was empty, and more and more strangers appeared on the deck, a large number of Wingulls began to fly away quickly.

Soon, the scene of the Wingull group on the bow deck quickly disappeared, and Kaede was also ready to pick up the bucket and leave the place.

"Hello, my name is Madison, are you Mr. Sato Kaede?"

When Kaede just picked up the bucket, a very pleasant voice appeared behind him. He turned around to see a beautiful girl that was very familiar to a certain Joy clan woman he had seen.

To be Continued....

Okay so a chapter to fill in some plot holes... also tournament begins in the chapter so watch out for that.

Thank you for reading this and also i appreciate your feedback good or bad so keep'em comming. Also i have decided that after the tournament i'll probably revise the previous chapters and update them so if you have any problem with the previous chapters do tell me i will rectify them.

Stay hydrated and i'll see you next time on Dragon B...
